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Posts posted by The_Lonely_Bandit

  1. So I have been playing DayZ standalone for the past 12 months or so straight, loving and hating it with all my spare time. I've recently taken to starting a youtube channel to just share my experiences with you all, which has been awesome. I'm loving it.


    The game is now unplayable for me and I was hoping you all could help me out with this.

    About 4-5 patches ago I was running this game on high (nearly max) settings. Solid 40 fps in most towns, only problem was desync but I could handle that.


    The game is unplayable, EVERY town I enter immediately not only gives me epic desync issues but also causes my frame rate to drop from a solid 40-50 (in open fields away from buildings) to about 8-12 when entering the towns/cities.

    Here is my PC specs:

    GPU: GeForce GTX 750 (rougly 3-4 months old)

    CPU: Intel® Core i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz

    Memory: 4GB RAM

    OS: Windows 7

    I realise my rig is definitely not ideal for running this game, but I just don't understand how my game can go from running so well to basically unplayable. Is this simply an issue from development? Is there something I can actually do to stop this?

    PLEASE for the love of god do NOT tell me to check out guides on youtube and what not, I have done them ALL. All were useless and told me nothing I already didn't know (or do). This DOES include changing config files!

    Thanks in advance! 

  2. I had a few encounters yesterday. Gave a freshie some food as I was leaving to meet up with a friend. He stopped me for a can opener and then punched me out. I then proceeded to respawn and kill everyone I met. Good times.

    I feel you man, you just can't let your guard down to ANYONE. No matter how sincere they may seem.

    For my part 2 though I do EXACTLY what I just told you not to do! But I can easily say it made for one of the most interesting experiences I've ever had. I'll be uploading part 2 today so feel free to check it out :) 

    • Like 1

  3. Today I had a series of encounters in Cherno, I consider these encounters to be what DayZ is REALLY about. Interaction, action risk and reward!

    Hope you all enjoy!

    FYI part 1 is more of a prologue, make sure to stick around for part 2! It should be up tomorrow some time :D

    Thank you all for the support! 
    • Like 1

  4. That was awkward indeed. Glad you survived tho. 


    Side Note: I'm sitting here at work over-caffeinated and under-rested, when you sped up the footage it made me confused as hell for a sec. lol 

    Hahaha that made my day man! Funny stuff :) 

  5. Lol you lucked out that one guy only had a bow!! Did you manage to find any bandages afterwards?

    Yeah man, if you watch right til the end of the video you will see I crawled out of the room and found a hoodie :) 

    Btw did you see that arrow hit me in the but? :P 


    I get into a fire fight with a group that seems to be just as uncoordinated as I was at the time! The result? Absolute MADNESS!!
    The footage will begin just a minute after initial shots were fired, unfortunately I didn't get that recorded. But fear not! You won't miss much! 
    I sincerely hope you all enjoy this clip, it certainly got my adrenaline pumping! I Don't think I have been so lucky and unlucky at the same time. 
    • Like 1

  7. Here is a clip of myself and a good friend clearing out some banditos in Berezino. We are part of a clan known as The Outsiders, we are true survivalists. But no matter your playstyle, if you see freshies getting KOSed in Berezino, you are going to kill whoever is doing it right? Well we did :D :D 

    I was the one that had the shitty mic so apologies for that!!

    If you enjoyed it feel free to subscribe to Bootleg Bosco as he will have more clips coming out over the coming weeks! 


  8. Disclaimer// Some photos I have taken may contain server information of the servers I was on. I in NO WAY intend for this thread to be used as a promotional tool for said servers. There are many hardcore servers out there, I do not encourage nor discourage people playing on what server they choose. I will try to avoid taking screenshots at the time of the side chat being posted in the future. Sincere apologies if this breaks any rules of the forums or causes issues for people!

    So as some people seemed to actually enjoy my first story (Dat cow tho :P ) I thought I'd post another shortish story and see what you all think. I'm not into providing perfect grammatical works of art, nor am I looking for praise for my own actions. I just want to share my stories with you all. Still I hope you enjoy what I provide. 

    Now... Story time.

    "A new day a new spawn."

