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Everything posted by andro_dawton

  1. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Pls support my ticket by adding your thougs on the Feedback Tracker. Thx! https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154649
  2. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Whats the class name of tarp? edit: fabric
  3. andro_dawton

    The end of DayZ ?

    How do you know? When I read Sumrak last tweet, I thought it was about bad news. (Im not native english speaking) So is he talking about Namalsk or is he just talking about a blog post, which is postponed?
  4. andro_dawton

    Stable Update 1.09

    It was possible to build fences inside and on top of buildings. This was most common to build somewat "secure" bases on ALL Servers. Since 1.09.153407 there is a problem with the fence kit. This is not possible anymore. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153914 @ImpulZ @jakub_bohemia Was this intentional?
  5. andro_dawton

    Stable Update 1.09

    Is it possible again to basebuild inside buildings (fences near walls, fireplaces ...)?
  6. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    While debuging the bags and containers, I hope someone will look into the problem about the pouches, too (reload mags is not working and items got deleted while a pouch is filled with items and stored inside a container in the player inventory -> deleting all items inside the pouch while relogging). Just look in the Feedback Tracker, there are some tickets. 🙂
  7. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Is the inventory bug fixed in experimental? (When you hold something in your hand, but you are not in sync. So what the server is seeing in your hand is another item, messing up your interactions and inventory.)
  8. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Is this a public Mod? Is there any chance to get in touch with you to share this fix with another DayZ community?
  9. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.07

    Nice, some old old bugs about Base Building got fixed.
  10. @Parazight Sarcasm isnt the way to handle this. This is a quality post with great ideas and good design. Its a shame the devs dont reply. Full stop.
  11. andro_dawton

    Experimental Update 1.06

    its a known issue in the patch notes... but why they shipped it? surley christmas was a factor - bad decision I think same as not fixing cars. ist just a death trap to use them (since months...)
  12. @Greensek @Tom_48_97 For the next Update, please comment on this thread. @Asmondian made a very good job.
  13. @Asmondian Have you got any Feedback from the Devs about your great ideas?
  14. andro_dawton

    Addressing Current Game Issues

    If you need some inspiration how the community wants the base building to be done: And Bleeding is nearly fine. But you bleed out too fast. Just rebalance the ammount of blood per secound so that you have the chance to bandage after you wake up after beeing uncon.
  15. andro_dawton

    Status Report - July 2019

    The new Project Lead (whoever it is) and the new Community Manager just started with a shitstorm. Sad. But thats why the job is not easy. They have to learn from it and they will. Devs: Dont comment any further but start working and talk in your internal meetings about it. Get to the right conclusions (f.e. rebalance your own internal To-Do and inplement an "advanced medical" system with broken bones) Aim for 1.05 or 1.06. Make sure you make another Status Report and publish the decision based on the feedback and show everybody that you do listen to your fanbase - the community will be happy again. If not - why do you think the rating in the Steam store was positive in the past few weeks? Even if the game is good - this is worth nothing when the community is angry about the development. If the community is angry about the development the rating WILL DROP AGAIN. Just dont fuck with the community and work hard. Like Eugen and the other did. If the rating is good - sales are, too.
  16. andro_dawton

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    I my eyes 0.61 is not ready for stable. On my system I got a few client crahes. Desync, rubberbanding, sound problems are on a few exp servers too. I hope they can fix that for stable with conservative settings vor Z numbers and ai population at all ...
  17. andro_dawton

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    2 Client crashes in 60 minutes.
  18. Did the Devs posted an official changelog of the last Stable release?
  19. andro_dawton

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Why have they not post a official Changelog?
  20. andro_dawton


    New Dev Treollo sneak peak about ambient sound at night. I hated the "wind" (or what this awful loud noise was in the night) and this is an improvment. But a litte less frequent animals would be nice imho. Its sound like a big petting zoo with nice litte fluffy animals. DayZ is a horror game, I want bad animals like wolfes and bears so on. Thx! :)
  21. andro_dawton

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Hicks responded on reddit. Time to leave. This will end bad. To much interest from other people now. :)
  22. andro_dawton

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    he was on morphine we had in military tents i guess, he overdosed This was this strange soundfile his character made I never heard before? And he said ingame something (next to a fire) "I have 3 Heatpacks on". Now I know why. ;)
  23. andro_dawton

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    The guy passed out next to the fire in the car tent, your stuff is in one tent, the weapon in another.
  24. andro_dawton

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    There are some dudes running arround right now.