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Everything posted by 3rdparty

  1. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Thats what i love about DayZ is that it is going against the stream, its such a harsh industry that i wouldnt blame the devs if they didnt want to introduce the ability to conduct in more brutal, or in fact loving scenarios XD But tbh, i think this game has got so much momentum behind it, and such a potentially innovative out look, that by the time its fully fledged, stand alone and on the market, Rocket will probably be given the kind of reigns Matt Stone and Trey Parker were after South Park weathered the storm.
  2. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    I think the potential could be great, even for players identifying characteristics in players themselves. For example, and i hate to use an example for the narrowmindness that might quote it but, say decapitation/mutilation was introduced. A team of ye wonder into a house, to find a noob decorating it with an interesting shade of brain. This situation has not also highlighted the potential for real psychopathic weird peeps, but also exposed this psycho for the noob troll he is. Your group decide to kill him through common sense XD
  3. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    :) tbh i dont believe in state wide censorship anywayz, Parents for be deciding for the kids, and peeps should be deciding for themselves. Sure some breif review is good, but strict (this is good for such n such an age) age limiting censorship is fecking backwards, and doesnt speak to human behavior and maturity at all.
  4. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Because this thread is not about censoring it in its current state, its about introducing the sandbox human behaviors that would probably lead it to conflicting with censorship
  5. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    oh i dooo :)
  6. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    please do, i was playing a game recently, silly game really, where a boss battle character/ was cooking and preparing human beings for meals and enticing me to try it. Im not doubting this game AT ALL< i think ye have misjudged how much I respect and know its potential. This post is about whether its capable of going the full mile in immersive human interactions. Maybe not, but its a discussion, so there are no rules to what can be said. Only criticisms.
  7. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    ahhh so some small inkling of neuron activity believes it is capable of thought. Well your showing enthusiasm and that never a bad thing, unfortunately ye are needlessly bumping this thread, which if yea are dead against, would seem like the opposite thing ye would want to. leads me to presume that ye are in fact one of the morons who roams forums, leaving their slug like saliva drool trails everywhere. 428 en counting. But i guess i should be thankin ye for the bumps :)..
  8. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Urgh, then i guess your opinion is invalid here then. Do not post again unless you got something you think.. no, unless you actually think.
  9. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    And i see nothing wrong with these things all good, (and remember i mention NPC only to illustrate how other games have been able to go in graphical violence and content.) but what im talking about, is whether it can be truly emotional immersive without actually fully unlocking sandbox human behavior. Again as mentioned in the OP im not gonna list grim scenarios. Because posters can get dismissed so easily on this forum by doing that.
  10. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    :) I hooope so (not the zombie porn :S) Because if the history of censorship is anything to go by, taboos get broken sooner or later anwayz, and are usually hailed as masterpieces a further decade or two down the line ^_^
  11. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    :) Its the idea of how immersive can this game be, if sandbox human behaviour is limited by censorship. There have already been examples of far grimmer harsher games then this, but mostly because alot of the events are scripted and dominated by NPCs. The censorship in games seems to be at a stage where it is split between what is allowed to be shown, and what can be simulated.
  12. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    fear, horror, terror, anxiety. fear and anxiety is conjured with the PvP interactions, but it does become increasingly numb the more you play. The first long PvP interaction and first kill is an amazing buzz you cannay deny!!! XD all the unique horrors that other games and films have put you through is due to NPCs, these scary and unqiye situations could only be created in DAyZ by players, but if censorship limits sandbox potential in human behaviour, is there a limit to how immersive it can feel?
  13. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    i see your points but i feel if it relies to much on deriving emotion from the pure maintenance of your character (although I defo think should be a key focus) rather then the richness of potential interactions with others, the game may stray away from what emotions it wanted to conjure up in the first place.
  14. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    bet its grimmer then the film aswell..
  15. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    lol disturbing but clearly what im on about. Im sure when this game is finally released and given a right wing pundit review, "slavery" will be one of the shock value words used to attack it.
  16. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Ooooh i wouldnt say that about films, books maybe because of their lucid nature, but films can be more static then games, Feck theres some games that visually look better then the 60s/70s Technicolor switch, so i dont think they are out of each others range. I see what ye mean, but thats essentially what i be asking, whether the option of extreme brutality/(but also sacrifice, not all grim) is the only way to make a game incredibly immersive that "feels" real. That can be achieved with future tech virtual simulation, but the idea of unlocking sandbox human behavior. The kind of scenarios that make horrors and stories unique are due to the variety of human behavior that is explored. There are no NPCs on this, no unfolding storys, its up to the players, but how can that be truly diverse if there is limitations on their behavior?
  17. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Cant change topic names, also slightly misleading but defiantly on topic, if thats all youve got to post then im afraid youve also missed the irony in evoking the word pointless. But ill give ye a chance not to come across like your profile pic. Why be it pointless? this is the "General Discussion" Forum?
  18. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Err i havnt seen that video, but i am intrigued. And so far i dont think ye can do that (but i would like to see this video), with no real capture/imprisonment mechanics, or incentive for new spawn not to go "fuck it, respawn/run blindly/turtle walk to freedom!"
  19. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    XD I disagree tbh, not in terms of the aesthetic immersion, that certainly is a while off. But if ye are a long time gamer, ye will know that the treatment (or better your sentiments) towards a character can still develop without full sensual immersion. An RPG for example, Final Fantasy 7 would be a perfect analogy if ye have played it, (ill think of another if ye havnt). And many books, films and music creates a very similiar feeling of sentiment. Whats different about this is that there is no storys or switches. there is no NPC's. Can a truly diverse set of circumstances occur in this if sandbox human behaviour is as free as possible. Sooo i think its still on topic :P
  20. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Amazing how many peeps dont read OPs
  21. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    I guess, but put a bit of a tone on it and see the conversations unwravel in many threads im talking off in suggestions and maybe not so misleading. But definitely not off topic. Im asking whether a game like this should even consider censorship seeing as its striving for survival simulation.. in a zombie apocalypse. YEeeea it does look good doesnt it, i think they're stock piling interviews from game designers, where be rocket was my first question?? XD
  22. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Well thankyou for such an insightful contribution. Also thankyou, again, for skim reading, otherwise you would see how your post, was also pointless!
  23. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    ah but thats something different, im talking abotu coming across the kind of scenarios and people that make a world feel real. Not just authentic sense aesthetics.
  24. 3rdparty

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Well i havnt seen I Am Legend. But I can tell ye a huge base of Walking Deads base comes from the powerfully grim comic book, which makes the TV series look like a weeping pussy. And Book of Eli is, although not so grim, is littered with blatent suggestions of rape, torture and slavery.
  25. Then where would I go to vent? Ive already lost 2 friends through perfecting my PvP mechanics XD