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Everything posted by tommy290

  1. tommy290

    Server abuse / Server melden

    This looks like a job for kichi.
  2. Be mindful of the double tap freelook, as it will keep you in that mode until you double tap again. Can be a bit confusing if you do it accidentally and suddenly you can't change direction. :)
  3. tommy290

    Should zombies be removed for now?

    Nope. It's early alpha. Lots of things don't work right or aren't fully implemented. That's the whole point of alpha. If that's not something you want to deal with, then just play something else until the game is further developed.
  4. I think most people see your point, they just don't agree with it. I certainly don't. I want every building to be enterable. It's more fun that way. I like exploring places, and I don't like going up to a door and not being able to open it. Kills the mood for me. I'm also a big fan of being able to have a huge variety of places I can go to get the loot I need. Now I'm not forced to hit up one of a small handful of big cities to get basic gear to survive. I can go almost anywhere and find things. With the higher number of enterable buildings, there's also the ability to expand the item list and still give people reasonable chances of finding things due to the increase in spawn points. Your argument is focused on player interaction, and I fully understand where you're coming from. However, I do not believe DayZ should be doing anything to force player interaction. That should not be a consideration in any design choices. DayZ should center around survival simulation. Any player interaction that occurs should be due solely to the players themselves causing it. Having interesting locations in-land is fine, but to lower the amount of enterable buildings simply so people won't spend so much time looting appears to be catering to a specific playstyle, and that's not what DayZ is all about. If you want more of a chance to run into people in-land, they should simply make the entire map open for fresh spawns. That would accomplish the same goal, but without reducing the quality of the game. All that being said, performance is a justifiable reason to not have as many enterable buildings. If they can't make it so you get great performance with all the enterable buildings, they should lower the number until high performance is possible.
  5. tommy290

    Centrally located servers?

    Here's the private shard I play on: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ I'm in Michigan and we've got lots of guys that play from Canada and west coast of US. No one has had any issues. I can't tell you where the server is physically located, but I can recommend it based on what you're trying to accomplish. As for figuring out the location of any particular server, I have no clue. :)
  6. tommy290

    I am cold, Shaking, can't aim etc..

    Building campfires indoors is dangerous. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy. ;)
  7. tommy290


    I've been searching for screwdrivers to open cans since I can never find an actual canopener. I could've been making my own little knife this whole time?! Now I feel silly.
  8. tommy290


    Do the heatpacks work? I've found them, but never when I was cold and wet so I've never actually tried using them.
  9. I see what you're saying, but I think it would make things overly cluttered for anyone but the newest of bambis. I already hate the status messages instead of a minimal HUD, and I would doubly hate it if they added explanations for each status. I also don't want tons of scroll options to access more info. Once I know how something works, I don't need to see instructions. However, I don't see why all this info couldn't be worked into some kind of tutorial system (either in game or out of game). Something that would be by itself, so it wouldn't impact anyone who didn't specifically want to see it. Perhaps an extension of the journal? Or better yet, make it something you have to find in game. A survival book, for example. Once you find it, it becomes part of your journal and you can see how to do various things. Overall, I like the idea of helping new users learn how to do things (without having to google for an answer), but I want to make sure that it doesn't make things messy visually once you get the hang of things.
  10. tommy290

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ

    I don't live long enough to do nice things. But I would if I could! People really should take more time to see what people are going to do before shooting them.
  11. tommy290

    Public service announcement

    I did just the graphic options from this guide and it seemed to work pretty well, although I haven't checked the actual FPS gain. Some of the stuff on there went too low for my liking, but it's a great place to start to see what kind of performance you get. Then just boost whatever you want until you have a good balance between what you like and what you need in terms of FPS. I haven't tried the Steam booting options or config tweaks. I should probably do that and see what happens. I might even be able to turn some graphic stuff up higher. :) @OP - if you did things that aren't listed in this guide, please post them. I'm sure lots of people would like to make any tweaks they can.
  12. tommy290

    Getting really bummed out after buying this game.

    If you need help with figuring out where you are and where to go: http://dayzdb.com/map Basically when you first spawn in, you'll be somewhere along the coast. All the towns have road signs, so until you learn to recognize them by landmarks, just look at the sign and then find it on the map (in game it'll only show the Russian version). Some people consider this map cheating in a sense, since it'll show you loots spawns and whatnot... But as a working adult with kids, I don't give a crap. I don't have time to wander around aimlessly. In my short time to play, I like to figure out where I'm at and figure out where I'm going. It's fun for me that way, so I don't pay much attention to the purists. As for losing gear, that's just part of the game. I get killed all the time. Just how it goes. It sucks if you lose it to a server glitch, but again, shit happens. Gotta keep a positive attitude and just try again! Hope you stick around. Once you get the hang of it, DayZ is a lot of fun. :)
  13. tommy290

    A wonderful experience.

    There's friendly people everywhere. :) Sometimes it just takes a bit to find the diamonds in the rough. Wish more people would take the time to at least do something interesting. You can kill me all you want, but at least make it entertaining.
  14. tommy290

    Forum Signature help?

    The GIMP site is always slow for me, but it's definitely the best free image editing program out there.
  15. tommy290

    Forum Signature help?

    Step 1: Download GIMP here Step 2: Follow the guide here Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit!!! The big key here is to not lose the aspect ratio when you scale. After you open the image and choose to scale it, the box will ask for the desired heights and/or width. There's also a little icon of a chain. Keep that chain connected to maintain the aspect ratio. Then just put in either the height or width you want, and it'll automatically set the other value to the correct number to maintain the aspect ratio.
  16. tommy290

    Team Speak

    I've used TS while playing all kinds of games, including DayZ (mod and SA). I've never had an issue with it. I've never used it on a phone/tablet, but I can't imagine it'd be any better than on a PC. As mentioned it doesn't use a lot of resources, so I'd say just put in on your PC.
  17. tommy290


    If you find a low population server you probably won't run into too many people. Or find a whitelisted server that doesn't have many KOS bandits.
  18. tommy290

    Anyone else playing as a hoarder currently?

    I'd love to hoard, but I never find any tents...
  19. tommy290

    influx of SA players to the mod

    If you don't want to play with more people, then get your own server or find another low-pop server to call home. Having a game grow in popularity is a good thing that should not be discouraged.
  20. tommy290

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    You got killed by the worst person to play DayZ? That's pretty bad.
  21. This is one of the most annoying things in SA. Those little messages are ridiculous. I'm all for immersion, but sometimes you have to make concessions because of the medium. Having a small, unintrusive HUD is the best method of giving character feedback.
  22. tommy290

    What's the most broken.

    Come on now, this is the Internet. Surely there will be a logical, fact-filled debate where everyone calmly expresses their opinions and respectfully acknowledges those who have a different opinion.
  23. tommy290

    Fuel Source Depletion And Alternative Fuel Sources (Server Uptime)

    https://greasecar.com/ Gotta love technology, eh? :)
  24. Go here: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/40710/
  25. It doesn't look like the expansions are on sale individually either, so just buy the complete collection to get everything, even if you've already got the base game.