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5P4RK4 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

  1. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    If you decided to have a friend kill you due to infection, the server will restart before your equipment can be secured.
  2. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    So, I broke down and bought the game...question

    Would definitely recommend playing Vanilla DayZ in a standard server. If you want to avoid contact while you get acquainted with things, simply play on a server without many people online.
  3. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    What you guys think about the new update?

    I dont know why everyone is complaining about infection. It kills you really really slowly. You can survive indefinitely on food. Respect the zombies, look in more places than the main spawns. I've found a ton of loot in places I would never have bothered to even visit before. Its much much better this way. Protip: find a tent. Protip: hunt and eat game to stay alive while infected.
  4. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Love this patch, love these threads :)
  5. Don't spend a long time finding parts and repairing it, only to get distracted and start running over zombies on the runway. There could be bandits watching you from the hill. Thanks for the little bird and the cars full of parts :) :beans: .
  6. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    If you find a heli in the NE Airfield...

    It was dark out. all good. NVG's are a bitch eh?
  7. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Sniping and female characters

    GIRLS CANT WEAR CAMO DAFUQ? shiiiieet im on day 4 with my new female and not impressed to learn this.
  8. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Killing harmless players?

  9. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    this thread gets 5 stars
  10. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Im not going to be the good guy anymore

  11. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    window hacks > wall hacks. windows are imba
  12. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Why do you murder?

  13. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    What is the strategy?

    Spawn near Cherno or Elektro, hit Firetower, Church, Supermarket, Apartment Block, School, Hospital/tents in more or less that order, as quickly and quietly as possible. Get a gun, preferably a primary and secondary, a backpack, 2 foods, 1 water bottle + coke or at least 2 cokes, and some med supplies (2x morphine, 2x bandages, 2x painkillers, blood if you play with friends, 1x antibiotics are bonus) Then get the fuck out of dodge. Once you learn where the buildings are a lap through town should only take around 10 minutes. If you get lucky and dont get killed, you are set to head wherever you please. Even if it takes 3-4 tries to survive, its faster than finding all of this stuff in little towns, and the many enterable buildings in cities actually makes it a lot easier to lose Zed aggro when you don't have a gun, when compared to smaller towns.
  14. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    The Water Bottle?

    If there ever is a point where i have to use empty cans to collect rainwater in this game, i'll quit.
  15. L4D and Dead Island may be worth a rent.
  16. This. Posted by Zecknaal - Today 10:03 AM I could be mistaken, but I think this will be taken care of in the endgame. I'm sure I saw somewhere the servers that run the game need to have mySQL running because, while it is unused today, it will eventually save player information to the server itself. So, each server is it's own world. That's what I think I read at least... And probably that. Its almost a shame though, while I HATTTEEEE disco'ing to avoid death. Spawning where you log out is necessary for keeping a group together and I think adds a cool feel to the game. Starting on the coast / somewhere in the woods everytime would be extremely weird. Server hopping only happens in the best loot (read: most dangerous) areas. Spawning inside these areas is extremely dangerous already as you are physically in the game before you can move etc., so while you can't be killed they can easily line you up and blast as soon as you move. I don't EVER log in buildings anymore due to the number of times I have died doing this. It also adds to the danger of being in these areas as you have to constantly check corners and your back, even in areas you have already cleared, if this didn't exist it would be far too easy to just sit in a tower / barracks and chill. It should always be extremely sketchy, and server hopping makes this happen.
  17. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Yet another idea for 'Solving PVP'

  18. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    I paid $30 for this game

    you paid for arma bro sorry to say. play that
  19. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    Any Fun Firefights?

    Had a nice one yesterday... Had just woken up on the beach and done a lap through chern. My friends were up at Stary and my goal was to get kitted up somewhat and get to running. However the lack of food spawns put that on hold... In looking for some beans I came across a silenced mp5 and 2 mags, sweet I thought, I'll just get going now. Thats when the greed kicked in. On my way out of North Chern across the field, I see 4 players running east. I prone unseen, a few hundreds clicks from them. Creeping closer I ask if friendly, they look around a bit but I get no response. The hunt begins... I should have just left them but again... the greed. I track them unseen for a good 10 minutes. I watch them kill a survivor in chern, and then huddle down on the back of a building. From my vantage point above them on the hill I can see them derping around. It takes about 2 minutes, but I am able to find a moment when they all had their back to me. "pop". The one closest to me drops, headshot. They didn't even hear it, and couldn't see me in the grass. Panic sets in, the remaining 3 scatter, my murders go up by 1. Remaining absolutely stationary I just wait... one comes back to investigate. "pop" he falls, murder #2. Gunfire erupts from the remaining two, zeds rush the scene and they scatter. I see the third run deep into Chern. Having no idea what was going on or any clue to my position, I assumed the 4th joined him. I see zombies trailing but feel safe enough to loot. This was my mistake... Survivor #4 had been hiding behind a wall waiting for this moment. With zombies running everywhere I catch a slug to the leg, dropping down uselessly crippled. At this point I just start spraying. Hit him in the legs as well, he drops about 10 yards from me with at least 10 zombies mauling us with more on the way. We both switch to sidearms blasting away at each other and the horde. Needless to say we were both food at this point. 3-1 aint bad, got a bit greedy or I could have escaped with my life. The adrenaline of stalking groups that don't know your position is great, and watching the panic set in as 2 friends drop down dead without hearing a shot was worth the trip back to the beach.
  20. 5P4RK4 (DayZ)

    If you get seen by a Zombie, you are dead.

    Protip: throw a can and run in the opposite direction.
  21. No. Its too late at that point. You are likely dead if you are close enough / pointed right at them.
  22. If you are so under supplied that 1 food item and 1 water / can are a "serious hindrance"... i dont really know how to help you. food and water are everywhere. pick some up when you play.