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Everything posted by jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

  1. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Ghillie suit and Camo for woman please

    Could just put ghillie camo over your backpack bro. They exist in reality. /derp You haven't noticed that you currently can't loot a ghille wearers backpack at the moment then. I've found several dead people wearing ghillie suits and I have looted their backpacks many times' date=' you can even interact with their backpack when they're alive. I've also made it back to my dead corpse wearing a ghillie suit, and picked up my backpack. Not sure where you are getting your info from. [/quote'] This is true, i get in the also.
  2. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

  3. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Day Z Appreciation Thread

    +1 I love this mod.
  4. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    Bump So people know what kind of dumb shit goes on in your server.
  5. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Ghillie suit and Camo for woman please

    Could just put ghillie camo over your backpack bro. They exist in reality. /derp You haven't noticed that you currently can't loot a ghille wearers backpack at the moment then. If there not adding the skins for females, then they need to give the girls options to change back to male skins.
  6. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Cheater Name - Permaphrost

    Fantastic news. Ill tell my friend who got shot in the head by that permaphrost faggot. In game death better than a global ban. Permaphrost got pwned.
  7. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    No Backpacks or Guns on spawn

    I would like to have nothing on spawn other than 1 beans, 1 flare, 1 water. No ammo No gun No bandage No morphine No backpack It would give you a much greater sense of accomplishment and excitement when you found something.
  8. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    What exactly do I need to be able to play this?

    required Arma II Arma II: operation Arrowhead Optional Arma II: Private Military Complany (For high res civilian models) Arma II: British Special Forces (For high res camo and ghillies suit models)
  9. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES no back pack either.
  10. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Tried the No Gun and Limit Gear start option

    I really like this idea, and will be trying it next death. I like the extra step of dropping your backpack. Meeting people on the beach will be different if things were this way. I am all for making the game harder.
  11. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Some tips/tactics one might suggest for a 2 man squad?

    Take it slow. If you take the time to wait and scout an area, chances are you are going to see the hostiles move. Seeing them first is a huge advantage. Althought dont crawl or slow walk out in the open. zombies are not as hard to deal with as players. So move from cover to cover quick, then watch and wait, deal with any zombie aggro, watch and wait some more.
  12. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    I have my account back

    Lets see some screen shots of you request to them, and their response. Otherwise I dont buy it.
  13. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Own fault... :'(

    Spawning weapons greatly effects the community. Say a new player stumbles upon the hackers dead body and takes his gun. The new player gets a battleeye ban for having an ilegal weapon. That is what is truely sad. That is why I have no sympothy for hackers. They are too selfish and that greatly effects everyone.
  14. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Game is too Easy

    I love the game but man is it ever easy once you figure out how to play. I spawn up, head into cherno and spend about an hour getting an alice pack, medical supplies, and whatever primary weapon I find or take from someone. Then I head down to balota airfield and upgrade my weapon if needed. I play alone or with up to 4 other people. We all get geared out within the first hour. We then are bored because finding gear is all this game is about, so we just hangout in cherno provoking gun fights until we get killed. Then we do it all again. This is why stuff needs to be harder to find. I know rocket wants the game to take place after a sudden calapse. However, if i went out right now I would find way more cars than guns. Guns would be rather difficult to find, and cars would be simple to find. Yet DayZ has reveresed this for some reason.
  15. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Soemone is actually hacking in US 27 Chicago 21

    you are aplha testing this game. You stuff is gone. They are collecting data to ban the hackers. Thanks for you help, "APLHA TESTING".
  16. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES! I love the game being as hard as possible. I like to work for my items.
  17. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    You are using this as a catch all to drop the server whenever you want. You knew there was aircraft in the server for at least 20 minutes before we attacked your base. I saw Ferren say he was investigating it. So dont use that as an excuse. If Ferren was going to investigate the problem he should have taken action as soon as he knew. But I guess it did not effect 7th operations gameplay so you did not take the server down. Once your base was attacked however, you thought that was a fine reason to shut the server down because you thought it was foul play. Then when we attacked you assumed we were hacking. You lumped us in with the aircraft pilot simply because you thought we were hacking. You had zero reason to shut the server down or ban us. Worst admins I have seen in a long time. You even lied about it in TS. When i first came in someone said, oh yeah we were pissed that the server when down, we had nothing to do with it. Then a few minutes later someone said yeah we brought the server down to investigate possible hacking. Then to sweeten your story you start adding in hackusations.
  18. last night sometime a hacker insta killed everyone on the server. Just reporting it here.
  19. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    First off, I don't know who Fear is. Sylauris, Troyicide, and unseendeath are all friends of mine and we do play together. The only thing worse than you abusing your admin powers, by taking the servers down two times, seconds after you died at your camp, is painting me and my friends as cheaters. That is a really lame excuse on your part and you openly admitted that you ASSUMED we were cheating. You cannot simply ban people on hackusations. This server is run by immature people who clearly abuse their power. Your guys are really reaching for anything you can to make us out to be the bad guys here. And yes you did lift outr ban, but while we were banned for such a short amount of time. Our other friend who you did not ban, made it to your camp and caught you moving your items and vehicles. Once the camp was cleared our ban was lifted.
  20. jbrodjeski@yahoo.com

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    No they admitted to banning us.