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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. 3rdparty

    Homemade Ghillie Suits

    Not quite sure what ye mean about only a small % enjoying it? The item inventory would be insane, but i think id be mooost displeased if it wasnt.
  2. 3rdparty

    Control Old Industry

    BLeh, although tbh looking at the size of that response i dunno if anyone else will want to be contributing without working through the dizziness first :S
  3. 3rdparty

    FULL Medical / First aid

    i have many suggestions for you, but i believe peeps would rather this thread be a calm discussion soo ill stay on topic yup methinks this too, the ability to fortify buildings and use the facilities inside them to strengthen your group or serve as a power base on the sever should be introduced. The hospital could be just on of such targets due to the facilities and supplies it holds.
  4. 3rdparty

    Control Old Industry

    !!!!!!!! :) dont ye worry, certainly will be working it into the OP, but before i properly integrate it (as ive been staring at it for a while wondering restructuring it given the size its growing to might be wise as to not put peeps off) I wouldnt mind seeing how this develops and if anyone else adds. I like the idea of ambulances, and itd be cool if any equipment that was introduced was also plausibly attached to the ambulance as well as hospital. Health is the clearly he most important thing when it comes too survival (seeing as the game is about survival) , it would be a shame for 2 or 3 locations to dominated by certain peeps without any possibility of access. Thats where ambulances would be really good, for remote fortifications or occupations of industry. It had also been occurred to me however that perhaps some kind of basic medicinal botany could be introduced, however this is incredibly dependant on how the game goes, and has mostly been influenced by the suggestions ive seen on farming/foraging. But if you had the potential to set up lil makeshift greenhouses for botany it could be a source of potential trade for a hospital that could combine them to make medicines.. or penicillin (as i think peeps are taking infections (which should be more severe and common) a lil to light hearted, and not seeing antibiotics for the disappearing luxury they are) Ive thought for a while about possible splitting the factories up, and ye have tempted me further, would be a good way to break up productive power on the map too. +1 XD Dunno if ye had seen the devs suggestion on spawn zones http://dayzmod.com/f...sting-feedback/ but I kinda like ideas in this although i think it has flaws. Somehow mechanics have got to be introduced where by once an area is secured/fortified/occupied, spawning retrictions are put on zeds and players, zeds is easy i reckon to stop spawning in a building or a walled off area you created. But players is much harder to work out :S
  5. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    definitely, but its gotta be something player built from the ground up, any kind of in game assistance (as a pose to incentive) will conflict with what the game is hoping to accomplish
  6. 3rdparty

