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About The_Weapon1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North-West Airfield
  1. The_Weapon1

    Lock-On Rocket Launchers

    Yes but those signs are designed for people with some kind of military training, not for any ole joe.
  2. The_Weapon1

    Global banned need help

    You would have to contact Battleye, they issue global bans. Not Dayz admins. http://battleye.com/
  3. When the Admin replied: Sure lot of tping going on here made my day. Nice Catch!
  4. The_Weapon1

    Dog Pouches!

    I can just imagine a guy running along the road and going OH look a cute little puppy! Then getting killed by a satchel bomb on the dog.......
  5. The_Weapon1

    De 100 #2 Admin ban

    Go to battleye. They issue Global Bans, DayZ has nothing to do with them
  6. The_Weapon1

    Can somebody please explain...

    The main reason is they like reading these QQ topics...........
  7. The_Weapon1

    Community Ban List (No proof/logs)

    I'm not for sure but I believe that grandfathered into the banlist means that you were banned for some reason long ago, and when they made the banlist your name was just thrown in with the rest of the names on that admin's banlist. So you were probably banned ages ago and your name was accidently left in the banlist.
  8. The_Weapon1

    DayZ Truths

    npcs = NOPE
  9. I've heard of this happening on several servers, it's hackers just spawning them randomly.
  10. The_Weapon1

    Idea to suprise evrybode with dayz once more.

    I want a story of why the Green M is so spooky, and haunted.
  11. The_Weapon1

    Bandits should have more consequences

    hmmmmmm. You say you don't like bandits? Then why do you have an AS50? That's usually for bandits and I don't think you would need anything like that for zed killing............
  12. The_Weapon1

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    Why does everybody want to make banditry a downside? It helps add realism to the mod.
  13. DayZ admins and devs have no power over private hives, so this thread is pointless.................
  14. The_Weapon1

    More explosives....

    Want more explosions? Hop on a server with hackers in it and run to cherno. You might see it on fire.............