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Everything posted by rageness

  1. rageness

    Looking For UK Bandit/s to play with

    Hey mooney you in Sheffield in the UK right? Quite amusing cause so am I. Out of interest how old are you? I play with quite a few guys mostly UK all mature 20+ minimum im 27. We have kinda stopped playing dayz at the minute due to arma 3 release and we switched a bit to wasteland due to the number of hackers on dayz. We did play rapedungeon server quite a lot. How ever once the standalone is out I can't see us getting off of it. If your interested and have arma 3 add me frostyjamesfrosty to steam. Also I have a creative sound card it's a bitch but I reckon I could fix yours if you ain't got it sorted. it's to do with muting the line in or mic in and it stops feedback.
  2. Forgive me if this is posted elsewhere I did search beforehand and may have missed something, if so just delete. No need to troll etc So I noticed there is to be a 1000 given beta places for closed beta and did not see a sign up thread/link etc. Now I figure you have probably chosen your initial 500+ for the closed beta but like anything you may open more and I figure maybe a thread that people can sign upto giving their reasons for wanting to be involved may be a good idea. I know from previous beta's I have signed up for and not got the spot it has been on a system where you put in your pc specs and time played etc, but then seen friends get the spots who have played the beta for 5 minutes and not touched it again which kind of ruins the whole idea of beta for me. So I figured maybe a few lines from each person wanting to sign up wouldn't be a bad move. Personally I have played the mod from around Jan/Feb 2012 on recommendation from a friend who saw a video on youtube, I watched the video and didn't think anything of it. But since I already had all the arma 2 packs I thought why not I'll give it a go. Later that day I had talked 8 clan m8's into also joining me on the best online pc game I have ever played. Now don't get me wrong im not sucking any ones balls I have had moments on dayz due to floors where I literally wanted to put hands through my screen and possibly cursed rockets soul, but even with early floors I kept on playing and I cannot wait for the stand alone. I must have over 1200 hours on dayz and that's with a job too, (I know that sounds a lot, but 5 hours a day average for 365 days is 1500 and we have done many many 18 hour straight sessions). I do stream although im not very good right now due to my internet connection being an awful 0.80 meg upload... but my pc handles streaming without issue. My pc specs are very good and include a 4.5ghz water cooled I7 and 2 gtx 470's. I am not really an active poster on here but I do read a lot, and nothing would excite me more than 2 be part of the beta if a spot was availableI I don't need a free copy or anything even though I saw that written down I just want to be part of it and input something. I will be in Hospital for several hours 3 times a week for the next 8 weeks starting in a month or 2 as soon as they have an opening, so this would be perfect as I won't be working and would be able to play a heck of a lot. Ps, I have been playing games for 20 years and understand what a beta is, so I won't come crying or raging when a wall falls on me or I get killed due a a teleporting zombie I expect it and will report it with any suggestions.
  3. For me and many others the mod has been one game I have spent more time on than any other game since I started gaming almost 20 years ago. This is without a doubt as equally anticipated as the likes of gta5 the new MGS (solid not that risen with a sword crap) I may even buy a couple of 680's if this game is optimised for gpu rather than cpu unlike arma 2 at the minute. I hope you make plenty of money from this rocket or get the career you want as you deserve it!
  4. rageness

