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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. 3rdparty

    Survivor zombies...

    Amazing idea, Dead survivors/bandits should have a good probability of turning to AI zed if killed by a zombie, itd be cool if it had like 30 minute time limit till they turn, after that anyone who approaches them caused them to start moving
  2. 3rdparty

    Molotov 2#

    cool idea, i was thinking ye would use a combination between the whisky bottles, jerry can (or refill the bottles at a fuel pump) and matches. gives an extra use for ze bottles a well i guess.
  3. This is a petition to change the avatar of anyone, who spends their last days of survival picking off torch wielding survivors from the hills with a lee enfield, into a troll of unspeakable ugliness, because thats what they are. Same goes for gilli gimps that enjoy far too many benefits of the suit without any negative effects.
  4. yeea its annoying when people post with nothing to contribute.
  5. yeeea man i bumped your thread a couple o days ago, really good idea man, found it cuz i was thinking about the overheating aspect but in terms of doing endless cross country or hot weather conditions as a pose to nighttime/rain Over heating would be a good counter effect for gillis but i expect the problem is just in designing the whole over heating effects/parameters, which could later be applied to multiple scenarios. Overheating would certainly help reduce the gilli gimps and zombies spawning out in the woods would reduce mountain trolls. Had a search for zombies spawn in woods, couldnt find anything, i refuse to believe no one has thought/suggested this so anyone know why rocket hasnt put that in yet?
  6. Well it is funny sometimes to hear them making their shot to close to town, and then hearing the progressive shots as you imagine them being swarmed by zz's :') BUT THAT ISnt always the case! tbh it was more a play on words, just tryin to highlight mountain trolls and how they couldnt stay up there as consistently whatevertheweather as they doo. Gavin made a point about the backpack too which is also true.GIlli is sick but theres too many positives to it over blatent negative it would have.
  7. yea you read 2 posts in, well done. yea your right i guess its not your job, neither is posting here, but here you are. heres a suggestion for you, read first.
  8. Did you even read through? Urgh go ahead. URgh, the point of this thread is about the disproportionate amount of mountain dwelling, beach watching psycopaths that exist in DAy Z, not turning them into trolls (IE WHAT THEY ARE, METAPHOR), can any of you interpret subtly? Or are you disconnected to the point of autism??
  9. :) ive never had that problem of spawning into the ocean changing skin, heard and seen alot of peeps in game complaining but has never happened to me. I see what ye mean though in terms of what stage the game is at though, seeing as females cant even get into a diff skin atm kind of outlines it. The gilli is just something that i see is linked the temp problem, theres no system thus far for overheating effects as a pose to getting cold and ill.
  10. you havnt met any pussys, let alone hardened men who use gilli suits. you pixel fantasy fool. thought this game was about unmerciful simulation? oh and i meant vaginas btw seeing as jokes are lost on you
  11. Hmm, clearly your one of these gilli gimps im referring too. look if you wanna replicate grass wearing fetishes you have that fine but surely you realise part of that uncomfortable scratchy humid sweaty environment you fantasize over, most people find quite unbearable and would eventually TAKE IT OFF!!!
  12. read before .. father?
  13. *sigh* oh well, lets put on our suits and get down to business then! gilli suits have too many positives compared to blatent negatives they have, spawn killing still goes on, either spawn positions have to change or some other effects have to be introduced to discourage peeps from camping. i.e hot weather? heatpacks change temp, but not the fact your soaked through in rain zombies spawning more in woods that worthy enough for your browsing time?
  14. well on the face of it, changing the avatars of random mountain dwelling (disproportionate to reality) psychopaths into trolls. From the tone of your reply you somewhat missed the joke in this so subtly I was trying to suggest that mountain spawn killers should be discouraged? And maybe making some possible negative effects for something like a gilli suit might help this?
  15. As aggressive as this thread may seem i understand the frustration. IVe been going for days, ive not got anywhere near my top scores in kills, but ive literally gone to every city with this character, managed to team up with several groups, survived 2 complete massacres, crawled my broken body through the forest and berezino, and have finally got my gear set up to a standard i feel satisfied with. To be left in the middle of fecking nowhere with NO equipment is so UPSETTING, literally dont even mind the idea of logging back in to be shot, and just want to see him through to the end!!! His proper end!!!! :(
  16. same problem, no equipment, in ze middle of nowhere, fecking frustratttiiing!
  17. exact same problem, + no gear. Read that solution about switching to and going to canada but didnt seem to work for me, probably because when i jumped on that canada 2 sever they had updated to Plus that thread didnt specify which beta patch to use. THe only option thats looking viable now is running east, but without any equipment i dunno how thatll be possible, got the sea in sight and guess i could work out time o day by the sun. But what happens when i get back?? surely ill have no equipment??
  18. 3rdparty


    yea i tried, didnt work, tried going to that canada 2 server with the 7.1.4 patch, tried changing beta as well to meet the server name but no luck, Ive spawned with no equipment too so i cant even run back to edge of map :(
  19. MP5s are not that strong anyway against zz's, might as well save the space for weapons with more frequent ammo.
  20. 3rdparty

    Make MP5 Ammo more common!

    ahh ok cool thanks XD
  21. 3rdparty

    Suggestion - Ghosts

    no, just, no.
  22. 3rdparty

    Ghillie suits and temperature

    YEa i think this is a cool idea, i came across this thread because i was thinking about overheating from people doing cross country, or for hot weather conditions like rain and night time drops your temp.
  23. 3rdparty

    Melee Range

    Love the idea that you need a lil bit of distance for axe and crobar to connect. Im assuming that eventually knife will work its way into secondary, working at close range if your crowded amongst zzs, Surely all other special items could be put to use in that sense, ie ye can still swing your torch, but it has as much damage as a tin can or bottle would if they hit you. entrenching tool as spade in the primary, and maybe a wrench outta the toolbox around the strength of a knife? You could you use the matches for self immolation i guess :S