    A wise quote I once heard from a nice guy I once met in game. Well nice enough until he shot me in the back while looting.. But.. That's another story. 
    It is true though, after getting my arse wrecked the other night I took a small break from DayZ. I was hurt, mad and cut up about my last session. So I needed to breath.

    Well.. here we are. The shoreline just north of Berezino, north of the large crashed ship "Rify". I don't bother heading towards it at all. Full server, no weapon, chances are I'd be dead before I even saw the boat.

    I do the usual rip up my shirt and begin heading west, through the forest stopping off at black lake for a quick drink. Then continuing my journey west, somewhat backwards from how my last journey went. I began my looting at Olsha, the last place I visited before my previous murder.

    Saying a hello to some poor soul before moving on


    I make my way up over the hill towards the North East Airfield. I stop at the deer stand and look back down towards the ocean, a beautiful sunset could be seen. But the shadows of dead bambis would lay still and blind to my eyes.


    I get my eyes set on the airfield. Again another beautiful sight, full of leg breaking buildings and hidden rabbits that have the footsteps of elephants (those of you who have walked next to them know what I mean :P )

    As I sit on top of the hill contemplating my next decision I take some more screenshots of the pleasant scenery. 


    My debate. North, West or South? 

    I make a choice to not make a choice. Instead I proceed down the hill casually. Making my way to the industrial buildings that hold the destroyed military vehicle spawns. The airfield appears deserted. Not suprising.. Very few people know of the military loot spawns, and even fewer feel it is necessary to hike up there for the limited loot. 

    They are wrong.

    I have plenty of .357 and find a repeater to accommodate these lonely rounds. A vest (Of which I chose out of several I found there) a 1911 and quite a few nice loots. So far so good.

    I cross the open airfield, feeling somewhat untouchable. After my nearly 400 hours of playing SA I am still yet to see another person at that airfield, let alone a sniper looking for a quick kill. I search the car wrecks as I make my way towards Krasnostav, a town famous for being "That town next to the airfield". 

    But wait a minute.

    I remember the airfield being fully refurbished into what seemed like a useless state. The devs in their infinite mistakes made with the game had added in two buildings to the airfield. Initially these buildings had nothing inside, literally. They just were never completed from what I understood. 

    "Fuck it why not?"

    I make my way towards the two buildings. They look dead to me, lootless and without reason. Yet something made me feel drawn to them. I explore the larger building first, two storey with only the first level accessible.

    I sweep through it just in case. 
    Left to right.

    I examine the newly finished interiors.
    "This looks pretty nice, maybe might make for a nice base one day."

    Unfortunately it appeared no loot was set to spawn inside yet. 
    Regardless I made my way to the building next to it, a hanger of some sort.

    "Hopefully one day it will spawn planes here"

    To my surprise....


    "WTF!! My first V3S!!!"

    The first time I had ever found a V3S in SA on a hardcore server. 

    I jumped into it straight away to check the fuel, "Meh, a quarter is plenty". 

    After 5 minutes of trying to reverse through the entrance instead of the hanger doors (Thanks to no mirrors -_-) 
    I finally make it out and decide to just head west along the road. Towards NWAF. "Fuck it why not?"


    I greet the local wildlife on my way. Exhilarated I had actually found a vehicle I was loving anything and everything I saw. Like a little kid that had just received his most wanted toy for christmas.

    I continue to take photos on my way through the countryside, "Maybe I'll loot devils castle for a sword".


    "Things are finally looking good, fuck yeah. I'm going to enjoy the shit out of this truck"



  9. To be honest, getting the complete drop on someone is an amazing feeling. Taking time to prepare for the kill, checking distance, ammo, angles, and so many factors adds to the thrill. Then of course the clean kill. 

    I've found there is only ONE thing that feels better to this feeling. 

    Helping people. 

    There is nothing you can do in DayZ that gives you the same emotions you get when you hear someone say "Wow. Thank you so much, thanks for you help and thanks for not killing me".

    Some people just prefer one type of feeling to another.

    • Like 5

  10. Sweet justice for KOS. BTW what we're you doing with a holstered weapon? That's city life 101 bro, keep your guard up.

    I know man! I was a fucking idiot. 

    I was high on hero feelings man, thought I was gonna save a bambi or something. Which is very uncharacteristic of myself. 

