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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    New to the game!

    And he may show you his rope (i still have nightmares)
  2. Baker.

    New to the game!

    What does this mean?
  3. Baker.

    Decided on a PC but have one concern.

    I would argue its not a "big deal" per se but something that is very nice to have. Load times for the os, larger applications as well as games like arma with its huge pbo files will give you a noticeable benefit. In addition, I am a little but critical of this build. For some reason unknown to me OEM's are constantly producing these types of unbalanced machines. The GPU is a definite bottleneck here. One would be far better suited to apply the price differential between an i7 and an i5 towards a better video card. For $908.00 I have assembled a machine that will perform (in games) much better than that one. And for fun i threw together an 8 core AMD build for $768.00 that will also crush any modern game
  4. Baker.

    Problem with Scheduler

  5. Baker.

    Odd Errors

    I get the lighting thing as well, its just the way arma renders light. I am assuming you have your shadows on very high.
  6. What are your sepcs, perhaps we can troubleshoot it for you.
  7. This. Alienware stuff is nice, there are just other alternatives offering the same level of performance and design for less money.
  8. This^. Although I prefer MSI rigs myself. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152559 1250.00 and a perfectly capable machine 2 grande though? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152654
  9. Baker.

    Are we going to get dismemberment/gore?

    as far as I can tell its a fairly difficult thing to impliment.
  10. Baker.

    Okay, now I'm getting mad

    There once was a boy from Derwisicks Who always was bit by Arma physics He came with a frown After a million others fell down Like he was the first to behold it. I cannot blame you for complaining since you don't know any better. Max Planck is always telling me to write a limerick
  11. Baker.

    New Zombie Type + Killing a Torturer

    K, twist my arm. Installing Exp.
  12. Baker.

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Yes but on very low settings, hopefully you can crowbar a discrete card in at a later date.
  13. something similar to _damageditem = [_fulldamage, _middledamage, _lowdamage] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; er whatever Might work better if you called random on an array (like _damageditem = ["fulldamage", "middledamage", "lowdamage"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) but who knows, I'm just a coding noob
  14. How do you determine which item is hit?
  15. I would like to see the damage on items inside a ruined article randomized. Should be fairly easy to do in arma.
  16. Baker.

    Government/Private Laboratory Facility

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand beans
  17. They were never really in as far as i know, r4z0r49 had to physically ban them lest people just added them to their loot tables. as far i know.....
  18. Baker.

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    So the second one is 268 pounds which is 486 Canadian dollars. It seems to me you are tripping over quarters to save dimes. with essentially the same amount of money (272 pounds/494 canadian dollars) I found you all new hardware what will play DayZ quite nicely. Video of that card with an inferior cpu running DayZ
  19. I'm gonna run with no
  20. Baker.

    Why you should NOT post topics about hacking

    The irony is, as much as I agree with you, this thread will become like all the rest: A shitstorm of flame. inb4 lock
  21. Baker.

    Gets auto banned (Admins dont know why)

    Send me all yer cash!
  22. Baker.

    Which map?

    You're crazy I use my mind. I would imagine as the devs update and change the map both of them will vary in their accuracy. Might be best to keep both handy.