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The Jackall

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About The Jackall

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  1. The Jackall

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    You are a pussy who cant play the game cus its to hard :thumbsup:
  2. The Jackall

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    i have to agree and i dont mind getting my items damaged if a zed hits me. The point is to avoid them and run like a mother fucker when you see them. Imagine having a M4A1 and you just picked up a Red dot scope for it, you encounter some zeds in town while looking for food and one zed smackes your gun and your scope is broken.....I can live with that and it will make us more afraid of engaging or testing the zeds hit range.
  3. The Jackall

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    take that yellow shirt and shoot it....outcome ghillie shirt :)
  4. The Jackall

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    good. i like the damaged looked of items. my question is can you shoot items on the floor to get them looking all warn. i would shoot up my own guilli suit :D
  5. The Jackall

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    DeathStroke, on 08 Sept 2013 - 01:52 AM, said: You commented on DeathStrokes post. And Dean did say in the video that "ALL ITEMS" including guns will deteriorate. I think its not a bad idea, but it has to be after a couple hundred rounds and not after one shot.
  6. The Jackall

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    this does seem extreme and nothing close to real life, and yes i like to shoot on site too. Guns are built tough and are not made from fucking wood. How about degrading after 200 rounds or so and needing a cleaning kit to get it back into shape.
  7. The Jackall

    Once you have all gear...

    after getting all the gear i want, my goal is to take my teamies and take out other teams. We end up having huge 3-4 hour battles. After a battle like that you end up with nothing, or hole team geared up with guillis and rare snipers rifles.
  8. The Jackall

    DAYZ Trees

    fuck dem trees and dem hackers.
  9. The Jackall

    DAYZ Trees

    i never hide behind pine trees when getting fired at. I am talking about maple/oak trees. I thought the guys hack with the way they shoot me behind them. To putt it plaint, the trees are fucking useless and all you need to do is spray at the tree and you will break the guys legs....in order to finish him off.
  10. The Jackall

    DAYZ Trees

    Hi Guys. I have had shit luck when hiding behind trees and guys are firing at me. I get killed 9/10 times. Is there any specific way to hide behind these trees when someone is firing at you? I find that trees are just not viable for cover at all and it doesn't matter which tree I pick. I always pick the biggest tree when hiding from fire, or scouting, and it doesn't seem to matter how big the tree is. If a guy stands oppsite me, he always gets me.
  11. The Jackall

    DayZero Thoughts

    Fucking A
  12. The Jackall

    DayZero Thoughts

    i have to agree. the american servers who give these package deals are fucking expensive, and i wont pay $1 towards it. I don't think the average player (under 18s) can afford them anyway. Now if you go look at the current servers, there are not that many players who do play in those reserved slots anyway. You might find one or two slots taken on some of those servers and most don't even have any in them. I think Fraggie is generalising, and he meant that they made money (even if it is a small amount) from something according to him, they shouldn't have made anything from.
  13. The Jackall

    DayZero Thoughts

    yea Kudos to him and BIS dude. Sure hope the SA will run better and smoother than any of the mods. From what i have seen being done by the Dayzero guys, is that the Arma 2 engine is still next gen and can look very good if not amazing if tweaked correctly (running the game with X2 670 GTX's) :). This gives me great hope for the SA.
  14. The Jackall

    DayZero Thoughts

    i would still like to know if Dean was sitting in BI when working on the mod why were they not allowed to edit the code like the Dayzero guys did? It doesn't make sense dude. If i recall Dean actually had comments where he said it was impossible. The things he said was impossible the Dayzero team got right.
  15. The Jackall

    DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

    i dont like it. Basically it means when you in a battle you can expect the guy back at his body in 1min flat. is this patch ever going to be released? I mean why is it taking so fucking long when it was submitted for review in July. At this rate we wont get the patch this year so why are we even bitching about the spawns.