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About mlewis1969

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  • Location
    Mississippi, USA

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  • Bio
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one ;)
  1. mlewis1969

    Dayz Standalone Graphic Guide for better FPS

    Thank's for sharing Z4NN1N
  2. Will these tools work on a Wasteland server and if so, how?
  3. mlewis1969

    US 888

    would this be a script as well: 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:4 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:6 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:187 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:189 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:4 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:6 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:187 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:189 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:45:48: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #119 "e setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0]; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\MiniMap.sqf';" 31.08.2012 04:38:50: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #119 "qf" private ["_amm"]; _amm=_this select 4; _this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _amm >> "muzzleEffect"))" ???
  4. mlewis1969

    L85A2 AWS

    I have a range finder & gillie suit for L85A2 AWS
  5. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build

    you're an idiot for insulting me, slow down on the insults and "kill" the player and stop complaining about other people disconnecting when It's probably you're aim that let him get away. And I bet you're the one that's disconnecting to get away.
  6. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build

    My friends server was going down because he didn't have the support to sustain it (the server) and I wanted to relocate my tent to a new server which meant I had to log into one server and back into the other to transfer all of my gear and equipment from one tent to the other in another server. Does this mean I'll have a bad reputation just because I wanted to bring my gear to the new server (I did not use Alt+F4)? I think banning would be a little harsh and Is there any other option on the table other than "banning" players? Hell, just kill the ATL+F4 guys with "well placed shots" and there will be no more of it. I just don't understand why people are complaining about the disconnecting player that got away. I just think the care bears need to learn how to aim.
  7. mlewis1969

    High loot ship off the map

    that's a great idea Goon but only one? more like two or three of them...
  8. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I love it when people I'm clearly not referring to, who have nothing to do with it because, you know, they hadn't said anything regarding the topic of discussion, take the time, go out of their way even, to take offense and make non sequitur snide remarks. Yep, that's even better. NO COMMENT...
  9. mlewis1969

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    rocket: can we just keep our slot count, it's small enough as it is. and just use a new rifle butt-stroke and bayonet Malay animation? like the , just make butt-stroke animation, that way we can keep what we have instead of trading guns for malay weapons or loosing primary and secondary slots, please.
  10. I think it might not be a bad idea to have zombies gain interest in a spot instead of identifying a player's location when they hear someone. The zombie AI should be changed so that sound will attract zed, but only a direct LOS with a player will make them attack. I can see where you're going with this idea and I couldn't agree with you more. The zombies slowly migrating towards the sound source but not attacking the skillful survivor avoiding the zombies line of sight. Only thing is, this is not the "Bug Reporting" section (sorry I had to say it).
  11. mlewis1969

    Admins IRC/Groups

    mIRC info: irc.GameSurge.net, #DayZ