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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Bamboozling is present tense. I have been bamboozled, paste tense. SA is bad and it has no reason to be. Period. No one here is referencing anything to justify the delay in the product and the confusing development priorities (im looking at you throw-able items), other than what comes across as mere fanboism.
  2. They are lollygaggers. In no industry is it acceptable to take two months off in the middle of a project.
  3. it does seem as though it has become the "d" word around standalone circles. This thread has a very well articulated OP however
  4. If you are satisfied with the product (that you are not permitted to get a refund for because i tried) and the development cycle by all means continue to play and be entertained. IMO the game is bad, and is only now today where it should have been on early access. The project clearly lacks oversight.
  5. Honestly I hope my words (separate from these quoted words) are taken to heart, and the only way I feel they could do any damage was if they rang true to those who heard them. The game is a disaster. And clearly only sold so well due to the goodwill generated by the polish R4z0r put on the mod. We all expected better, because we had and have better. They had an engine, map and gameplay mechanics all devised. Aside from the wonderful work that has been done on enter-able buildings it begs the question. What in gods name have they been doing? It think we all know. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-15-only-dean-rocket-hall-would-take-a-two-month-sabbatical-to-climb-mount-everest http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/29zuuf/i_think_rocketcharacter_is_ruining_atmosphere_in/ EDIT- An one cannot propose that an abundance of revenue in any industry does not slow development.
  6. Baker.

    Dressing up for DayZ

    I knew it. lol
  7. Baker.

    Dressing up for DayZ

  8. Baker.

    Dressing up for DayZ

    This place is terrible you say one thing and people jump on you. Sorry buddy. I just want a working game, didnt mean to be rude :)
  9. Baker.

    Is this PC good?

    sorry "overclocking"
  10. Also I have an i7 4930k 32gb of ram, samsung evo ssd & a geforce gtx780 and it still lags a lot................
  11. Honestly if your motherboard supports it, the smartest and most cost effective thing to do would be fire an 8350 in that thing. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284&cm_re=8350-_-19-113-284-_-Product
  12. Son, Rocket doesn't care what you think. Hopefully Hicks does.
  13. Baker.

    Dressing up for DayZ

    This kind of stuff is polish, the kind of polish you put on after ZOMBIES AND CARS.
  14. Baker.

    Is this PC good?

    700 for a gtx770? should be fine lest you begin overlocking
  15. Baker.

    just wanted to say hi

    Hey mang, welcome to hell.
  16. Baker.

    A video of something strange, hacker?

    I blame it on your HACKsaw. Hue hue hue
  17. Baker.

    Should admins have more options at hand?

    Bis has never provided any kind of proper antihack, You are reliant on rewriting the hacks themselves into an antihack to do any real policing.
  18. Grindhouse Overpoch by -=BAKERLAND=- #1 (Chernarus 24 hour day) #2 (Napf staggered night cycle) (Chernarus Epoch) Teamspeak: nswr.teamspeak3.com "Bakerland Buddy" Android/BB10 App: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7iOqAf7Vq5cN2pyaEd5bVhQN0E/edit Bakerland Forums http://forum.bakerland.ca/ Twitter: @GrindhouseEpoch Features include: -Right click on Bloodbag to use -Right click on toolbox to spawn bike -Right Click on Rangefinders and binoculars to set view distance. -Right Click on Beer To PARTY! -Overwatch guns sorted properly in their respective trader categories, not just one overwatch trader. -Mixed Epoch and Overwatch Loot Table -Included Overwatch vehicles and guns into the mission system. -God Mode Basebuilding Neutral Zone In The Far North East For Those that want to be left alone. -Dedicated Box: Quad Core Xeon with HT 8 GB EEC DDR3 and 1000mbs uplink. -Added locations -Expanded Existing Locations -Take Skins -Toggle Snapping when placing walls, floors etc. -Animated Chopper Crashes -Gas stations are refuel(free), repair(Cost gold) and rearm(costs more gold) stations. -Custom starter loadout (Colt Anaconda w/ 4 clips, hatchet, map, compass,toolbox, bandage, patrol pack) -Reworked Debris to be centered around what would be logical points such as major intersections and gas stations.(all vanilla debris removed) -Corpses hidden and placed as though to appear trapped by Zombies. -Special safes at custom locations with prize loot and clues are posted in the forums. -Tow/Lift Scripts -Salvage Vehicles -Semi-built starter bases. -No Plot Pole, No Decay -24/7 Day -Trader City God Mode. -AI mission system, with 8 additional Custom Mission A short video of some of my map additions. Background: I have been a zombie fanatic for 24 years, I have made an effort to keep the things I've added in line with that passion. I looked at everything I've added and asked "does this make sense?". Rather than just put 8 barracks at Kamenka I made a concious effort to find suitable places for things. I run the latest and best antihacks, and am very active. In addition I have several other seasoned server admins. I care about how fun the game is, and want to do everything I can to make sure you have a good time.
  19. Baker.

    Grindhouse OVERPOCH Chenarus

    Upgraded all servers to the Steam Patch. God Help us all
  20. Baker.

    Is this PC good?

    Crossfire does nothing. Ran three way 7970's for a while ZERO improvment
  21. Baker.

    Is this PC good?

    This is a great little starter system. I have that same Graphics card in my secondary system and it plays dayz @ 1600x900 (1080 is a stretch)at over 30 fps on medium settings. If this is all you can afford at the moment its perfect. If you want to upgrade later you need only throw in a better power supply and card. However if you can afford a few extra $$$ i would upgrade the card to a r7 260x and a slightly better power supply. EDIT- i did these upgrades on the link listed and the card is an extra 12 pound and a 600w power supply is and extra 25 pound. Would make a great affordable system. This card is a monster