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About mrkaijik

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  1. - Rep, Joined server asked if I can apply for admin, Banned me on teamspeak and the server. Lost 3 hours worth of gear. The EDG clan will not join the server....
  2. EDG Got banned from your team speak server. I need to know why.
  3. mrkaijik

    EDG | Clan recruitment application

    Accepted, Changed my mind dew the events currently taking place. :)
  4. mrkaijik

    EDG | Clan recruitment application

    We don't need ages in the app, But if they want to know about the clan they can just ask. otherwise please do not bring an internet war. :P
  5. mrkaijik

    EDG | Clan recruitment application

    Accepted, We need more experianced players. And I like your play style. I'll add your skype :)
  6. Do you have skype?: What experiance do you have with dayz?: Why do you want to join (3 reasons): What are you? (Bandit, Hero): Will you be active in the clan?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for joining EDG (Extreme Dayz Gaming) Current owners: Mrkaijik/EDG | Kaijik, iiGranty/EDG | Granty.
  7. mrkaijik

    Starting/looking for a group

    Do you have a Mic? : yes Do you have Teamspeak or Skype? : skype: cameron.cook123 How old are you? : 14 Whats your play style? : Bandit / Scout What experience do you have with DayZ and Arma 2? : I'm good with lightweight weapons. out of 10 my experiance level is 6/10 Whats your timezone? : UK