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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. 3rdparty

    Wish I could do this with a baseball bat in DayZ

    If you're trying to catch these projectile testis in your mouth then I guess it is baseball cannibalism. But tbh... not specifically balls but I would like to see the potential to lose body parts. I know this debate has raged in other areas of the suggestion forum but it would be kind of cool. I know people might think "you wouldn't be able to play the game if you lost your leg or arm". Well that's kind of the point, you're not going to live long with a blood fountain stump where a limb used to be.
  2. Yeaa i've been of that frame o mind for a while now. So frustrating though, really want to get back in there and kill some damn fools but without backup or overwatch, your taking a big risk.
  3. That's amazing, yea I know a lot of peeps are just trying to respawn. The problem is all the lee enfield/mosin mountain trolls and M4 road runners looking for target practice. Walked in once and found pools of bodies, pretty quickly noticed the culprit running up the road shooting off his m4... killed me near the beach. Recently reaqcuired an M4 so was slightly tempted to go troll hunting :D
  4. 3rdparty

    Random ideas from a VERY tired mind.

    I disagree tbh, what I like about this game is that it strives to be a survival simulator and although I'm unsure of the dev's aims and ultimate goals I would love for it to go further than this in terms of being able to manipulate the world through reclaiming old facilities or building/modding buildings and vehicles. Having said this though, as it is a simulator, some tasks require more than one person, simple as that. Although I don't disagree with solo players, I don't think they should be able to achieve the same kind of tasks/activities a group of survivors might try to achieve.
  5. 3rdparty

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Yea it's frustrating but you've got to expect it to happen at this stage as much as you've got to expect getting clipped in an open field. I've lost a few characters to glitches, one specifically was kitted out. Whenever this happens though I just spend a few lives on the coast, sure you don't get top end gear but there are plenty of interesting pp interactions to be had. This game is essentially nothing atm without pp interaction, good or bad, so whilst your stuck in the "fuck-it, nothing to lose" mentality, just find peeps on the coast and see what happens.
  6. 3rdparty

    Control Old Industry

    BumP! COuple of other brief ideas on reflection. The new shipwreck location on standalone looks like an amazing place for a base, it could also easily be equipped with radio, radar and water purification facilities that have been mentioned in previous posts and threads.
  7. 3rdparty

    What should our next competition be?

    Surely you've already paid for it by purchasing the alpha anyway? Unless you mean an extra copy to give to a mate or something. ED Ahh, this only applies to the mod doesn't it, was wondering why there were two suggestion sections. XD
  8. 3rdparty

    Bandits are BORING!

    I've heard/seen alot of peeps moaning about the banditing, I think it'll occur less as the zeds numbers and AI improve. However tbh, I've come across far less banditing or shoot on sight policies than I did on the mod. Hooked up with plenty of friendly players on the coast and even at the airfields. From my experience so far just seems like the coastal cities are where most of the PvP is happening. The only peeps I shoot on sight are server jumpers, they always seem trigger happy but I reckon that's due to anxiety/nerves/fear more than genuine immoral banditing.
  9. 3rdparty

    Wish I could do this with a baseball bat in DayZ

    I can't wait, it's out in March, go watch the first if you havn't already. It's fucking brilliant.
  10. 3rdparty

    Wish I could do this with a baseball bat in DayZ

    ... each to their own I guess :S However if you could somehow convince the dev team to introduce enemas, then im sure they would expand that mechanic out to multiple items... .. :S
  11. 3rdparty

    SA Single Player Scenarios

    Yea I think this idea has got merit to it. Can't say I've always been keen on a SP mode tbh but then again I was new to ARMA when I started DayZ, and I did spend some time on ARMA practicing with the weapons and trying to get accustomed to the textures for spotting players. Weapons are a bit of a learning curve on this game compared to other FPS so I see the reasoning behind offering a single player mode for practicing different basic activities. But I just feel like offering the maps up in SP format to explore and interact could affect any online playing indirectly. Players could get experience offline with approaching towns full of zeds safely, knowledge of terrain etc And I think this could provide an all most fast track handicap who chooses to play offline first. Not only that player interaction and survival fear/desperation would be removed and reduced in SP. I wouldn't be in any way upset if the idea was implemented, probably would play SP myself. But I feel it could detract away from the online experience.
  12. The possibility of a twisted bandit group taking you prisoner and offering you a cup of tea before laying down their terms is a good enough reason to add this to the game methinks :')
  13. 3rdparty

    Egg Timers

    Suggested in the year twenty twelveteen i believe. But I had trouble finding a thread focused on Egg timers too. Yea I don't see any problem with using them, they can be both a distraction and craftable item. After all a bomb is a bigger distraction than an egg timer, there may be times you want to distract an entire town or village of zeds and there might be times you only want to distract a few in a house or a street, rather than alert every player and zed in an 800m radius.
  14. 3rdparty

    I'm on a boat.

