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Everything posted by Kyogen

  1. Hi whoever you where. Im still unsure on if you tried to kill us or just paniked when i had to shoot the zombie comming into the warehouse. you came towards where we where so i figure you either wanted contact or just shoot us. Anyway, we wherent hostile and tried to write friendly (just wherent close enough and there is no global/side chat) my friend had the drop on you though, and when you stared shooting at me he shot you. We had to kill about 40 zombies during that firefight. Just wanted to let you know. Logging off when the zombies came to finish you was very unclassy though.
  2. 11 day old char: I had guiliy suite , sniper and alot of other cool stuff. Me and my friend head to the NE airfield because he wants to check out the control tower. we both have guilly suits and its night so we are really sneeky when we move in. I go overwatch a bit away whilie he loots around. I feel pretty safe since i find it hard for anyone to see us there so im pretty sloppy with my movements. He then suddenly asks me "hey, do you know how you turn a flashlight on? " I tell him L and he turns it on and lights upp the entire damn area (they are WAAAAY stronger than maglites) 1 second later someone is shooting at me , i drop, try moving away, gets shot and die. Only confort i had was that my friend eventually died to... :D
  3. Kyogen

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