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Everything posted by scurveh

  1. Whenever I go to run DayZ, I get this message, Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' requires addon 'Desert_E'. I have no clue where to get this from. Also, I get many error messages when I attempt to join a server and get kicked every time before I can even do anything. I have been attempting to run DayZ through Arma 2 CO and I get error messages with that and DayZ Commander AND Play Six. Thanks, Scurveh
  2. scurveh

    So Many Errors/Issues

    I am still having a ton of trouble. I sent you a message ith my Skype name. Please add me so I can get this sorted out. Thanks, Scurveh
  3. scurveh

    So Many Errors/Issues

    The problem is, the server closes before I can even read the errors in the bottom left of my screen. I also sometimes get errors saying something about having the wrong keys and I need new keys or delete the ones listed.
  4. scurveh

    So Many Errors/Issues

    First off, one step at a time. I did run Arma 2, but not for 5 minutes. Second, how do you get them to register as CO? And yes I did also run Arma 2 OA after Arma 2. Should I uninstall DayZ and all of Arma 2 CO? Thanks!