    :) read through and theres some good ideas there. But I was thinking about the sheer size of ocean. increasing and diversifying the coast line with river systems, estuaries and coves might be alright for smaller boats, but big ones being talked about on this thread would not be able to navigate them, and unless they had a decent spot to hide, there would have to always be someone online on the ship to protect it as it would be a prime curiosity for any sea dwellers. ED: Also this is only in response to the idea of ships being taken/destroyed and a character losing their life who is saved onto that ship, I think it would be fairer to the players for them to carry on in the water. Horrible, but fairer :')
  15. 3rdparty

    Character Learning/ skills

    Dunno about that, maybe if you're not using the skill often. I wouldn't see it as forcing grouping. DayZ is all about survival and team work is a big part of that, mimicking the activities of team work and learning from each other as it happens in reality would go some way towards promoting more interactions. For a game that has virtually nil dynamic events planned, it will all rely on how people interact so giving more mechanics that diversify the way people can interact is a good thing if you ask me.
  16. 3rdparty

    Character Learning/ skills

    Yea you would lose your skills, losing everything when you die is an important part of the game. But I don't see anything wrong with your ideas unless your implying you keep these skills after you die. But keeping it just to magazines and books is not aiding teaming up and team work is an essential factor in survival. By giving the real life simulation of someone picking up a more advanced skill by being in the proximity of someone with that skill, doing that advanced activity, you give more of an incentive to group up with peeps. Sure there will be bandits at silly levels, but they will have either looted these books/guides (which imo should be rare), repeated certain activities to gain skill (which imo should take so long that the life span is impressive in itself) OR gain them just as fast as you would from a book, by watching someone using that skill. As for the incentive. If you want to learn how to fix up a vehicle, look after your gear and heal yourself in particularly dangerous encounters, effectively, and quickly, then you will have to team up. After a few typical short generations on DayZ I personally think there is a chance you would see an attitude change. But just my opinion.
  17. 3rdparty

    Make DAYZ Harder

    Methinks this is worth a bump for peeps considerations. :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20112-the-only-realistic-way-to-prevent-deathmatching-make-dayz-a-living-hell/?hl=hell
  18. 3rdparty

    Character Learning/ skills

    Meh, tbh I quite liked the idea, in certain formulas that is. I liked the idea of potentially building skills in certain functions that allowed you to do more difficult activities. e.g in medicine low skills can use bandages but higher skills required for blood transfusion. and the same idea for mechanics and crafting. I thought if you paired this with an ability to learn skills faster if you are in the presence of someone with a higher skill doing those activities then that would be a good incentive for team work as well. But there are alot of people on DayZ who cringe at the all too familiar ranking up and skills systems.
  19. 3rdparty

    Character Learning/ skills

    I suggest to you sir, the search bar! ;)
  20. 3rdparty

    I'm on a boat.

    I think Kevin Costner should be in DayZ, like an easter egg, he could be on a small featureless island or rummaging through a desolate buffet of an abandoned sinking cruise liner. He could be like a NPC tutorial providing hints in a gentle fatherly persona... not really, im tired of this tangent now :D Yea I really like this idea. Any mechanics and activities that provide incentives for team work should always be good considerations for DayZ. Also the idea of wind, or even water currents that cause random motion of vessels. Honesty be told it is a long term consideration. I'm unsure if there have been any plans for wind mechanics from the Arma developers but I would assume there would be if they strive to further improve the simulation of sniper rifles for example. One thing I would add though (if it hasnt been mentioned already), is that if there were several vessels incorporated in, then surely the maps would have to be increased massively in size. I think peeps who have prepared and secured a vessel and are purely exploring the coastlines would too easily be able to find other peoples vessels.
  21. Technically it is a suggestion. Although there are several threads venting the same frustration and sentiment so i guess I am a hypocrite. There is no such thing as an original idea, certainly not anymore. Please use the search bar, I used to love coming on this section. Now I feel like a bitter old man. Advice for searching! Expand your attention span! Please read BEFORE posting Dont just type in one word related to the content, try several different ones. Go through a couple of pages. Why not skip right to the last page? Find one with more then a couple of pages and read through it, pick up other words from it to search for. Dont try and justify through your personal narrative that youve tweaked an idea so ergo a new thread needs to be created. Ive seen lots of good contributors feel impotent and eventually leave because of this. Myself included. Theres not enough staff to police this thing, so can we all indulge in a lil self regulation please? If we did then admins WOULD be able to police this thing better. PS This isnt intended as a bollocking, I was new and naive here once, it just there was once a Rocket Vanguard who patrolled this forum with a worryingly disturbing loyalty. They are now gone. And all thats left is a complete cluster fuck. PPS If this thread is a candidate for the graveyard, Im sorry for wasting your time admins. Lots of love! PPPS Seeing as bumps are not good either, if you post on this thread, why not post your searching tips? Or how you actually use this section of the forum. Frustration succesfully vented.
  22. 3rdparty


    !! I have to moderate and retain non bias objectivity enough in my day job, am I fuck up for moderating this cesspool of non-carebears, trolls and grating morons. Not to say there arnt lots of friendly peeps on here, they just know how moderate themselves. Sorry matey but that is such a lousy excuse, I know its not brilliant, but a few seconds more of trying different words related would of rendered a relevant thread. I guess these reponses also give me an excuse to bump this up XD
  23. 3rdparty


    its better than what it was though, thats for sure. Hell even use google! Just no more of the same threads, pleeease god pleeeease :(
  24. 3rdparty


    musta gone over a bump or something! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5l-2bjjTOU marvin = new posters ED: correction, John Travolta is more accurately representing the new posters. Itd be cool if there was an admin/dev pinned thread purely for item suggestions, or for weapon suggestions. That would cut out a decent chunk of needless repetition. Although tbh peeps are still posting standalone threads even though there is one pinned :( meh.
  25. 3rdparty


    Helo new posters, im selling £10 bags of creativity? Anyone fancy a bump?