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Everything posted by Jfiles

  1. Guess people should run just a little faster then. EDIT: I have yet to experience the problem. And I have been playing the patch all day.
  3. Jfiles

    DayZ SA - Bet Your Vagina Has a Jaw Bone

    this is probably the funniest thing I have heard all night.
  4. oh boy. It;s one of these guys
  5. Jfiles

    Zombie Allies

    Well. I need whatever you are smoking.
  6. Jfiles

    Couple of Questions.

    Don't loot Berezino.
  7. Jfiles

    Fingerless Gloves/hobo gloves

    but...but...our fingers will get cold
  8. Jfiles

    Just bought Day Z, Doesnt work! please help!

    Your graphic drivers up to date?
  9. Jfiles

    Zombie Allies

    Nope. No. No. No. Nope. Nope. Nope. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. None of that shit.
  10. Some people just gotta get forked XD
  11. I like the idea...but please dear god don't use fan fiction as the word to describe....it, brings back memories of..."things" EDIT: I was going to say oh that's de4dcert's video! Then I realized your name XD I am a really big fucking retard
  12. Jfiles

    Water Filtration

    I am unaware of the price of the "straw" but as my point is, It wasn't mean to be issued to EACH soldier. Just UN ones that are helping distribute. But I understood what you are getting at. But I have honestly NEVER seen the straw being suggested and I am quite active here. But, could be wrong my good man.
  13. Jfiles

    Water Filtration

    As I understood :P
  14. Jfiles

    Water Filtration

    y u be rude? He added a different kinda twist. He mentioned that straw like thing, which I have NEVER seen in the filtration suggestions. Besides if it is a run down country they must develop ways to drink water when in need. It could be inc operated into a military zombie or bases because it is something that the military of all people would have, to distribute to civilians (at the beginning of the infection) so they can remain safe by finding dirty water to drink.
  15. Just the thumbnail let me know that this will be good. Nice vid. Subscribing soon EDIT: Said soon cause I am not logged in on youtube
  16. Jfiles

    Dear hackers, please stop

    Dear people complaining about hackers, please stop.
  17. Jfiles

    plese make me feel no more sad

    Maybe....One can help blow my fans?
  18. Jfiles

    Entered Wrong Birthday

    lol g4t off dis geam brah u 2 yung n00b. Nah, just kidding. Fair problem XD
  19. Jfiles

    New Mosin gunshot sound

    That's not the only small thing they are known for. No, not that. The small size of their dlc :D
  20. Jfiles

    Ancient Relics On DayZ

    Alright, these are some screen shots of things I think none of us have seen spawn in a while. We have the tactical vest. Along with an m4. The m4 being an actual one spawned that has been on a logged character for over 2 months now. While the tactical vest being something I just randomly found XD http://imgur.com/32tglxI,e7Ckzyk,Y2cS3YF,yVi7A7b#3
  21. Jfiles

    Tent and Server Question

    If the server goes down. And never comes up. No gear. So pick an official server. That way they wont go down like that
  22. Jfiles

    AK 101 mags sure are uncommon...

    no. I actually get tons of ak 101 mags just lying around. just empty em and throw em back down. Dont server hop and maybe you could check other places than one military base. bugger
  23. Jfiles

    Remove black You are dead screen

    awww ya
  24. Jfiles

    DayZ Standalone - Ep10 - Airfield Ambush HD

    Either way. That is obviously a duped gun. You and your buddy have the exact same one with the same colored parts. Odd. Since they don't spawn anymore.