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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Urban Ghillie Suit

  2. Baker.

    The Plans and Goals for 2015

    i agree with the fact that they are failing miserably at reaching their goals, but i don't think the "laughing all the way to the bank" part is accurate. I believe that they are truly working hard on it. It's just a shame that by the time its fun again no one will be left to care but the alpha screamers.
  3. As a life long "Zombie Buff" I find it reassuring when browsing the latest steam charts. If you don't pay attention to such things I'll have you know that peak players is at an all time low and average players is a couple hundred away from its all time low. I suspect that the numbers for October will be even worse. So why do I find this reassuring? Because in spite of frames/performance being at an all time high (at least in my opinion), loot being at its most balanced (at least in my opinion), along with all the other nice things that the dev's have thrown in there is one major thing lacking: the zombies. Nobody wants to play without them. I was always in fear of some last minute "switcharo" where they pull them out at the last minute because they cannot get it right and turn it into a glorified wasteland or something. But that will never happen, they are important, they have to be there and they have to be good lest the player base slowly erode. So in conclusion, its sucks they're gone but now everybody can appreciate how much they miss them.
  4. Baker.

    please help i wanna play again

    Use steam for dayz mod
  5. Baker.


    dont use geforce experience to optimize this game at this time. Do this: turn aa down to low, object detail to normal and TURN OFF POST PROCESSING.
  6. Hollar at me irish, ill hook you up.
  7. This^ is excellent advice. I will put it in my own words, maybe that will help as well. CPU: Intel core i5 or better, 4xxx series or better. For DayZ the AMD FX series is not a great option, while the average frame-rates are quite competitive you will most likely experience frequent and noticeable frame drops (this from a guy who has run both Intel and AMD to play DayZ on many different platforms). Other games like BF4 or anything heavily multi-threaded will love an FX chip (especially if you are streaming) but DayZ at the moment relies heavily on single core performance. Developers have stated their work with the renderer is intended to allow multi-scheduling, but that day is not today and on this day Intel smokes AMD in per core performance. Graphics Card: Nvidia: 660 series or better, so think 660, 660ti, 680, 750ti, 760, 770. 780. 950, 960, 970, 980 Get the best deal you can within this range. A GTX 780 or 970 being optimal. (But if you have the cash, grab a 980ti, nothing can touch it). Radeon: I would look at the R9 290, 290x, 390 and 390x. These cards smoke GTX 780's at half the price, the later "300" series trucking 8gb of ram for 4k gaming. Sli: This feature is overrated, even today it is wrought with bugs and micro-stuttering and games like DayZ don't really support it, you are better off to get the best single card you can afford. Color coded by performance Good, better, best, Super Mega Ultra Hard Drives: 250gb or greater SSD. Look up the read/writes as they vary greatly. Again, the best deal you can find with the fastest read/writes you can find. Use a large mechanical drive to store you movies and/or music along with any programs or files that slow read/write speeds will go unnoticed. Motherboards and Memory: The most important part of any motherboard is the chip-set ensure you grab a mid-range (I personally would never) to enthusiast chip-set based board. Otherwise no matter how great and powerful your other components are you will be forced to bottleneck them through substandard system buses, most modern boards will support at least 16GB of ram with is plenty for a gaming enthusiast. Unsure you configure it to run dual channel (think two sticks of the same size and speed). So if you want to start with 8gb and plan of upgrading again soon, then get one 8gb stick and buy a second 8gb later. But if you have decided to stick with 8gb get two 4gb sticks. Be wary, however, a lot of high end boards can be quite expensive, packaged with various bells and whistles seldom used by the average (even enthusiast user) look for a high end chip set paired with a modest (yet complete) set of features. You will pay out the nose for fancy colored PCB's and weird bios interfaces that do very little to enhance performance and stay hidden away inside your case. Power supplies: An often neglected but ultra/uber/super/extra/wicked important. You want (in my opinion) a Gold Certified power supply of 750w or greater (you do not "out of the gate" need this much wattage, but if you add another card or overclock you will be glad to have this extra juice, plus its better to over-power than under-power). Case: Another thing often neglected where it counts, you want and need good airflow, hard core gaming heats that bugger up and you need an effective way to exhaust that heat. Looks are all well and good, but a good case serves a specific function. Sound: Unless you are the most extreme of audiophiles what comes on the board will suffice. Optical drives: Suite to your taste. Monitor: Do not order these online before going into an actual store and comparing the image quality, this is what you will be spending 100% of your time looking at and a large portion of it is subjective to your taste, so take you time and choose wisely. You do not have to buy from there, but you do need to see which monitor looks best to you. Networking: Do everything in your power to hard-line your connection, LAN connections are full duplex which means it can transmit and receive data at the same time, WI-FI can only do one or the other at any given moment and in BIS games with so much information packeted this will reduce lag and give you a far more responsive experience. Keyboard and mouse: These again vary greatly by taste, but the important things to pay attention to are(in the case of mice), how they feel in your hand, do they have enough buttons for the game you wish to play and dpi. Keyboards, should be mechanical and have n-key rollover i like back lit keys but i don't think its a make or break feature. Extras: I am a huge fan of liquid coolers, even low budget ones that parallel air cooled solutions in their ability to dissipate heat. Liquid coolers run extremely quiet, and free up space inside your case for airflow. One can also liquid cool your GPU It all depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you wish to go. Ram has been proven time and time again in modern times to be insignificant in relation to gaming performance (think ddr3 1333 vs 1600 vs 1866 etc etc). Provided you run them dual channel (or quad channel depending on fancy a board and chip-set you have) there will be a difference of performance equal to the margin of error.
  8. Presenting the following model as an example Do we think with access to dozens of towns and cities a guy could craft/build something like this? As a boy I built nicer stuff than this out of found supplies so I don't see why a grown man/woman could not also. So If we agree please explain why. Similarly if we disagree please explain why you think you would not be able to pull it off.
  9. Baker.

