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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Any evidence to back this up? Will wait for your reply..
  2. Baker.

    Vybory spawn

    i love this spawn, so close to nwaf
  3. You are right, Video evidence of people playing the game at acceptable frame-rates with his same cpu is defiantly irrelevant. I've said and proven my case later skaters. ;) Lies i went no where
  4. you base this on what? show me some evidence like i have provided you all please
  5. Its not an opinion, i provided facts. As for real world examples.
  6. This thread is wrought with bad advice. Upgrade your cpu and you will be back here asking the same questions. Any Haswell i5 has more than enough jam to run this game.
  7. Your CPU is fine, do some research my friend. If anything I would up your graphics to a 770 class or higher. Ideally a 970 of you have the cash.
  8. What a foolish thing to say. Its a haswell i5. It is more than capable to run arma/dayz. It operates within a 1000 passmarks of the last gen 3570k on overall performance and under 190 passmarks on single threaded performance(which is what matters to dayz). What do you base your advice on? the fact that it doesnt have a "k" at the end? http://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=2119&cmp[]=1921&cmp[]=827
  9. And also that cpu is fine.
  10. Turn off pp and lower obejct detail and shadows. Tinker with aa as well but it's important to the look of the game to have aa on at some level.
  11. Baker.

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Tis a fine machine, up dat power supply son!
  12. Baker.

    M107 repost.

    If they exist a server owner can very easily make them spawn everywhere, they had to ban them in the mod lest this happen. There were other considerations as well like the distance they aggro'd zeds from, same as helis they tanked framerates in the mod
  13. Baker.

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    I know it happens just don't understand it.
  14. Baker.

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Beats me.
  15. Baker.

    Overpochins with SLOW Zed's!

    This is not DayZ mod. And this makes me want to challenge you to a boxing match. Sorry is that hurts your feelers, i mean no real offence. :) *hugs*
  16. Baker.

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Stahp banning people and they wont DDOS the service!!!!!! OMG just kidding. I never did understand the mind of the DDOS'r. Hacking without monetary gain is just so pointless (unless Sergey is culprit!).
  17. Baker.

    Respawns Include Selectable Background Story

    I personally like the unknown because then the sky is the limit as far as your imagination goes...you could be anything.
  18. Baker.

    Can't find vechicles?

    I've had good luck anywhere there are two white cattle barns
  19. Baker.


    You defiantly can.
  20. Baker.

    AMD Vs Intel

    True, I have a previous gen in my work laptop (A8-5545m) and it can run DayZ on low with medium textures. Was fairly impressed actually. I am in-visioning once the engine becomes multithreaded she may even get cranked up to medium!
  21. Baker.

    Different Ideas to Limit KOS

    Thats just the spoils my friend, we KOS to survive.I assume you are a threat as I cannot afford to risk finding out if you really are or not
  22. Baker.

    AMD Vs Intel

    they really need to amp up the gpus in those fuggars(APU's).
  23. Baker.

    So darn SICK of hackers!

    They have of ways of knowing when you make a second account to rage about stuff, just sayin....