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Everything posted by tommy290

  1. tommy290

    How to steal blood?

    I'm thinking you might need a syringe somewhere in the mix? I'm not positive, but I thought someone told me that.
  2. tommy290

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which came first, the KOS or the combat logging? There is really no simpler way to explain it. If some of you cannot understand that, it is your own fault and not mine. Continue in your circular arguments that lead you back to the beginning every time.
  3. tommy290

    Mosin 9130 - Where to find?

    I found one in a big industrial type building. Or maybe it was an office building? All I know is that it had multiple levels and the gun was on a landing in the stairwell between two floors.
  4. tommy290

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    You are really bad at comprehension, bro. You have validated my point explicitly. OP is complaining about people using an exploit yet is going to increase the behavior which causes more people to use the exploit. This is a cycle that will continue, thus making the debate moot.
  5. tommy290

    So the east side of the map.

    In terms of locations or people? If people, that's good...because I'm on the east side and would rather keep it to myself. :)
  6. tommy290

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Once again, you're part of the crowd arguing in circles. There are two things everyone should consider at this point in time: 1. The ability to instantaneously disconnect is available within the game with no repercussions. 2. Many people do not like to get killed on sight, and if they continually get killed on sight, they are more likely to use the ability to instantaneously disconnect from the game. You can argue all you want about the ethical nature of combat logging, how you should be able to KOS, etc. However, understand that your arguments will not further your position and are simply filler. The entire debate is a moot point as long as the above two facts remain true.
  7. tommy290

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    How are they not comparable? People are saying that this is a "sandbox" game, play how you want, etc etc etc. KOS can be considered game-breaking to those being killed repeatedly. This is a back-and-forth argument that cannot be resolved by telling the opposite side to knock it off. The OP basically states "I don't like what you're doing, so I'm going to retaliate by doing the action that is causing you to do what I don't want you to do." How is that productive? Exploit or no, it's simply the other side of the coin.
  8. tommy290

    blood regen with current notifications

    That is correct. Your stomach can only hold so much content. If you fill it only with water, you will still be hungry and vice versa. I believe if you do roughly equal parts food/water, you should get both levels high enough without filling your stomach so much that you hurl.
  9. tommy290

    blood regen with current notifications

    When I was regenerating, it said "healing" as a status. Then when I was done, it said "healthy". Basically, if you only eat/drink to the point that the messages stop, you're not going to regenerate. You have to go farther. However, you will get a message that your stomach is full. If you heed that warning, you won't vomit.
  10. tommy290

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Combat loggers are doing this, yet you say they shouldn't. You cannot apply rules only when it suits your purpose. If people don't like combat logging the instant someone is engaged, then they should stop killing people the instant they're engaged. Both sides are causing a repeating pattern of behavior, and only telling the other side to stop will never work.
  11. tommy290

    Random noises

    Happens to me too.
  12. tommy290

    Time to Release a Hotfix

    Alpha. Relax.
  13. tommy290

    Massive Balota Battle Against Ghosters

    That was a very technical account. Enjoyed reading it. I have to imagine the current combat logging situation will be rectified somehow. Seems that it is ridiculously easy to abuse, which is why I'm guessing that the current state is due to developmental issues and not planned structure. Obviously the dev team is aware of it (how could they not be), so I can only assume they are either working on a solution or have to develop other parts of the game before they can implement a solution. Again, really good story. I wish more people had your writing skills.
  14. tommy290

    Suppressor .45 ACP

    Man, I've got a ton of ammo for that gun apparently...But no gun. :)
  15. tommy290

    New to DayZ Just Bought Standalone

    I couldn't even imagine starting out on SA. Crazy fool. :) If you're looking for some people to team up with, check out MustyGaming.com. Good people over there, very helpful. Wide range of playtimes too. What do you think your playstyle is going to be? Hero, bandit, mix?
  16. I can confirm the healing status, at least for my current character. Decided to chow down on a bag of rice, then a bottle of water and some cans of pop. I thought perhaps I needed way more, as no message came up. However, a couple minutes later I was looting a house and happened to notice the healing message... Which then went to healthy, where it has stayed.
  17. tommy290

    Fluffy Puppies as a Cure for KOS?

    Because they're worse than the KOS kiddies.
  18. tommy290

    Where have all the Items Gone?

    As Steakums said, find a different server. Look for a low population one. If you're on a high-pop server, even if it just restarts, you'll probably be running into some other survivors who may not be friendly. Low pop gives you just best chance to find stuff. Also, find some places off the coast. Or anywhere that people aren't going to hit immediately. I've had better luck going to some out-of-the-way spots, simply because most people hit up the main hotspots and forget about the outskirts.
  19. I'm probably nowhere near you. I'm trying to get away from the busy spots.
  20. I think I have a Mosin. Is that the long wood looking gun? Pretty sure that's what I have. Found some scope thingy for it too. But yes, I can understand why you don't need two of the same gun.
  21. I've found that if there's only one zombie, circle around and beat with a pipe wrench. I've done that quite successfully numerous times. Certainly not a OHKO, but good enough to do the job. The other option is to just run away.
  22. There's an indicator for fully healed? Hot damn! That's what I wanted... On the down side, apparently I am neither healing or healed... Better start eatin'...
  23. tommy290

    Low on blood need blood help, Bland colors

    I think not having the indicators only means you are just above the threshold for hunger/thirst. Not sure if you'll regen at that level though.