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    it just needs to be as time consuming as it would be in real life
  10. Baker.

    What changed with DayZ?

    Have you tried the long dark? Its pretty fun and #canada
  11. Baker.

    What changed with DayZ?

    Hey buddy, not everybody here is an alpha screamer. DayZ is nothing worth playing at the moment. But in time (maybe a year or two) it might be. My point is if you enjoyed playing the mod, most of what you enjoyed is absent at this stage in development of the standalone. It is an early access in the purest sense, this is defiantly a low point. But someday, someday maybe my game will be good again. All you can do is wait.....
  12. Baker.

    Problem whit GPUS

    i would be surprised if this works.
  13. Baker.

    Problem whit GPUS

    You have the monitor plugged into the new card correct?
  14. Baker.

    Vehicles not spawning

    First ensure you ran all the sql's included in the server package, then this^
  15. Baker.

    Terrible Graphics and Game Crashes

    Even if it doesn't the benefits will be numerous and substantial
  16. Baker.

    Vehicles not spawning

    check your instance, and ensure you have the proper functions such as pmain scheduled to run at restart also are there any vehicles spawned in object_data?
  17. Baker.

    Terrible Graphics and Game Crashes

    quite a bit actually, limits the total addressable memory of your system to 3gb this includes vram. If you switch to a 64 bit i would wager your problems would evaporate
  18. Stuck in a house. https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support-stuck-characters-etc/ says go here https://feedback.dayz.com/my_view_page.php But signups are broken and anonymous logins are broken. Halp Plox
  19. I've always found this very personal, do what you feel son. its you that has to look at it YES^ and drastically is a relative term
  20. Baker.

    The game has no sound

    Maybe try messing with the audio sample quality?
  21. Baker.

    Just had a random character wipe

    Yep the hive is getting hammered. If you look under the recent chatter you can see dev blog updates, and atm they are all about the hive attacks
  22. Baker.

    DayZ on Potatoes

    Interesting food for thought, I just picked up a surface 3 (not pro) and wanted to see how well, if at all dayz would run on it. Surprizing to say the least.....
  23. Baker.

    DayZ, Arma3 and Macbook Pro

    Arma 3 does have a native linux client. Ive played it.
  24. Baker.

    DayZ, Arma3 and Macbook Pro

    You can attempt to emulate the windows api's via wine for osx but you will take a huge performance hit if you even get it to work. Bootcamp is a godsend, as honestly windows will give you the most bang for your buck in any gaming scenario, its the only reason i dont use linux as a primary os. If you have no interest in using windows as a platform just setup your windows bookcamp partition to boot straight into steam big picture mode. Think of it like "booting into game mode". Macs are wonderful, anyone who hates on a mac owner is no fan of technology. I love it in all its forms, linux, windows, beos, macos, freebsd. GOOD TIMES! anyways hope this helps.... Here is an article to help http://steamcommunity.com/groups/bigpicture/discussions/1/864958451556578063/
  25. Baker.


    Report it to battleye. this is the game forums not the anitcheat one