  11. By the way I'm glad a lot of you all liked the story, it would be great if more people told of their encounters in DayZ. After all it is all about the experience and interaction with others.

    Oh and I saw somebody mentioned that I may have been axed from behind, that is definitely a possibility. The thing is, the yelling I heard from the other man was in a building, directly across the street from me. So if it was a legit player, I would have easily seen them run out of the building. Whereas invisible/speedhackers don't need to even open doors to be able to enter them. I'd like to add I've died like this several times, and at the very least 3 of those times my back was to a wall where legit flanking was physically impossible. 

    Regardless, I'm just hoping to share some of my stories with you all, not make pointless hackusations. 




    So if it was an invisible hacker how do you know he used an axe, and by all probability if they were a hacker  they wouldn't be using an axe.



    Other than that, I like the picture of a cow in the street. 

    Because of the sound that axes make when they hit a person, it was certainly a melee object of some type. Don't try to make out I'm a butthurt twelvie or something. 

  13. An invisible hacker axes me in the face...


    I'm not convinced !

    Did you see him break legs too ?


    Apart from the hackspam, nice story.

    I didn't see the man that had his legs broken. I just heard him yelling, which proves nothing. But getting axed in the face, from the angle that the front entrance faced would have been impossible for a normal player to do. I would have seen them, even if I was desyncing. I've died by invisible hacks before so I know it when I "see" it.

    Sorry you thought it was filled with "hackspam". It's just how it went down. I'm not trying to make this into a bitch fit against hackers or anything :) (Not that I like them in anyway)

  14. So I thought I'd share a short story of mine that I experience earlier today. To preface the story I'd like to add that I have taken to love and dedicate my entire SA time to hardcore only servers now and this story took place on a hardcore server, adding to the immersion in a indescribable manner. I encourage you all to try out 1st person only servers!

    Now... Story time:


    So your probably thinking.. WTF???! Haha I know but this is where my story begins. I log onto a high pop 1st person server at Berezino, now many of you may think "Oh well shit riperino dude". I thought the same, but funnily enough things seemed calm. No distant sniper shots, no new spawns running around hitting anything that moves. It was relaxing and to be honest the sunset made it quite beautiful and peaceful. WHAT?! Peaceful? In DayZ!?! I know.. Give it a second...

    So I loot around the hospital, get pretty well geared. Drybag, sawnoff shotty, green raincoat, LOTS of food and ammo for several guns that I couldn't find!. So obviously my next choice was the police station on the coast, naturally I move down towards it cautiously. Dealing with any and all zeds silently, looting building that look juicy and untouched by the filthy hands of a bamby.

    Finally after about 30 minutes (Yes I moved that cautiously) I am at the front entrance of the police station. Nobody around but me and a few dead infected within a over watch distance. All is good. 

    For now.

    I search the police station top to bottom, clear. Nothing.

    Nothing but a broken pants and shoes for me! (Thanks Rocket) :P

    I move out and quickly loot the surrounding houses, still no sounds or movement. But something feels off, I've got that itch that I think we all get when we feel someone is watching us. When someone is sizing us up. When someone is hunting..

    Regardless I see nothing so I fear nothing, I continue to loot. Quickly now as I feel I have overstayed my visit in the City of hackers and bambi betrayal. 

    I move towards the small blue hospital-like building just down the road from the Police station, all the doors are closed. So naturally I assume the worst that some arsehole is camping a room in there ready to blow my head off for my hard earned loots. Naturally, in my overconfidence I think to myself "Fuck it, I can take the fucking scrub". 

    I stock up on the front door, shotgun in hand, loaded, ready to go.
    I burst through the front door, quickly swiping left to right, checking my corners of the front room. Clear.
    I make my way through the rest of the building with extreme caution, trigger ready, heat pumping. 
    Last room closed room, I form up. Burst through the door, certain the camping punk is inside this room, this is it I've got him!
    I swipe left to right naturally with precision. My gun ready to go.

    Nothing, not even a dead body. Not even a bambi hiding, waiting in ambush. "Whatever fuck it, I still looked badass when I did it". 

