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Orphen (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Orphen (DayZ)

  1. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Funny. You're getting all mad because you aren't used to resistance against your almighty server admin role, eh? I just searched. I couldn't find the thread or post you were referring to. Feel free to link me. Also, for your reading pleasure: There's your rights. All any admin has to do is supply proof where capable. If you can't supply proof, lift the ban. It's as simple as that. You don't have to go off on a goddamn power trip.
  2. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Perhaps the server logs shows map markers? You could ask him to prove it that way.
  3. Orphen (DayZ)

    Wire Cutters-Solving The Wire Griefing Problems.

    Toolboxes aren't THAT rare. They're just right in terms of rarity, in my opinion.
  4. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I guess you frequent enough forums to give a psychological analysis of everyone on there' date=' right? Show me the psychology degree and I'll buy into your game. They put money into server hosts, not Rocket's hands. It has no impact on the mod at all other than allowing people to play it. And who enforces those who enforce? Here the dev team are too busy to deal with entitled admins on a power trip, so who stops them from screwing over their respective playerbases? Also, research some of Tomcat's posts. It pretty much sums up what type of person he is. He has no place hosting a server. I feel sorry if he's in a position of power in whatever profession he works in. You can bet damnwell I'm staying away from Tomcat's servers. I wouldn't want to be banned for leading a revolution against his almighty ironfist or anything. You are allowed to supervise when you've proven capable. There is no such restriction here. You just throw a wad of cash at a host' date=' throw Rocket a PM, wait a week or two and off you go. For some reason, Tomcat and fan-following seem to think that the DayZ software belongs to them and they can do whatever they like on it and through it. As I said before, Rocket owns that software and you're just babysitting it. Some admins take advantage of that and do whatever the hell they like thinking they can get away with it. Then maybe, JUST MAYBE, that's why Rocket hasn't listed it as a bannable offense? Think about it... You can catch most combat loggers as they'll spam login if they want something bad enough. So, if Rocket came down here right now and said provide proof of this ban or lift it, you'd just give him the finger and carry on pretending you're some almighty dictator? Smooth.
  5. Orphen (DayZ)

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    I disconnect due to Internet issues at least twice a day and I wouldn't find this to be a problem. A 15-20second logout timer would be fine. Anything else you'll find to be ridiculously long to log out.
  6. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    Orphen. There's an E. Would you really want an Admin that could ban for whatever reason he chose to? Admins are meant to be responsible, professional and reliable. They should provide proof for their actions, no matter what action was taken, if questioned as is expected of a server admin. As mentioned before, not all players have FRAPS running but any competent server admin has access to the server logs. Just to add: Kicking for exploiting I can understand. Despite Rocket not outlining that rule specifically, I have no doubt in my mind that he supports that reason for kicks/bans. What developer wouldn't? But if someone is banned for that reason and the admin is called out on it, they should have proof at the ready.
  7. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I'm glad you think you're some superior muffin to the rest of us. Keep pretending if it makes your forever-alone existence that little bit more bearable. You're just another guy whom for whatever reason decided to shell out to run a server. Apparently that's made you think you have the right to do whatever you like whenever you want. Admins should have no more rights than their players, simple as that. The reason you're able to kick and ban is a privilege and one that should be taken away from people like you who think it's alright to do whatever you want with someone else's software and gametime. The fact that you can afford a server in the first place tells me you're an adult. Perhaps it's time you got off your teenage power trip and did a reality check. You aren't anymore important as anyone else on the forums.
  8. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I'm sure that could be changed if you provided logs of every ban you ever did. Oh wait, you don't provide proof, do you? Point proven. Admins covering their own arses.
  9. Orphen (DayZ)

    Everytime a new character

    I think some of the servers don't save your progress. I believe that's the cracked CD-key servers. It could also be an issue with the Hive getting DDoS'd.
  10. Orphen (DayZ)

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    If they don't answer, just pin them as hostile and take them out. You gave them a chance, nothing more you could do.
  11. Orphen (DayZ)

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    Nice shot. I enjoyed the vid.
  12. Orphen (DayZ)

    What happened to LU15?

    Does anyone know what happened to LU15? It was having trouble last night (23rd June) and hasn't come back online. We have a camp set up on there so just wondering if we need to relocate to another server or just wait it out?
  13. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    You've got a false sense of entitlement here. It's a common trait for egotistical people. Rocket's rules. You have to obey them. Just like we have to obey the rules to not hack etc etc. You pay because you chose to. No one is forcing you to. You can stop paying if you think the rules are too strict. You don't get to change those rules.
  14. Orphen (DayZ)

    Zombies, potential PvP reducer.

    I loot zombies all the time! Great sources of food/drink and the occasional M1911 clip. Military zombies carry all the smoke grenades you could ever want (as well as the occasional 30Rnd STANAG Mag!)!
  15. Orphen (DayZ)

    What happened to LU15?

    I don't see LU15 on the serverlist at all at the moment. It was up a few hours ago, but I couldn't connect due to the script kiddies DDoSing the Hive.
  16. Orphen (DayZ)

    A sad Glitch story

    It's an alpha, mate. You're bound to lose stuff to glitches. Don't get attached to your stuff.
  17. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    It's your file server, Rocket's files. You pretty much sign an agreement saying you'll run those files as he wanted. You could host your porn on that server and no one would care what you did with it as long as it's not Rocket's files. It's basically Rocket's server (for lack of a better word) you're paying to run and you're babysitting it for him. It's not yours. It will never be yours until he takes you off the leash. Until then, you obey the rules. You are in the position of power and should act accordingly, blatantly attacking forum moderators is not the way to run things correctly. You are required to provide proof if you ban someone, it's common sense.
  18. Orphen (DayZ)

    The tension and anxiety is addictive!

    I suppose that's a legitimate point. Snipers can't see behind them and if you know all the good sniping spots...
  19. Orphen (DayZ)

    How to dupe items?

    If you do it by accident, don't worry. If we tell you and you do it on purpose, you won't need to worry because you won't be able to play anymore. Besides, I'm not helping another punk ruin the gameplay service somemore.
  20. Orphen (DayZ)

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Posting a full list of all their known alias would help other server admins avoid this group.
  21. Orphen (DayZ)


    Off-topic but the typo's in this thread make for hilarious jokes. Repairable hoppers and then shoppers? I think you guys are riding around on/in the wrong vehicles here :P
  22. Orphen (DayZ)


    It's not hard to play. Technical issues will happen no matter what. You're just one of the unlucky ones. Does your computer meet the minimum specifications to run ARMA 2? Do you get any error messages when being pushed back to desktop? Does the game minimise or simply close?
  23. Orphen (DayZ)

    The tension and anxiety is addictive!

    This guy is pretty spot on. Scoped weapons are for killing players. However, that leaves the following question: Is he a bandit or a bandit hunter?
  24. Orphen (DayZ)

    "wait for character to create" bug

    People are guessing it's a bunch of kids who got hit by BattlEye's banwave. But your guess is as good as mine right now.
  25. Orphen (DayZ)


    You'll need to stop raging and explain what the problem is else we can't help you.