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About nivi

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. nivi

    Gameplay Recording Program?

    Or try MSI afterburner, it has great recording option integrated. You can change quality of the video, resolution, fps limit (e.g. you set video on 30 fps eventhough you still play at max you can), compression using all cores and stuff like that. Its also free and IMO way better than fraps. I rather record 30% quality and upload directly to youtube without 3 hours of rendering, also dont forget the size fraps make. Not saying that 100% quality in MSI AB is bad but i think recording at lower quality is awesome option..
  2. nivi

    Help me to choose my new GPU

    Its not just about new performance from new generation but also about consuming less eletricity and I believe overtime if you're gaming a lot it would be better to buy 670 rather than eletricity sucking old 570.
  3. nivi

    Help me to choose my new GPU

    Waiting for new generation is always pointless because there always will be next generation in progress and this one just came out this summer so dont wait anything and grab the 670. I got myself the Gigabyte version and its a beast! Very silent and has very good cooling. Also, dont buy EVGA because it uses reference design which havent got really good cooling and is kinda loud. Consider Asus or gigabyte versions, both have good coolers and are way quieter compared to reference. And btw, 670 is way faster than 7950, its even faster than 7970.
  4. nivi

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Amazing news, cant wait for standalone DayZ :>
  5. nivi

    Hacking in DE189

    True story, and the place where we landed had one tent near us, it had some kind of charges that aren't in game, clearly a hacker.
  6. Video memory should be set at default if you have more than 512mb of video ram.
  7. nivi

    DayZ Screenshots!

    How did they even got up there?! http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6033/arma2oa2012072119334977.png http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/3562/arma2oa2012072123131057.png
  8. nivi

    Too many tents.... let's go

    MSI Afterburner has OSD option, Im using it too.
  9. nivi

    Do you like to sniper, Why?

    I dont see problem to carry secondary assault rifle in your backpack, well at leasts thats what I do. Thermal in hands, revolver for zombies and As50/m107 for sniping in backpack when needed, very nice combo.
  10. nivi

    What now?

    Destroy cars and respawn, play as a nice guy.
  11. L85 is working fine on
  12. ANPV has only night vision scope. No laser too.
  13. It wasnt intentional to remove it and its now back in game. And FYI its only good for spotting, at everything else it sucks so you have to carry second weapon and that creates extra annoyance because you need to switch weapons if you want to shoot something. To OP, I would take AS50 since finding m107 ammo is so easy, just raid stary sorob military tents few times and you will find it for sure. M14 its only for short range and that FN fal is completely useless and its total crap.
  14. nivi

    FR10 Admin Abuse

    Now they AGAIN renamed server, now its NL25.