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Hey guys, Is any 1 online to help me? Just jumped onto your server for the 1st time, been playing on the 800+ vehicle server and 5 of my friends were on your server and said it was very nice. So I jumped on, Very impressed as I was running around with almost normal fps (90) and there I am looting the airfield , 2 seconds later Ban hammer. Utterly confused, no scripting never have, cannot think of any reason tbh. Other than my name had a (2) next to it? Really would like to get back on and continue to try put your server as we are looking for a nice less laggy one :) Also looked all over for your teamspeak/vent/mumble info and cannot find anything. Any idea's guys? Thank you, RaGe.
  5. Hey, Just been thinking to my self. In the last month I have barley played this game due to the ridculas amount of cheaters which nothing ever seems to get done about, I was thinking of setting up a server, But the difference is to play on the server you would have to register on a seperate forum, with you in game name and your user ID, so you would then get whitelisted. This would stop haxers and would keep the same regular players on the server. Is this possible and/or has it allready been done.
  6. Now don't get me wrong, this is in no way the devlopers fault. But it has reached a point where playing has become more of a chore and more agitating than frankly banging my hand with a hammer. Now im aware many of you will tell me im QQing but at this point im a bit past it. We have played since febuary and really enjoy this game. So over the last week we have had (we are a clan) a series of tping slays, where we are all tped and slayed. Then our camps are spawned into, (a haxer spawns to vehicles) and doesn't bother taking them they just blow them up. (how do I know) well on more than 3 occasions this has happened. Some 1 just tpes next to us, we shoot them, 3 seconds later they are back with all the same gear the same name and eventually if we don't abort we are dead. So 2 days ago, I spent with a friend about 9 hours maybe more, solid finding and fixing a heli, (1st heli) we found and fixed 1. Set off picked up our other 3 friends, then headed to our base to pick up the 4th (total of 6). We land at our base which was miles above any where, a minute after we have landed, we get shot at. Now we are a descent clan we are very well geared, all 6 have guilli's and a mix of as50's thermal la85's and silenced m4's. All legit. So we split up and start looking for the guy shooting at us, Long story short he shot 4, 2 died and every 1 that got shot said they saw the bullet exit a weapon in front of them but couldn't see any 1, I had taken position 300 meteres away from our heli with my thermal gun, I could see every 1 on my team but no enemy. After hes shot the guys and the rest have given in and aborted the haxer gets in our van, drives around, stops then gets in our heli. At this point I have had the oppurtunity to look through the windows in the van and the heli and no 1 is there, He sets off and theres sweet fuck all I can do about it. I shot the shit out of the pilots window and nothing... So tonight me and my other clan friends spent about 5 hours fixing another heli, we finnaly get it working, set off, Pick up the other clan m8s and as we are going along the coast, Out of the blue I see another chopper which I couldn't believe. At no point did I assume this was a haxer, it's recorded we allsaid what are the chances. Any how he starts shooting at us, After some epic flying that klost him several times and a shotout, the haxers heli loses and gets shot down, His 2 of there guys die. Now at this point I figured some how he had managed to see where I had flown us, despite some rather epic flying skills. Turns out he was tping to us every time he lost us. 1 minute after we have shot the guys heli down, we land some where, Probably over a 1000 meteres away in an attempt to heal our very dead gunner, we land and low and behold a guy with an as50 spawns next to us, we all shot the shit out of him and no damage. he kills 1 or 2 of the reminaing 4 guys, I jump in and set off before he finishes us. I fly off with 2 of us left, Now at this point the guys on ts are raging like fuck as this has happened so many times and I am paying no attention, Knowing that where ever I land, he will spawn next to us and kill us, Then like a twat I hit a tree, not massivly fussed knowing I cannot land it to fix it anyhow, Me and my friend are some how still alive...so we jump out. 30 seconds later a heli spawns above us and starts lighting us up, despite the fact we are both in guilli suits in seperate tree's. So to sumerise in the last week we have come across some form of hax, at least 3 to 4 times a day on average, Which leads me to believe it must be real easy for these faggots to hax. There fore would it be real easy to fix? Truely this is the best game I have played for probably the last 5 years and all of us agree that this game deserves to be huge and rocket and staff deserve a great wage and a ferrari as a bonus, But I cannot bring my self to continue getting bummed by these little twats, after spending 5+ hours top have about 30 minutes of fun knowing we are going to get shafted. Thank you for reading, Video will be linked tomorrow after the upload. Should be an epic video! Assuming the guy recording wasn't getting desync with the flying.
  7. Made the mistake of playing again, had a heli, flying round for a good 25 min, picked up friends, saw an enemy base with a ural and another heli, as I was about to land, I get kicked... along with some others. I rejoin my friend who I had dropped off to check if it was safe had not been kicked. Our heli landed on the other heli has it went down what with having no pilot... and created a huge fireball, I started to loot the ural, which was full of gear that should not be in game so I didn't bother. Was about to leave when another invis haxer spawned between the 5 of us and shot me in the face with an AS50, So thats my as50, thermal coyote backpack, guilli, all the tools, nades etc gone. and I really can't be fucked to rejoin. Actually been playing on the only lingor server as it seems to have less haxers. (for now)
  8. Your stupidty is out standing, Haxing is a feature of an online game? Pretty sure people get more retarded by the day...
  9. Ok here is the video, Now it's not the full video as dale (recording) died before we had chance to land at which point the haxing was very obvious, But you can see at the speed I dropped altitude to gain speed to retreat it was impossible for him to catch up and still keep the same hieght. He was just tping behind us, His name was ΦehNkc with a backwards N, the 2 guys with him that didn't have god mode on flash up as the heli went down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6KZgKvFsyw
