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45 Good

About xolerate

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    Michigan, by Detroit.

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  1. xolerate

    DayZ Book Club

  2. xolerate

    DayZ SA Comic

    Made this in like 20 minutes.
  3. xolerate

    DayZ SA Comic

    I hope it's relatable.
  4. xolerate

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    But this is different, he wants this to be "realistic." I know zombies are not realistic, but he's talking about if there was a zombie apocalypse, he would want the game to be like a real one. This is about immersion, that's why he took away the HUD. Yeah, that would be cool 'n' all, but I'd rather have realism than fantasy.
  5. xolerate

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    I can die happy now, thank you.
  6. xolerate

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Gotta love 'em!
  7. That is amazing. Cannot wait for the next episode!
  8. xolerate

    Where are all the devblogs?

    http://web-beta.archive.org/web/20120624041007/http://dayzmod.com/ It's old
  9. Ha, just hours ago I was searching to see if I new one was made. Thanks for making these, love them.
  10. xolerate

    Where are all the devblogs?

    They are for the mod, if you watched the FAQ a little back, they said they were trying to get a crafting system in.
  11. xolerate

    Being Sexually Violated in DayZRP

    This was okay.
  12. xolerate

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Thank you so much for sharing with us. Very excited.
  13. xolerate

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    #1 #2 #3 Please bare with me as these were old ones. I only just started to continue them today because someone on deviant art was a fan of them. So that's why it's "cheap." This was originally gonna be just some sketch comic but then when I learned more I took more time on them.
  14. xolerate


    DayZ is about immersion. Not fairy tales.
  15. xolerate

    I'd like to see trains in DayZ

    The idea seems silly, I think people wouldn't take it seriously at all. It would be cool, but in a apocalypse, who the heck would even think of riding a train. I think the only use for trains would be to find loot in them.