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Everything posted by Flagella

  1. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    You must have chose answers that normally mean killing people for no reason.
  2. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Sounds like most groups of people with guns haha
  3. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Yes haha I'll make it a bit more obvious now that it's a link (:
  4. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    I'm considering adding an in between outcome for Bandit+KOS'er and Hero+Survivor so maybe your more of a dirty survivor or a murdering bandit etc.
  5. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    You may have chosen an answer where you can get points towards bandit and KOS'er so that may have been what happened
  6. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    There is no question where the amount of hours influences what sort of player result you have and honestly having lots of hours in the game means very little to what sort of player you are. There are most likely Bandits that have 300 hours of gameplay as well. Although you may think you're a survivor doesn't necessarily mean that you are as well. These answers and results were made by me and my friends and are going generally on what the DayZ community would think. Most answers give you 6 points to Hero, Survivor, Bandit and KOS'er Some answers give you 3 points to Hero + Survivor while others give 3 points to Bandit + KOS'er At the end of the quiz, all the points are added up and you are given a percentage on what sort of player you are. So if you got majority Bandit it well means that you may well be a bandit.
  7. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Well that generally is the same thing. I can't obviously list every option but that would be the survivor approach
  8. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Well it dad say you were %89 KOS'er so I guess you are. If you don't choose the 'taunt people and take their pants' option it doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't a bandit
  9. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Of course I can't list every way but I did majority of them
  10. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    There is, try choosing different answers. I'm going to change something about the quiz in a second which may help the answers be a bit more accurate
  11. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Ah yes there is actually. It's Survivor
  12. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Did you click the options where it says, shoots like a Spaz?? It obviously is all opinionated but I can work on the answers and outcomes a bit more later
  13. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Which question was it do you think???
  14. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    There are questions in the quiz with options that go along the lines of an inconsistent sort of player, I recommend you still do it and see what you get
  15. Flagella

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    No problem (: I thought it'd be a cool thing to make I guess
  16. Flagella

    [Suggestion] - Death By Headshot

    1. Suggestions go in the suggestion thread 2. Good suggestions go in the suggestion thread (so don't bother moving it) 3. Not every time you get shot is there going to be someone a few meters away doing that to you. Maybe it could be an option to do that to someone but your suggestion makes no sense
  17. No You're a dumb If you wanna play PVE against the extreme amount of zombies on the game go hire a server yourself And no
  18. Flagella

    ULTIMATE hero hunting squad

    Did he ever say what he normally does? Who knows maybe the heroes do it normally as well
  19. Not a bad suggestion but then again suggestions belong in the suggestion thread...
  20. Flagella

    Crosshair in 3pp 1 cm too high?

    If you haven't realised that the difference with games like the Arma series is that bullets actual come out of the gun and not the players head (like battlefield etc.) so if you're holding your gun on an angle, the dot will only work for a certain range. Eventually because of the way he holds the gun in hip fire mode the bullet will cross where the dot is anyways so regardless whether you put a sticker on the screen, the same thing will happen. Test it, shoot at a wall around 500m with hip fire and see how centered it is/in line with your sticker on your screen. Why don't people just ads like you're meant to do with guns, not hip fire at everything you see.
  21. Flagella


    They used to be extremely good and the players who haven't died from the previous updates (like moi) now have an M4 while those people these days still struggle to find them There will be a character reset soon so there should be a lot less M4s floating around the servers
  22. Flagella

    FPS Boost (Thank you Developers)

    Well I have vsync on so I didn't notice it :3 but well that's good I guess for all the lower end PC players
  23. Flagella

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    To be honest, unless a car was perfectly fine and hadn't been damaged we probably wouldn't be able to fix it. Like when you have a problem with a car you know more then a toolbox and some old car parts to fix it. The only reason I wouldn't mind vehicles is that it'd give me something to do. I think the main people that want the vehicles are the hackers.
  24. I don't think people seem to realize that a gun doesn't way 50 kgs, it wouldn't slow your arm movement dramatically to the point where your arms are struggling to keep up with your sight. If you're walking with your gun up its most likely that your eyes will follow where your gun is going. If you were ads this would be even more so. I'm gonna guess that most people here would've been paint balling or at least gone laser skirmishing and even though these weapons are lighter then an average firearm, we may look around (like when we've pressed alt or go into free look) but our arms don't lag behind our sight. I don't particularly mind mouse acceleration but I think the simple solution to this problem would be to simply have an on and off option. No point making it more complicated then it needs to be.