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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Stable Update 1.19

    In the words of the illustrious @rubberman, DayZ giveth and DayZ taketh away
  2. Baker.

    Battleye supporting Steamdeck/Proton

    I am beyond excited for the prospect, I was playing via virtual machine prior to Battleye putting the kibosh on it. Now I have to dual boot just to play Dayz, bums me out.
  3. Baker.

    Goodbye Old Friend (Update: not true)

  4. Baker.

    Fix the DUCKING cars!

    Nothing brings me more joy than returning to the forums after a stay away to find people so attached to the game that they burst at the seams with rage that its not perfect. May I suggest you play another game it makes you so upset?
  5. Baker.

    Cruelty in Dayz

    It pleases me that human nature has not changed
  6. Baker.

    Dwindling player base already

    Yeah, its a weird little expermient they got going here. They do pretty good considering the resources the team has though.
  7. Baker.

    Dwindling player base already

    It's as though DayZ creates the same emotions in players regardless of platform, I was wondering how it would take for the Xbox folks to start the 'ERMAGERD DAYZ IS DYING!!11!" threads. What a a wonderful little sociological event.
  8. Baker.

    Thrill is Gone

    They should really advertise the time travel capabilities of the Xbox One. Since DayZ has been released its like I'm in 2012
  9. Baker.

    It's Been 6 Years

    Everybody has had a chance to get out all their Salt. Soma body a locka dis toxic pile.
  10. Baker.

    It's Been 6 Years

    His voice is just as important as anyone else's. He has a right to say this. To say this is all fine and normal is just being a fanboy. I'm forgiving with the time frame and failure to deliver on promises because i know they are working hard and will get it done. But thats a personal reflection on events. Hes intitled to be bummed out.
  11. Baker.

    how to make zombies harder

    Its a work in progress.
  12. Baker.

    Server hopping

    Just randomize a players location with in 1.5km of where they logged out if relogging within X amount of time.
  13. Baker.

    PVE Server. Disable PVP Damage

    just whitelist your server, ban people who disobey the rules
  14. Baker.

    Any BEC geniuses out there that can help

  15. Baker.

    Any BEC geniuses out there that can help

    no Scheduler = Scheduler.xml is correct
  16. Baker.

    Any BEC geniuses out there that can help

    Redo in the following format. Your method has been depreciated. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Scheduler> <job id="N"> <day></day> <start></start> <runtime></runtime> <loop></loop> <cmd></cmd> </job> </Scheduler>
  17. Baker.

    Any BEC geniuses out there that can help

    Confirm your configs and xml's are in the correct location.
  18. Baker.

    Server Hopping, Spawn Delay Fix?

    would never work
  19. Baker.

    Dear Xbox Players

    Please take the time to make an avatar. It only takes a few seconds. I'd like a way to separate you all.
  20. Baker.

    Server Hopping, Spawn Delay Fix?

    No there is, but its not long enough to make any kind of a difference. Server hopping is the consiquence of having a hive system. It has its advantages and its disadvantages. I personally felt when switching servers more frequently than 1 hour you should be moved 1 km fromyour current positon.
  21. Baker.

    Server Hopping, Spawn Delay Fix?

    You'll get it right after the PC verson. I promise.
  22. The Arma 2 DayZ mod was incredible, I sacrificed my life my marrige and 5000 hours plus. I built a community of servers and had the number one server in the world at one point. I met people I still talk to daily and consider friends. Dayz Standalone has never lived up to this potential but it could, so i keep coming back waiting for the game they promised me. What you people are playing is 1/10th the potential these mechanics have. Edit: You havent lived until you and four other people spend a week getting a helicopter running...
  23. "FIX THE F&%*ING GAME!!!!!!!!" Haha, never gets old. Cheers OP
  24. Baker.

    Forum sub-sections for Console

    Fight the power