    I walk back out of the room going to loot the rest of the building when BOOM BOOM BOOM 

    3 shots hit a perfect triangle above my head, I panic, my gun is holstered, I'm fucked!

    I shriek in direct chat like a little bitch and begin the universal panic run. Zig Zag, BOOM BOOM. Shots still hitting the walls next to me.

    10 seconds in and I'm starting to snap myself out of my hysteria, "Ok, ok ok, chill man you got this. He has a repeater. He is alone. Lets do it."

    I flank the building twice, hoping a double flank will catch the KoSing punk off-guard. Instead I realise he has already piss-bolted down the road to keep range between myself and him.
    Smart guy.
    Somewhat at least.

    I pop off a couple rounds at him, hoping one of my little pellets will clip his legs and make my life easier. I fail.
    I flank around, wide. Behind the church, behind the police station, with the KoSer running up and down the road like a smartarse over-confident prick chanting "Come fight like a man bitch'.

    I'm on the wall of the police station, Peaking around cover. Waiting for him to run back up this side of the street. I hear his footsteps I peak around b "WAIT WTF!! Thats not him!" 

    A fucking bambi sprinting towards me taking shots from the KoSer, fists up and of course swinging at me obviously thinking I'm also a arsehole. I try to hold fire, point my sawnoff at the bambi to scare him off. It works. 

    I peak my head into cover just as I hear one more shot and the groan of a impact from a bullet. Bambi down. 

    I peek and semi-blindly/semi-skillfully pop off two shots at the KoSer, legs broken.
    I flank him for the finish.
    Two shots later,
    KoSer down.

    I quickly take his repeater and run, I already had plenty of ammo for it and everything he had was ruined. "Fuck fuck fuck I need to get out of here man!" Is a chant of my own going off in my head now. I run north, north west in fact. And somewhat accidentally I enter the town next to Klen Mountain, Nice peaceful. "Sure I could loot this up, nobody is ever here right?"

    First 3 houses, decent loot. I'm doing ok.

    I get to the town square, clear the diner and run out into the parking lot when  "WTF!! AGAIN!?!"
    A somewhat bambi/semi-geared dude is just jogging around minding his own business. Clearing cars for loot and what not.

    I pull out my sawnoff.
    I'm in cover. 
    He isn't.
    I know he is here.
    He doesn't.

    If I were to follow DayZ tradition, I had him dead to rights. He exposed himself, he fucked up. I didn't therefore I should be able to take his shit right?

    Well sure... But is it worth it?


    Turns out this time nope. He is a good guy, a rare type in DayZ. Or maybe he wasn't and was just being nice to not die? Who knows. At least he was very grateful of the box of cereal I gave him and the ammo, and the raincoat and the sympathy I think we shared for each other. Both being grateful that the other is talking in the same language, both thankful we were talking at all. 

    A small encounter that didn't last long, but it didn't have to. After dealing with the KoSer in Berezino, this was the last thing I expected to see 10 minutes later. Shame it doesn't happen more often. 

    Regardless I was grateful for the experience and gave the nice quiet town a good old wave good bye and pressed on with my adventure.


    So I press on north, to a large city that starts with a S and is home to more KoSing and treachery. Of course I can't help but take some screen shots of the beautiful scenery at NEAF 



    I pass through Olsha on the way down to the large city to the North East, after such a pleasant experience I guess my ignorance reached an all time high, often poisoning myself with thoughts such as "I hope I find a little bambi I can help out, need to get rid of some of this food!" "Maybe I'll save someone!"

    I stroll down the into the valley gracefully, little caution and little time left..


    I loot a few houses on the outside of the fringes of the city. Taking my time, listening out for shots. 
    So far so good.

    I make my way to the small hospital like building on the South side of town, as before I clear it, weapon out ready to blow. Clear.

    "Black Cargo pants! FINALLY my outfit is nearly complete!!"

    I prefer the all black look. "All I need is a black dry bag" I celebrated to myself silently.

    I move towards the entrance of the hospital, I hear voices next door suddenly. 
    I hear a leg brake. 

    I think to myself "Oh shit nononono not this way!"

    I'm about to step out the door as suddenly....

    An invisible hacker axes me in the face..

    "You are dead"

    Really man? 

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