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    Tbh matey I personally think that to put forward that violence and back stabbing is an aspect of human nature, you could just as easily argue that love and compassion is, something that is clearly missing from the game (but not from the forums XD). So to me that speaks of the authenticity of immersion of the game, or more the connection that you build with your character. Not that im criticizing it, but hear me out because im going to jump to an example that may at first seem like a troll.This is an interesting intelligent OP so i hope ye browsers recgonise this isnt a trolling bump. But consider the blatent taboo conepts(no threads necessary) that have been mentioned, for example cannibalism, torture.. procreation :S All of them not worth discussing here in detail but to me raise an interesting question about how far a person can feel bound to their character without wanting to pursue (what i believe is the fundamental human instinct) curiosity and act out of character. Take for example Walking Dead, im sure a few of you have seen it. Pathetically watered down compared to the comics, the story is emotional trauma and is not the best artwork or best dialogue but is highly immersive, and to anyone who reads them, i just read #100 :'( Its immersive because its a blend of different perspectives and peeps own morality thrown into increasingly darker situations, And coming out with an experience to how the event played out I know it may be hard to acknowledge some taboo busting actions, but theyve already been covered in many other media styles for decades, let alone in some games. To me an interesting social experiment would be to see after an initial introduction, whether players would keep on pursuing brutal acts, or would they recoil in the persistence of some players and hunt them.
  7. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    no such thing as an original idea matey, just mountains of lost ones. -different skin? ie "recognise this?" "know what im about to do?" (bandit skin) Lose their vest for a week? Does rocket himself reclaim it? - yes, and is essentially pointless. - yes except via radio, logistical planning all over the show. - or serve anyone who finds them and pick them up? eseentially adding new vehciles? - itd be nice, but again something added, not necessarily used for trade There needs to be a specific incentive for creating a trade post in a particular area, it would be cool to have any type of base on the island or carrier. Heres a problematic thought, seeing as this is a temp solution aswell, bandits may very well already be set up on the islands. :S
  8. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    .. so isnt this now essentially a discussion on tactics for setting up a trade organisation?
  9. To be honest i think they jerry cans and water bottles should be partitioned http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/39805-petition-to-partition-jerry-cans-and-water-bottles/
  10. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    so you mean peeps organise and use the boats in game. not any armored vehicles as previously mentioned. thats because this suggestion forum. and seeing as its striving towards standalone, or at least being ported to Arma 3, i think the new map should always be considered. and im afraid thats where we disagree, go organise with peeps yourself, some of the problems i think you wanna be asking are better for general discussions or survivor camp forums. I do see what ye mean about meta gaming but the mechanics so familiar in other games guarenteeing in-game safe trade are not applicable in this game, because its simulating a apocalyptic environment where things are not safe and are not guaranteed. heres my "two cents" in game.. social/economic structure i guess ye could call it ( i think ive already posted the thread though) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45284-control-old-industry/#entry430568
  11. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    I wasnt suggesting it, trying to figure out how this system of yours would work, given you still havnt said how vehicles and equipment are distrbuted!! Yes zombie and animals, lets keep them as the only NPCs and DEFININANTLY NOT PLAYABLE. but he is making a point, that being that you should organise with other players, not expect an area to be desginated, or equipment to be sourced, but do it yourself. the point of the police station is that its an area with an incentive, doesnt necessarily have to be for trade, but its an incentive given a metal detector for use in de-arming peeps.. ANYTHING added purely for the sake of easing the transaction of traders and trading is not going to happen. Players got to do it for themselves. Its whether a sandbox environment can be created in which incentives for deeply developing these type of organizations can be created.
  12. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    although harsh i cannay disagree, its gotta be set up and maintained by the players matey, this is holding ze players hand type stoof :(
  13. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    NPCs definate no no. Its easier to defend because yeve given (and still how are these gear and vehicles distributed?) a set of peeps armored cars vehicles, a stock pile of the best weapons and a ready made shake-n-bake colony on an island OR carrier. In actuality it would be a logistical nightmare, possible, and certainly very cool, but a logistical nightmare to set up and maintain. Not saying the island isnt a good target to set up on, jsut that youve literally handed in the challenge every one else faces of getting the best weapons, items, location and vehicles.
  14. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    .. this will be NPCs though surely, or a massive group, and again how would these armored vehciles, boats and carriers be distributed to guarantee a consistent trading post? all sounds way too safe to me.
  15. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    Ai dont mind safe zones, theyve just go to made by the players, that freeside trading is a v good example. Ye shouldnt have guarenteed safe zones in this game, the players got to make it themselves.
  16. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    :S im not really down for temporary solutions tbh, but let me ask ye this, if the vehciles are only allowed on cerain day/s (although i see massive problems with this) how will they be distributed and guaranteed for trading purposes?
  17. 3rdparty

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    I kndna like the idea of taking vehicles back and incorporating them into a customized base. Would give a nice refreshing cycle of respawning vehicles. Not some transformer holiday home, but find a bus, take it back to base, split it in half and have it serve as two walls. (obviously missing many details on mechanics and other items/vehicles)
  18. 3rdparty

    The Camp Building Ultra Thread

    Ai a nice list ye got going, especially the blueprints and underground thread, they make good reading XD What be juggling around in my mind at ze mo is that fine balance of base building, land grabbing, taking over; suited for different sized groups, as well as evqually time consuming challenges for infiltrators and saboteurs. +1
  19. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    not necessarily, i compiled a thread on this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45284-control-old-industry/page__hl__sewers last night i think if cities were far more complex and larger, the kind of open vulnerability you have with the current map might be reduced, further if sewers are introduced, it offers multiple paths and alternate routes that are harder to predict by ambushers :) for example i liked the idea of sewers being connected to some of the buildings, so peeps may even move in and out without a sniper even knowing.
  20. 3rdparty

    Trade Zones

    Thats where i disagree ALOT tbh, i think there should be bases, id say holding off a secrue building like a prison is far easier then consistent trade runs using armoured cars and boats to an island. Let alone the setting up preocess. Bases and fortifications, aswell as using different facilities should be introduced, because it can other a range of activities for different sized groups to lone survivors. And the largest settlements are most likely going to be the friendliest, because in order to accomplish the biggest take over, ye need alot of people co-operating.
  21. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45284-control-old-industry/#entry430568 i did a thread on similar sentiments last night see what ye think :)
  22. im afraid im not quite sure what ye are getting at, id respond further but itd be off cue :S
  23. Tbh im not to sure what mechanism could work/would be introduced, but certainly there would have to be zone were zombies and players cant just spawn/ghost in. But tbh the ghosting issue is a blatent exploit, that will have to have some kind of fix before its a fully fledged game regardless of whetehr this is implemented or not, so i dont usually consider it when thinking of new activities or locations. Dunno if ye saw this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29313-some-feature-ideas-requesting-feedback/ but i think this was the devs idea that they were requesting feedback on, im noot so sure myself, but it seems like a step in the right direction.
  24. 3rdparty

    Roller skates *-*

    lol dont see why not XD +1 for both posts.. +2 XD
  25. 3rdparty

    Civil Defense Sirens

    here be an interesting somewhat related thread XD http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25101-airborne-virus-v35/