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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. The main reason I am no way joining that is because of that warz picture in the title. Yuck.
  2. Jfiles

    Advance to contact!

    how does one get 1/2 a kill.....Did he shoot his legs off?
  3. I have a nice little home setaway somewhere to fortify and set my lovely m4 and cr. There I shall hunt and fish. #helpthenoobs
  4. COming from the guy who made a whole thread about it.
  5. Jfiles

    can this build run dayz and the dayz mod

    Says your cart is empty. Got no idea wat you got
  6. Keep it close. Then place that down and save that longhorn! Good luck with it! havn't found one myself. But my m4 will do nicely when I place it in it
  7. If that's how you feel. Get the fuck out. None of us want to hear you rant. We are still here because we deal with the PRE-ALPHA problems. So go ahead. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  8. Jfiles

    future melee weapon? Katana?

    I could not have laughed harder, unless I was watching Louis C.K
  9. Jfiles

    future melee weapon? Katana?

    you. I like you because of your picture. Good shit. the 1st doctor was the best. Just found a doctor who theme where when you empty the recycle bin it says exterminate! :D Just got it. Trying to find other cool things. Damn the Dalek voice is funny when they arn't shooting at somebody XD
  10. Jfiles

    Stuck inside a wall question

    You could say that your attempts to get out, leave you.....wait for the pun.....little longer......STUCK.
  11. Jfiles

    TRADE !

    ya. Persistant storage is coming closer and closer. Dat m4 is going away immediately,
  12. Jfiles

    TRADE !

    I have a fully decked out m4. An acog pristine. Aww ya. So trev. shhhh and an RIS handguard XD worn
  13. Jfiles

    Can Not play Mod

    Some key to access the raw files in your own hard drive? Weird. Never had to enter any key
  14. Jfiles

    Teaming up

    No rules broken. You are allowed to post dayz videos, screenshots, etc. Lots of people do it. But you are not allowed to post links to streams I believe. Unless its like a stream from Rocket. I think that is an acception. Might be wrong
  15. well that ip makes me not want to join if i was him. Y u kill bambis brah!?!
  16. Your fly made me angry (good joke though) but right now the melee system right now makes it difficult to kill zombies without a gun. But lots of good stuff is new.
  17. Jfiles

    NEW UPDATE: what the **** have they done?

    Ya. The melee system makes it impossible to kill zombies quitely.
  18. Jfiles

    Deffibulator or adrenaline shot.

    you may only get the pc if you can spell the word defib fully and correctly ;)
  19. The standalone is poorly optimized. But, right now you just gotta deal with it. But, hey. Its better than a lot of peoples' setup. But, nothing really you can do
  20. Jfiles


    Do I smell a free blowjob in place?
  21. Jfiles

    Shout button

    They are not unrelated. They are suggestions. Which belong in one post. 2 suggestions. One Topic. Fair? Fair.
  22. I think steam is down...XD
  23. Jfiles

    Shout button

    But you don't need to make 3 posts for something when you can just put them all into one. Regardless of the difference between the suggestion.