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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. Does loot cycling promote serving swapping? I thought it did pretty much the opposite. (just read summary from your other thread seeing as ye want no discussion there :S) Edit: ah never mind loot "farming" :')
  2. 3rdparty

    Alternative Creepy Music for DayZ

    I cant say i like the idea of music being added to the game (then again i can always mute music) but these are pretty good, the two youtube videos especially. However ive ranted on another thread about wanting the kind of "nuclear/weather/bombing warning siren" to be a feature in the game, which would contrast a lil i think with the first sound byte XD though tis only my thoughts for ze game. very well produced though XD
  3. 3rdparty

    killers don't shake hands...

    I tend to disagree
  4. 3rdparty

    Body Armor

    I like the idea of body armor, but i think it should incorporated into a suit, like riot gear or something found at a police station (new map!), or i guess that could be one level of protection i guess if peeps are considering a range of diff armors to equip.
  5. 3rdparty

    Suggestion: Armored Vehicle

    :S so am i, i think i also caused it, ignore my blatherings. I was on about using scrap metal to add extra defense to vehicles. It appears ive read to many vehicle threads and have merged them in memory. Apologies.
  6. No no no! This is every shade of wrong! This game is striving for realism, not building up experiences levels, or unlocking new items. Not to mention in the real world peeps would have a load of creative ways to kick it in and get those juicy tings. ATMs wouldnt know its an apocalypse? They wouldnt know anything, if not because theyre machines, then because banks and the electric grid connected to them are shut down!!
  7. The mad king of trolls! well i dont usually rate trolls, id give him at least 6/10 for making 20 points.
  8. 3rdparty

    store characters location data on server

    Tbh i think there should be less servers, but at least i think that when you newly spawn you should only have limited number of servers you can enter until ye die and you can choose again which ones you wish to frequent. Not gonna even be able to experiment with this until servers and hive is more secure though :S
  9. 3rdparty

    Suggestion: Armored Vehicle

    BLeh i dunno why peeps are thinking you would need an uber gun, the vehicle has been given more armor and padding but you cant get bullet proof windows in the game. The vehicle integrity is just more sound.
  10. oooh there probably will be a use for it one day, seeing as it is fecking weak! i was hoping that when the map opens up a lil more that youll have buildings boarded up that you can use the crowbar to pry your way into :)
  11. you serious? this game is about grief!
  12. money?! sorry let me expand that, seeing as i felt the shock wasnt well transcribed into my response. a non lootable atm machine? to check on your bank balance? im sorry matey, i really dont like having a go at peeps for suggestions but are you out of your fucking mind? or are you the mad king of trolls? ive been waiting for you.
  13. 3rdparty

    Generators - Allow us to power Chernarus!

    Theyve already been announced havnt they? They are coming, just think of different ideas to use them for XD
  14. 3rdparty


    :S the fact this game is riddled with bugs? I dunno its been mixed for me, some of em I can get the loot out, others i cant :S lol yea thought this thread was a bit outta place XD
  15. Hmm, not to sure if i like the idea. It makes me think booby trapping dead bodies would be fucking cool though. Go to check a corpse you found and pop goes a grenade. I know theres satchel charges around but they are manual. I was thinking bout a trap you could leave.
  16. If you want i guess? Id say you might as well run through chernarus with the olympic torch, i wouldnt pick the thing up.
  17. 3rdparty


    lol, yea i dont see why not. Itd be fecking loud though considering your basically driving a massive hair dryer XD +1
  18. 3rdparty

    Suggestion: Armored Vehicle

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33027-chernaus-narco-tanks/#entry317639 XD
  19. 3rdparty

    Parkour/Free Running

    Thank you good sir XD (not to mention the edit i inserted into the first line literally 10 mins after posting the thread) You just wanna prove godwin right!.... wing! But it probably has gone on long enough, dont think there is much more to be said really. Basic Free Running determined by weight mechanics, through a dynamic destructible environment. Yaarp.
  20. 3rdparty


    Never seen what a bullet does to a pokemon before, im up for shooting cuddly creatures sure.
  21. 3rdparty

    Parkour/Free Running

    noo not that excessive, but being able to clamber up surfaces would be cool i say hell yea!! remember peeps i dont mean hollywood parkour from wikipedia: Parkour (French pronunciation: [paʁˈkuʁ]) (abbreviated PK) is a physical discipline and non-competitive activity which focuses on efficient movement around obstacles. Thats all id like to see, efficient movement around dynamic environments, obviously not possible until stand alone but still i can dream cant I?
  22. 3rdparty

    Paintball ammo/guns

    yea i dont see why not, If ye get a heat shot it should be similiar disorientation to whiskey bottle or tin can. And any of you who start fidgeting at the thought, clearly havnt been shot in the head with a paintball.
  23. 3rdparty

    Chernarus street art competition

    yea i think it would be sick, and as for ze guy sayin it would get repetitive, i see nothing repetitive about a free canvas accessible by tens of thousands.
  24. 3rdparty


    Hmm, yea i do like it, dunno if im too comfortable with some of the details but its on track. I reckon there needs to be extra variables on resistance and susceptibility though (that go over the concepts you just laid down). SO those with high familiairity have high resistance to addiction, whilst those who (slowly) work through trauma rather than the quick fix become harder and more resistant to drugs, for this to work though, the period of traumatisation would have to be long enough for most people not to think its more worth sitting out the trauma and becoming harder. I do like the idea, but think were gonna have to play around with alot of scenarios first. The jump from 8 to 9 im a bit unsure about in terms of how that would work. AS i also reckon familiairity resistance/susceptibility has to be proportional to your murders/bandit kills
  25. True but surely it be able to detect fog/mist, as we are suggesting that this virus/mist is visible unlike any other airborne virus. ITs the ieda that the mist surrounding large hoardes is a give away of their location, and might be for long distance too. http://www.wakenet.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/News%26Publications/EURAD-Wake-Vortex-Barbaresco.pdf THis ia radar developed to monitor the wind vortex turbulence that develop behind planes, and part of the way it does this is monitoring the air content. I radar can be utilized to map out air turbulence, I wouldnt think its too much of a stretch to considering it monitoring the fog. IF it were an objective to repair, decontruct and relocate the equipment, it could be very useful to large clans wishing to plan moves/retreats or attempt large scale "clean-ups" of zed activity.