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About US333Nate

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  1. a completely revised trading system will be up in approximately 1 week.
  2. Adding more weapons and vehicles this week. Most Armed vehicles are on "sale" also. Adding trash items to be sold to traders for gold.
  3. Hey guys, Just a quick, shameless server plug. This is an Epoch server. The general theme is Wasteland style, though it is not strictly PvP. There will be special event/missions with booty. We have added tanks and various anti tank vehicles and weapons to the traders, as well as various other items and weapons. New stuff is added regularly, and sometimes there will be sale prices on certain items. Basically this is a server for players whom are looking for more of a challenge. For those players that have the zombies figured out and no longer pose a threat to them. There are a lot of servers like this so its just up to you to try it out. Active adult admins, anti-hacks, etc. We would like to develop a community to give us ideas to improve the server. You develop the server with your ideas. Its very low pop right now, its new. Its a Chicago based server. Side chat is disabled, but we are looking at getting a teamspeak or something like that soon, if it is requested. There will be no "Pay to Win" aspect at all, as this is for players looking for advanced combat situations and various other challenges. (we don't want to do a straight up Wasteland server because we like zombies.) However, for a limited time we will hook players up with a briefcase to get them started, if they wish. There will be a forum or website set up soon, if we get enough players. You can contact an admin in-game via direct chat. Just type "admin", as there is usually one monitoring... You can search "HOMEFRONT" or here is the IP,
  4. US333Nate

    Help needed with HFB Server

    use the map editor....
  5. I have used dayz.st alot.. and I would say NO. The "admin tools" are really easy to use, though limited.You can only access your mission/server PBO, which can limit the mods that you do. You can add buildings via the database, its kinda tricky, but there are tuts out there. IMO, their customer service isnt that great, and i dont ask for much. It seems like they just have a bad attitude sometimes, but thats a matter of opinion. to me the only thing dayz.st has going for them is the admin tools. they are easy to use but actually limited compared to others that allow you full access to all files. Also dayz.st seems to be prone to DDoS attacks( my server has been down for 4 days, with no real contact from dayz.st about what is going on!) I have used other providers, but i dont have enough experience with them to say. I am currently using dayzpriv and am very happy so far. they are very friendly and respond quickly to your questions (with answers). they allow full access to everyfile and they also have better admin tools though trickier to use.. Idk if they have servers in your area, but i would consider them.
  6. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    still looking for help at this time...
  7. How did you get the AS50 permitted? I wonder if you could do a similar thing with allowing a HMMWV with a turrent? any ideas?
  8. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    Roger that. I will post any solutions that i find on here...
  9. US333Nate

    Regular Dayz?

    Hey man. Im working on a server right now. Its a regular DayZ server. its St. Louis based so idk how your ping will be Right now I'm currently working on the server, I changed to a different host due to dayz.st having DDos attacks and their lack of support, so its still being set up. It has a Custom Map (which includes a few more buildings here and there aesthetically placed , like Kamenka, so you don't get that crappy spawn. Most of the Major cities have a few more buildings all of which spawn loot and zombies) there is even a "prison" at Stary Sobor. It will have auto refuel, which will be "slow". Possibly Self Blood, though im still debating on that. Im shooting for a 5hrday/3hrnight setup. The loadout will be basic, tho you get a M16a2 right now while im working on it. the server should be completed in the next day or two. also i am going to try and disable voice in sidechat. feel free to check it out just remember its "Under construction" for the next few days.. No name plates, it is veteran. also trying to disable autohover. check it out.
  10. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    i do not think this should go into the init.sqf. I have had no luck. It should be it own separate thing, like auto refuel...
  11. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    Im still trying these out. So far either absolutely nothing is affected, or the server will not load. If anyone could help with specifics on how/where to put these. It says the init, but im trying that and its not working..
  12. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    Thanks a lot man, i havnt found this yet. I'll look into it... I have seen the second one, i havnt been able to get it to work. im testing the first one now.. Changing Manual fire to Autohover.. I think I may be putting them in the wrong place or somthing..
  13. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    No, I'm talking about removing it completely. So that it is not an option/ cannot be used.
  14. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    No this does not disable it. there is to be some scripting done in order to solve this.. but thanks
  15. US333Nate

    Disable AutoHover?

    Ive got beans for you