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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. 3rdparty

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    Yeeea i think this deserves a bump. Read this thread ages ago, and tbh it made me think its a mechanic that should be used more in a lot of scenarios/items. Its already applied to direct comm and chemlights. I think it should be applied to the name tags issue aswell. (ie youll recognise a friend/foe face at certain distance, so name and color will pop up accordingly within that proximity) Even if its a misfire scenario, technically it may of been able to kill you, and technically this is an environment riddled with paranoia and strangers :S not to mention zeds. maybe you could even expand it to hunger and thrist, where if one member of a team is overly eating/drinking (not hoarding) whilst your charcter was dying of hunger/thirst, gave you grounds for killing/stealing(if a stealing mechanic is developed that is)
  2. 3rdparty

    Beach Loot?

    Seeing as there seems to be so many of us coming to this island from the sea, seems like its probably a popular destination for boats. Does fractionally frequent drift cargo landing ashore sound like a bad idea? Im not on about it containing NVG, a gilli, and a cup o tea. But it would be another random lil in game curiosity.
  3. 3rdparty

    Beach Loot?

    ahh cool, yea noot bad idea, tbh its something that should be expanded on massively, not just the variety of possible lootable vehicles/storage objects but also randomising their position. The stationary spawn point of fixable vehicles is also a problem i think :(
  4. 3rdparty

    Animals - More than just a food source?

    err yea, im sure at some point there gonna open up a winder range of skins for survivors and changeable cloth items. I have little doubt once clans are more established feature in this game some will dom animal heads XD
  5. 3rdparty

    Morphine Overdose

    Self explanatory really, theres a reason why medics write M on the forehead of war casualties. There also a reason why suicidals aim to eat a whole box of painkillers. Simple, you consume painkillers/morphine to quickly (eg keep acummulating wounds, or your too lazy to drop an item to make space and eat it instead) you overdose. Game Over.
  6. 3rdparty

    A harsher consequence for bandits

    meh, as much as i hate bandits, they shouldnt be discouraged, they are part of ze game. tis the random/bored/stat chasing killing that needs to be discouraged
  7. 3rdparty

    Morphine Overdose

    yeeea just had a look myself, wiki is saying ye need like 200mg or 60mg if your hypersensitive, and if youve got the tolerance ye can go through g's of it :S ....... might give it a dabble myself XD
  8. 3rdparty

    What should our next competition be?

    Who can accumulate as many tin cans in one of the open squares in cherno before being shot XD I like the idea of a fan based trailer tbh, only problem is ye cant get any cinematic shots :(
  9. 3rdparty

    Morphine Overdose

    Hmm, sure he didnt have a high tolerance from all the opium being grown out there XD ahhh fair enough, thought they were strong enough to kill ye on multiple injections.
  10. 3rdparty

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    Itd be sick if there were like volcano/earthquake/tsunami/some other early warning alarm system in some the towns. You know the typical horn blow before stock footage of the london blitz or before things become really dark and murky in Silent Hill. I dunno, i think it could possibly add an extra element to this. May not be useful for suprise ambushes. But if a group has set up a base and overwhelming majority against you, itd be good way to have that base overrun with zeds so a small group of you can mop up the aftermath XD
  11. 3rdparty

    New soundtrack !

    I wouldnt be suprised, tis a hinderance unless ye know ze soundtrack precisely. I dont mind the idea of music, but i think it should be attached to buildings or objects whence they recieve electricity.
  12. 3rdparty

    New soundtrack !

    BLeh, i turn the music off anywayz, unless it was music that was inherently in the game, ie switch on a radio and music blasts out, or turn a car on and the tape/cd player starts going. Either way when i started playing this game. i spent hours tryin to work out whether some sounds were the music or in game. Just turned it off in the end :(
  13. 3rdparty

    Mod like this, but with dinosaurs!

