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Rbit Lsi

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About Rbit Lsi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rbit Lsi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    People complaining (not to confuse with giving feedback) that they can't play an alpha version of a free mod? What is this I don't even... Are some of you honestly that arrogant to think that playing this mod is your right? It's a privilege and as I see it, and this is my own opinion, you're meant to test first and give feedback to the dev team which does not mean spam and flood every possible communication channel. I've found that alpha/beta testing works best for all involved when there's some sort of organized feedback and not a flood of OMFG I CANTZ PLAYZ MAH GAMEZ!!1 FIXZ IT NAO YOU ASSHOL!!!one. Actual playing comes last until the mod is out of alpha and beta. If you all dislike the updates so much, why don't you ask your server admins not to update the server files? This is the progression I've noticed on the forums lately (please, oh please, allow me these few generalizations): 1. Rocket announces new update. 2. People are ecstatic about the fixes and new things. 3. Rocket continues to add more things to the update. 4. People salivate and jizz in their pants about it (a small number is genuinely appreciative of everything) 5. Some people already forget about the update and come up with new things that Rocket could/should add to the mod (posting them in the update's announcement thread -_-) 6. Rocket releases the update - all is quiet for a few minutes. 7. First feeback comes in... it's looking good. 8. People flood the updated servers making them lag and crash and burn forcing admins to take them down/rollback. 9. People flood the forums complaining that they can't play/use new things/have to roll back/dog ate their homework. 10. The complaining goes up and down over the next few days until Rocket announces the next update/hotfix/etc. when the whole cycle repeats. How about, and this is only a suggestion, instead of complaining about "wasting" X amount of hours/days you would actually note down the issues you are having and, like, you know, give the dev team some feedback instead of them having to go on: "my game broke" Oh what's that you say? You can't find a feedback thread? Well how about you just have some imagination and create a "Feedback thread for DayZ version X" in some support forum section of some sort - you never know, others might follow your example. Now wouldn't knowing that you not only probably helped yourself but others as well make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? PS. Hey, Human Nature, dafuq is wrong with you... Y U NO USE LOGIC? :( PPS. Hey, angry people, c|_| care cup is empty. PPPS. As I was typing this up there's at least a handful of similar posts about the feedback and all, but since we humans are a proud people I don't want all this effort to go to waste :P