  10. Hey, I cn understand your point about haxers. How ever, The haxers I have seen tend to spawn in a weapon and ammo and thats about it. We aree a group of over 10 clan members, we have a huge arsenal of gear over 3 or 4 servers. As50's are everywhere and when you have the number of vehicles we do it's not hard to find them on heli crash sights. We just left another server due to a number of haxers tping every 1 and slaying them. Was told your server was ok so it's a shame this has happened. 1 way to solve this would be to drop the vehicle (both) some where with their gear in and let them know where it is to collect without shooting them. We really enjoy this game and appreciate server hosts, so we wouldn't want to fall out. As for guilli suits, easily found in tents. ;)
  11. Just at the north west airfield on UK63, having moved here due to a server hacker on our home server. I was looking around and saw 2 people on the firestation roof, both with nightvision. I watch for a while and eventually take the shot, taking both of them out with a double headshot. As I go to cross the field some one close fire's, I look to my left and I see another player laid down. I take care of him and tell my friend on ts to start moving out. As I am about to hit the control tower I hear very loud shots, A guy is right in front of me with night vision and an fnval, I throw a nade and finish him with my m4a1 cco. I sprint to his body I hit loot to collect his night vision for some of the 10 clan members we are with, Obviously im stocked as I just finished got enough night vision so now we all have it. Literally milliseconds later the server is restated, before I even got chance to stick the stuff in my bag. Now of course there is, I guess a one in a million chance that this just "happened" I rejoined and informed the admin that this post was being made and he could reply. Lets say he was not diplomatic in the 2 minute exchange of words and tried to palm it off on server issue's. The admin I believe restarted the server was (lulz)lolbrocolli, The 1 who then decided to kick me was (lulz)m3t4lh34d. Now I am sure that this admin will reply in his defence with some epic story with reasons to the server restart, But as the server had been running perfectly for the hour or 2 we had been on I doubt any of them are true. Now I don't have proof, I for once was not recording...(typical) But if there are reports of this server behaving like this often hopefully this will build a case for it's removal. Thank you dayz admin team.
  12. 1st, I honestly believe a server owner should be able to issue a ban for any reason they feel like, at the end of the day it is your server and you pay for it. 2nd, if you read my 1st post I already stated I did not have proof, I had posted as already explained (maybe you could read this) in expectations that if this was a regular occurrence on this server then other people would also post similar issue's. They have not and I may have been wrong which I already apologised for. How ever you still need to take your thumb out of your backside and stop getting so agitated about the post. It's not about trying to be right about something, it's more along the lines of you being so aggressive over a genuine post which if proven correctly would have had serious implications for your server. I am not going to continue to bicker with you, it's the internet and there are no winners in this situation. At least this will keep you on your toes should you consider doing any thing similar.
  13. 1st, Please type with some paragraphs so its not a wall. 2nd get a grip, your the only 1 that seems wound up about it and your the only 1 making an arse of your self. I posted the initial post in order to report what we suspected was aadmin abuse, Your getting all jumpy about stuff that has nothing to do with why it was posted. If it turns out or had turned out you had restarted the server just to stop us looting then why would it not be a good thing that this was posted? If my initial complaint had been followed up by several others with similar circumstances then your server would be removed... It has not, so why are you still bitching? There are plenty of admins around who do abuse the system so why would I have expected anything different with the given circumstances? Your points about alpha etc are wasted because it has nothing to do with the post, stop reading into something that is not there, It was reported because we suspected your admins were abusing, Now kindly stfu and stop talking rubbish. Also I never managed to loot any of you, not that it matters.
  14. Your right dealman, I made it up. I just enjoy spending 5 minutes making a post on a forum making things up...
  15. Actually you threw the 1st slang via type... As I said, If that's the case then I apologies for assuming you were petty enough to rr the server, but see it from our point. I shoot 4 guys and the server instantly rr's as the admin is shot... Seemed very suspicious. As I said, we still won't be back on, as an admin you should have took it on the chin and responded with a decent calm explanation rather than the torrent of shit and abuse that came out of your mouth.
  16. Utterly confused what you are on about... We have no 1 by the name of dealman, we have been around for over 3 years UK based with a lot of members, this was our 1st time on your server so take your accusations elsewhere. 3 witness's? witnesses of what? Your verbal abuse? Bearing in mind I rejoined with only 8 people on the server and the other 5 or 6 were Bp members who had rejoined to ask what had happened. I'll leave Rocket to decide who the tool is and hopefully assuming I am correct you will have your server removed. Good day.
  17. Nice reply... Scum? Really? Grow up. 1st, if you do provide logs and it shows an admin did not do the restart I will apologies as I am grown up and not a child. We host our own set of severs as well and it comes out of our pocket too although I still wouldn't speak to players like you have done. You just lost your self 10+ players who frequently donate to servers they reg on. 2ndly, I would love to see this video, as I said I had reached the body opened the loot saw the fn-fal NVG with NVG and range finder as it was restarted, I was less than 30 meters away when I shot mezzy xd, so I got there very quickly. We are banned? yet I made it very clear on the chat that I (probably including the rest of my clan) would not be returning to this server due to what had just happened. No one abused you either, the only swear words and abusive language came from your mouth over the mic, after I said I was going to make this post as it was pathetic to restart the server to prevent us looting your corpse. I stand by my initial statement and if it does turn out to just be a misunderstanding I will as said apologies, but I still would not be interested in returning to your server as your clearly not capable of being what I would consider admin material.
  18. All day hacker on uk6, tping players together then slaying. Friend told me about it when I got homo, He had picked up and svd camp minutes later tped to sea with every 1 else and slayed. All our cars at camp have been reset plus all the gear. We came back on just now, ran for an hour then all of a sudden the 6 of us are tped, next to the remaining 40 players on the server. Obviously we knew what was about to happen and hit abort very quickly and watched every 1 else die... Id like to take an axe to this haxing ***** and make a new cannibal video!
  19. rageness