    Although i dunno if this has any place here, it is still a sick idea. + if done correctly i doubt there would even be a bandit aspect to the game, as everyone would be pretty uniform in wanting to take down epic sky scraping dinosaurs.
  14. Yeea i think its a cool idea, but might be hindered by the fact so many peeps playing friendly use skype or teamspeak. All types of communication. no matter how they are designed in game, will always be at odds with these programs. Unless theres some way of preventing those applications being used in game (computer illiterate so no idea if this is possible) then any communication systems in the game are rendered at least imcompatible. A few of us met a couple of survivors in cherno once and were friendly players who dont shoot on sight so we gave em a chance, and they were equally friendly and equally pissed off from random killing so they joined up with us. However due to the fact we were using teamspeak, it became difficult to hear them over direct channel, spent 20 minutes getting them to get on team speak by which time a sniper had set up on us. Dont think i have to articulate how wrong it went from there, but the point is there is always gonna be clashes with communication in this game whilst metagaming continues :S
  15. though i think its a cool idea to have the leaderboard and something recording your kills, i think kill counts should be removed from sight, and only given to you at the end of your life. there wouldnt be a massive universally observable consistantly updating leaderboard in an apocalyptic wasteland, and although im only figuratively speaking, i still think the stats chasing creates a motivation in the game that is somewhat disconnected from the simulation.
  16. 3rdparty

    Debug Monitor (less stats)

    Insurance? Figured with all my computer has seen, they would be Viagra adds. It still there? lol yea it is, keeps jumping between highlighting the words "your claim" or just the word "claim" Yaarp i like ze suggestions though, I vaguely remember reading an interview with rocket where he was expressing his distaste for any interface what so ever. Though it is hard to think of alternatives for weapons. The suggestions for personal variables (hunger thirst injury) sound good, but for weapons its a bit more tricky. Peeps would probably lose track of how many shots they were firing in real life which i guess would be true of that in DayZ, but knowing what weapon youve equipped is something that would be obvious in real life but not neccessarily in game. Knowing whether your gonna be throwing a bottle or a grenade also would be obvious in reality but not neccessarily in a game deprived of an interface. THe only solution i can think of to this is more animations, so you can physically see whether the pistol is in its holster, whether your holding a grenade in hand or a flare. lol yea thats a cool idea i guess, having a confirmed kill count. Im assuming the other stat was a joke though, otherwise the length of that stat variable would stretch the debug monitor to the point that you might think the debug monitor is the game... which might inadvertedly motivate what is intended for impotency :S
  17. 3rdparty

    Debug Monitor (less stats)

    Yeeeshh all very good ideas, the only thing that confuses me is why there is a hyperlink to reclaiming credit insurance in your post? which is now gone :S and back again :S
  18. I was thinking of an office blue collar worker, extreme low settings for hardcore players who jus wanna show off how long theyve lasted XD Err i disagree tbh, i think its open to exploitation if items associated with advanced (can be taught/learnt) procedures are frequent, and if the player only has to be in the proximity once to learn a skill. If items are rarer (as i would expect) for more advanced complicated procedures, then its hard to repetativelty do a task in order to have someone learn. Engine Parts are rare for example, so you wouldnt want to risk repeatedly damaging it, in order to witness the much more complicated repair mulitple times. ON TOP OF THAT, in order to learn a skill, the person you wanna learn it off has to be close, ie youll be aware of each other, so the teacher has to be participating, willingly or not.
  19. 3rdparty

    Debug Monitor (less stats)

    indeed :) Kills the tension when your questioning "did i hit him? did i hit him??, oh yea hes dead"
  20. XD Nice thread, although tbh i do think there is another motivating factor that contributes to casual killing and thats the debug mointor. Although i think its cool that ye do have your stats recorded, they probably should be given to you at the end of your life. I think theres far to many peeps that are driven by the flawed assumption that theyll come any where near the leaderboard out of 300,000+
  21. 3rdparty

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    ... yea i guess you could introduce baby oil as an item, then at least the statistical chance of finding a massacre in electro or cherno would be eaten into by the chances of finding an orgy....
  22. OK im sure i havnt thought fully through the potential negatives of this, but i couldnt find any thread directly related to this suggestion (im sure theyre there) Does anyone think it would be a good idea for say a player to be refrained from entering a server until all other survivors were at least 40m away (whatever distance), this is to avoid exploits such as ghosting, meeting up via meta gaming (teamspeak, skype) and generally reduce server hoping. A note on teamspeak, i do use it myself in DayZ, i wasnt really intending on diminishing its use, but more those very lucky situations where peeps have been able to meet up precisely and log in at the same place on the same server via team speak. The only problem i can see with this is potentially friends just logging out for the night in the same safe place, having troubles getting back into the same safe location together. LIke i say im sure there would be more negatives to this. Any suggestions or similiar threads?