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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.


    Report it to battleye. this is the game forums not the anitcheat one
  2. Basebuilding has only been in DayZ mod this year. This is false. I dont even know how to counter something so baseless and incorrect. It is as though you told me the sky was red in the 80's Maybe, I miss having fun thats for sure. Have you heard me refer to these things as issue? If i need rose coloured glasses to remember fondly actually having fun playing dayz then i guess thats what im doing I had planned on rebutting all of your stuff but after two ridiculously baseless statements i just can't, people bought SA because it is sustainable? Im out.
  3. Baker.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    too early to tell....
  4. I was thinking this, but didn't want to make it look like i was flaming since i already spilled my guts. Glad someone else came in and did it for me.
  5. no comment. Edit: To hell with it imma comment. Its bad, I don't want it to be, and I don't want to admit it as it lends credence to the screaming children that make accounts here and call the devs homo's in all caps, but the game is terrible. People argue this and I'm glad they can find something to do, I'm glad they can have fun in absence of anything meaningful. The clock is ticking, we are approaching the original beta timeline and there is very little to show for it other than exemplary map work and some nice anti hacking features. If you fell in love with the mod, if you had what was once the time of your life risking your charachter to get a can of beans in some small town in the middle of nowhere, finding your first working car, spending hours even days with your friends trying to get a helicopter going, or even have a decent camp somewhere you will find none of this(or very little in the case of camps, horticulture is nice). There is an expanded inventory system, the hunger and thirst mechanics are more complicated and have added depth, but the majority of people don't care, I need to accept DayZ standalone is not being made for people who enjoy(ed) the mod, Standalone is the mods much prettier sister that once you get to know her you find she is devoid of any kind of real personality. Perhaps the game will succeed, once it is ready for consoles it will find a new audience that will marvel in its foreign ideas and its wonderful (unparalleled in scale) map. Promises are made, roadmaps are drawn and after years and years I find we are just lost. Now in defense of this, the army of Alpha will wage war against these comments, they will rage that I clicked "I understand" and maybe they are right, maybe I have no right to expect more that what I have been given. Maybe. I hope they explain further that alpha is for adding, and beta is for optimizing. I hope they point out what has been really accomplished outside of the network bubble, improved BE, and item degradation (and the beautiful map work). I can see the desire to be on a team, to defend the side in which you have invested so much. But to hell with it, the emperor has no clothes....
  6. Baker.

    Zombies do matter after all...

    I suggested this very thing a while ago. Beans
  7. Baker.

    How did you discover DayZ?

    Man i just cant see the point of veiws like "ermaggerd cars will ruin dayz!" and other silliness, this is the most fun gaming i have ever had.
  8. Baker.

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    And tell me this doesnt look like fun
  9. Baker.

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Heli's in the mod were a fucking chore to maintain, they weren't an easy thing to have, and they took forever to fill. You shat yourself when filling them one 20l jerry can at a time. And as far as invulnerable goes a few shots to the engine did this
  10. launching through steam with the correct version?
  11. Baker.

    How did you discover DayZ?

    The year is 2012, Baker has just wrapped Zombi U. Baker looks for another zombie game as Baker loves zombies. Baker see's warz on steam, Baker googles youtube reviews of warz. You tube says that warz is a horrible ripoff of DayZ, so Baker downloads DayZ (just the mod) from steam, Baker tries to launch DayZ, it wont launch (no arma of course). Baker gives up, Baker wraps fallout 3 again, Baker comes back to DayZ after meeting some dudes that play it. Baker then becomes all consumed with dayz, logs 1000's of hours playing it 14-16 hours a day. Baker gets divorced. Baker waits for the standalone, Baker buys it on launch day, Baker dies a little inside, Baker comes back to play every patch and dies a little more everytime. The End
  12. Baker.

    Zombies do matter after all...

    not sure what this has to do with my op
  13. Baker.

    Hotkey for Flashlights

    Who wants to play hockey with flashlights?
  14. Baker.

    pre .59 hype

    Oct 1, nothing :(
  15. Baker.

    Is DayZ mod still being updated?

    You bet it is https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225520-dayz-mod-187/
  16. Baker.

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    Brother, i hope someday they make the game you want. I dont think dayz will be it though. maybe some hardcore mod of dayz.
  17. I don't think i even like it here anymore. What a couple of pages of drivel.
  18. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    If "if's" and "buts" were candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas. See now we can agree on a few things :)
  19. Baker.

    Cant Find How to Play the Game D:

    you buy it on steam my friend
  20. Baker.

    Terrible Graphics and Game Crashes

    Are you overlocking? Running release or beta drivers? Have you actually turned up the graphics in the settings? is the extra power connector firmly attached to the grahpics card? what are your running temps whilst gaming?