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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Which items are persistent?

    Testing as we speak, back pack is on the ground waiting for restart. Will report findings
  2. Baker.

    Which items are persistent?

    Why don't you educate us?
  3. Baker.

    Were am i!?!?!

    I know my way around that too :)
  4. Baker.

    Were am i!?!?!

    I'm ashamed to admit I have the map memorized. It was one of the things i liked about the SA. For the briefest of moments I could not know where I was. But it didn't take long to pick up those new areas :(
  5. Baker.

    Were am i!?!?!

  6. Honestly its not the fault of your build that you will have issues, its the fault of the game in its current state. It isn't all that optimized ATM and every body has issues in the cities or areas with a lot of added objects. This will change as development progresses. Hope that helps :)
  7. With no problems? No Really well? Yes
  8. Baker.

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Yep it will run, many settings on low some on medium.
  9. I have disabled side on my server and find it so much easier on the head. As an admin anyways. With no side channel players seem to just deal with things on their own.
  10. Baker.

    So...about your "development"

    I think they are working on it brother. it does seem as though the "things that matter" are taking a little longer, but bare in mind that perhaps the people working on towns and clothes etc are more prolific than the others. Also its not like those people are the ones working on cars and zombie ai anyways
  11. Baker.

    picnic location in the Norht

    I disagree but to each their own
  12. Baker.

    Sword in the Castle.

    I like it have some beans, also i always wanted those novelty katanas in game, they should have a very high chance of breaking though
  13. Yeah man epoch is shit for FPS. Go pop in a vanilla server and see if you have the same issue.
  14. Baker.

    Awesome job on the hunger there

    sleeping bags?
  15. Baker.

    Frustrated and confused

    This^ but filter for "baker" when looking for a server :)
  16. Baker.

    Cant get optimal game settings

    Hey brother just try this. Do not launch the game through Geforce Experience, launch through steam. Then just mess with your settings. The biggest frame rate killers are object detail, shadows and post processing(just turn this off) so try messing with those. Honestly at that resolution and your cpu you should be able to play with most settings to the wood. But most important is turn off post processing, it is a crime against humanity. Cheers
  17. Baker.

    picnic location in the Norht

    Again with the post processing lol
  18. This^. 50 was the magic number with the original Chernarus, Chernarus+ has enough space I feel for this exact number. If anyone played the mod they know that with 50 people on you were tripping over people on a regular basis.
  19. I locked one in a red brick house today and yelled "booga booga" over direct at it. It wasn't happy
  20. Baker.

    Installing DayZ Mod

    Right here, down in the mod section :)
  21. Baker.

    Installing DayZ Mod

    It wont look near as nice unless you do. That said I played without it for a year and a half. I nearly shat myself when i finally installed it :P
  22. Baker.

    Installing DayZ Mod

    Yes. And technically that's all you need, but baf is almost a must (gives your character the proper textures)