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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    i5 4960 hd 4400 graphics

    Thanks for sharing, I love these kinds of videos
  2. Because if i dont shoot you. You may shoot me and that can't happen
  3. Also there is a thread for this, just sayin :)
  4. Baker.

    Why are "Payday"-masks military loot?

    Gosh I hope so. Tacky little buggars
  5. Because they are children. Also its kinda the thing that would happen in the real apocalypse.
  6. Baker.

    Vybor spawns?

    I did a few times, was wonderful. Ran into vybor grabbed some clothes, went NWAF got a bunch of guns. Happy Dayz
  7. Baker.

    .49 Is not an improvement

    Most times if you think the rest of the world is wrong then...well.. you get the idea
  8. I see what you did there ;)
  9. Maybe but by your argument I wouldnt play the mod any more (which i do), and i would have a steady population on my vanilla dayz server (which i do).
  10. Because you feel a reply is stupid or off topic does not make it so. You obviously want a different game, one with elements of those two games I mentioned. Do not require any at this time
  11. Baker.

    .49 Is not an improvement

    Best spawn ever IMO. 3 minutes from NWAF
  12. I played 1600 hours with these elements before i ever played Epoch
  13. As do Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, but that doesn't mean DayZ should model itself after those games.
  14. I think its because Epoch is a different experience. Same way people scripted their servers into oblivion before the mods of mods. Regular DayZ offers a different experience than those mods, and from BI's standpoint it doesnt matter as their Arma 3/Arma 2 equivalents require the purchase of those products
  15. I don't think that's accurate mate. And since he made the game should he be allowed to decide what its "about"?
  16. Baker.

    .49 Is not an improvement

    i think you might be taking this thread too seriously. Relax man. The game isn't in 1.0 yet, they are working on it. No need to rage at that poor fella.
  17. Baker.

    .49 Is not an improvement

    Oh well maybe next build.
  18. I disagree. The zombies have defiantly gotten better with each patch.
  19. Baker.

    First Heli

    Was yours sorta buried? Mine was
  20. Baker.

    Cattle Prod

    I wish i had a cattle prod :(
  21. Baker.

    Out of memory? Memory leak need help.

    You got me then brother, could be faulty hardware. Or perhaps a static pagefile that is too small
  22. Baker.

    Out of memory? Memory leak need help.

    you running on stock timings and clocks?
  23. Baker.

    MASKA helmet?
