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Everything posted by tommy290

  1. tommy290

    PC Store

    Don't jump on a CPU! You could break it. huehuehue
  2. tommy290

    PC Store

    If you choose the build-yourself route, go to pcpartpicker.com and create a build. This will help you ensure all your parts are compatible, and it'll show you where to get them the cheapest. The pcpartpicker forums are also a good place to get ideas for what to use based on your budget. Microcenter is also a good place for in-store stuff. They have good prices and (usually) people that actually know what they're talking about. They have a couple locations in Texas, but no idea if they'll be close enough to you.
  3. Depending on whether you actually need Teamspeak, Mumble is another option for VOIP. It's completely open-source and free up to however many users you want.
  4. tommy290

    first encounter with a hacker

    Hacks, hacks, everywhere there's hacks! In the shacks there's hacks! In the packs there's hacks! Is a hack over here? Is a hack over there? I saw a hack in a bear in a snare! Come little hack, Have a little snack, And leave these poor quacks alone.
  5. tommy290

    AMD Vs Intel

    If AMD chips run hotter, then I definitely want Intel in my Fleshlight. Don't want a hot willy.
  6. tommy290

    AMD Vs Intel

    I chose Intel because kichi has an AMD.
  7. tommy290

    Entered Wrong Birthday

    If they're chocolate chip, you can give them to me.
  8. tommy290

    PLEASE REMOVE Dupe/Unli Foods/Unli Ammo

    I'm glad you made this suggestion. I'm not sure the devs would've thought to remove the bugs had you not mentioned it. Also, you may want to look into getting a new keyboard. It appears your caps lock key is broken.
  9. tommy290

    This is unbelievable....

    I'd say ask family/friends to find an electrician and have them check out the outlet. Could be a coincidence, but it certainly seems like something fishy is going on. If there's a problem with the outlet/wiring, it could lead to bigger problems than just a fried PSU.
  10. tommy290

    Trading Post

    Elektro. No one will expect it.
  11. tommy290

    Global banned WHY!

    I bet your little brother installed cheats. Little brothers always install cheats.
  12. tommy290

    Too difficult/frustrating in the beginning?

    A survival game that makes it easy to survive is not a survival game.
  13. tommy290

    Arma 3 DayZ?

    There is no DayZ mod for Arma 3. The closest thing would probably be Breaking Point.
  14. tommy290

    Buying a gaming PC!

    How many threads do you need to answer the same basic question: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196743-asus-gtx-770-or-gigabyte-gtx-770/#entry1980377 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196402-can-this-pc-run-dayz-and-record/#entry1977775 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196323-will-this-system-bottleneck/#entry1976985 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/195838-cant-find-graphics-card-please-help/#entry1972510 People have posted builds for you, given advice on all kinds of parts, etc. You've already stated the specific CPU you want, which will necessitate a specific mobo. You've also narrowed the brand of GPU, along with a total price range. It would take about 5 minutes on PC Part Picker to throw in what you know you want and work towards a budget. Honestly, you should do at least a little research on your own.
  15. tommy290

    These walls are really orange

  16. tommy290

    Recording gameplay

    I've been using OBS as it's free and it'll let you stream to Twitch as well. Two birds, one stone... If you're interested in OBS, here's a good place to start: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172857-obs-free-way-to-record-or-stream-in-dayz-in-20-steps/
  17. tommy290

    A Friendly Mode - No Zombies

    Finally someone is coming up with decent ideas around here. Love it!
  18. tommy290

    Hetstaines really dodgy screenshot tutorial for noobs

    Who knew you could do so much with Paint?
  19. This is the EXACT reason I don't wear underpants.
  20. Maybe one of you guys can help me with an issue I'm having with OBS. I'm trying to record Arma 3 in-game sounds, plus mic, plus Teamspeak. For whatever reason, it doesn't record Teamspeak. I can hear everything just fine when I'm playing, and it's recording the game sounds plus my mic sounds... I'm dumbfounded. When I try to search for solutions, it appears that I'm the only one having this problem as all the threads I see are people who don't want it recording Teamspeak and need to get the sounds separated into different channels. If anyone has an idea, let me know.
  21. tommy290

    the future of dayz

    No, it's more akin to asking which is better: Call of Duty or Battlefield or Arma. They're all completely different games that appeal to different playstyles. They may all technically be "shooters", but they're really subgenres under the shooter umbrella. Vanilla DayZ appeals to specific players as does Epoch. Doesn't mean Epoch is better, just that some people want what Epoch offers and others want what vanilla offers. This is patently not objective. It's 100% subjective. You may prefer the Epoch experience, but I know quite a few people who don't want something so easy.
  22. tommy290

    how can i play dayZ mod?

    Install Arma 2, then run it and exit. Install Operation Arrowhead, then run it and exit. That will get them both ready to go. Then install DayZ Commander and install the beta, DayZ mod, etc. From that point on you'll be fine just running DayZ mod through Commander.
  23. What you guys are forgetting is that it is only useless/non-essential to YOU and your playstyle. Part of what makes DayZ the game it is is the sandbox aspect. Having music and such might not fit your idea of how to play, but it could certainly increase immersion for other players. Does the game need a variety of food and drinks? No. One single source of food and one single source of drink is all that's needed. However, many people would find that unrealistic and want the variety, even though it serves no actual purpose other than immersion.
  24. What would be amazing is if they could allow stereos to be placed while playing music. Stick it somewhere on full blast to attract the zeds away. How cool would that be?
  25. tommy290

    New DayZ Devblog