    uk6, haxer... Be aware

    Nono, Id like to make a snuff film involving them. Not suggesting I would actually eat them but then again if you believed that maybe you should be seeking help. If you actually sympathize with haxers then quiet frankly there's nothing more to say...
  20. rageness

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    Had this too, running to berizino with a friend, he accidently htis respawn instead of options LOOOL, He manages to run back to his corpse that im watching. As he gets here (within 5 minutes) it just vanishes.
  21. rageness

    Please add a defib!

    As above please add a defib, I am sick to death of being killed by some glitch or other form of bullshit miles away from any spawn location, Stopping me from returning to my body to loot it before it disappears. A defib could spawn in hospitals and players could be defibbed upto 3 minutes after they die assuming they have not hit respawn. Yet again I have had my leg broken by a zed knocked unconscious and eaten to death as it refused to take a hit... Happens all the time. Or getting shot by some bleeding faggot that insists on SOS. Rant over :(
  22. rageness

    as50? bannable?

    Hey, I shot a sniper shooting at my friend. When I went to loot his body he had all the gear, leading me to the assumption maybe he was haxer. He had a bison sd, guille suit, coyote back pack, NVG range finder, m9sd, all the tools etc. Now I have had all of those before except the bison. (had the sd mp5) But he also had a 50 cal sniper which I believe is spawnable. Could an admin let me know if it's ok for myself to use it? I have been doing but tbh it won't be long til im out of ammo as he did not have much. It may be that he found it all legit, I know I have found a shed load of very hard to find items but never many guilli suits ;) as well as everything else.
  23. rageness

    as50? bannable?

    The guy that lost his, M8 I have lost every brilliant gun in the game due to that same simple bloody bug. Epic gun replaced by some thing else... Like ammo or raw meet or an m911... Amazed my screen is still in tact. lol Ditch your backpack and get another, seems to be a backpack glitch.
  24. Ditch the backpack and find a new 1, I had a similar issue. I had an m4cco in my bag which was some how replaced with an m911 on connect. I took it out and put a cz550 in. Came on later and that had gone in place of the m1911 again... Was not happy. Ditched the bag and no problems.