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Red Pyr4mid

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About Red Pyr4mid

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Silent Hill, CA

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  1. Red Pyr4mid

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Just want to report that since they added the [+] icon the Revolver is always showing it also when the drum is empty. Great update btw
  2. Red Pyr4mid

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Posted yesterday here but my post is still highlighted in red and result as Hidden, why? Nothing breaking TOS, just reporting 2 EXP issues: 1) Revolver mistakenly shows (+) also when is empty 2) Just met infected still climbing fences with barbed wire at Green Mountain perimeter
  3. Red Pyr4mid

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Only want to share my personal experience on 1.16 EXP servers about these 2 issues: 1) Revolver mistakenly shows (+) also when is empty 2) Just met infected still climbing fences with barbed wire at Green Mountain perimeter
  4. Red Pyr4mid

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    They are infected, not zombies.
  5. Red Pyr4mid

    Exp Update 0.62.140062

    It looks promising, are you gonna update Stable branch if everything will be ok with this update?
  6. Red Pyr4mid

    Vilayer servers?

    Maybe related to actual DDOS attacks affecting Battleye, EA and SOE servers? I'm just guessing
  7. Red Pyr4mid

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Any ETA for Stable branch?
  8. Yes, joining experimental servers = dying of starvation.
  9. So we'll be able to hide both backpacks and tents for storing items?
  10. Red Pyr4mid

    Ammo Load/Empty 30Rn STANAG (coupled): Exploit?

    Not sure if we can call it exploit but need to be fixed soon or late, maybe changing stack limit to 60 rather then 30.
  11. Red Pyr4mid

    Health Menu

    Already upvoted your idea also on Reddit.
  12. Red Pyr4mid

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    According to what Rocket sad yesterday about DayZ Standalone on Reddit: Markers gone. Position gone. Little exploits allowing you to place next waypoint gone. GPS not in yet. Two compasses, orienteering and old brass one. Both fully animated. Will be probably adding PiP to help orientate them and use them but only basic functionality available for the alpha. Would be possible to remove any waypoint/marker from the mod? Actually I can't see any use of them except: Orienting obviously but the informations are so accurate that is like your character is following Google Maps on a smartphone (seriously we need to get lost sometimes, Chernarus in not a huge map after months of gameplay)Using waypoints instead of rangefinder for sniping purposes (unfair)Placing markers around the map to share crash sites/trolling at other players (unrealistic and not in line with survival atmosphere) At least we can have the chance to place a marker only by using GPS when we find it, it's a rare item and giving it a proper use will be a good item/tool balance IMHO.
  13. Red Pyr4mid

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Also the Krasno screenshot is outdated, it miss the plane wreck at the end of airstrip.
  14. Red Pyr4mid

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    All videos about 1.8.1 features are amazing, can't wait to test/play it. Think we also have more players after Arma II sales.