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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    2560 x 1440

    Bis games more than any I've seen scale to the higher resolutions beautifully
  2. Baker.

    DayZ early access alpha?

    G'way b'y. Very well said.
  3. This format is no longer understood unless you are using an old verison the correct format is as follows : <?xml version="1.0"?> <Scheduler> <!-- this job will start after 10 minutes and run forever with a 1 hour and 30 minutes interval between the jobs --> <job id='0'> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <start>001000</start> <runtime>013000</runtime> <loop>-1</loop> <cmd>say -1 job:0 forever</cmd> </job>
  4. Yeah without job 4 the pig wont parse
  5. I think this applies to the mods of mods(overpoch, epoch etc) more than real DayZ mod. Honestly if you can survive long enough to pvp in the mod now-a-days then power to you
  6. Nope, 99% of that stuff is 2013's problem
  7. If you need any assistance getting this working feel free to contact me via pm here or @ www.mustygaming.com. I would be happy to help.
  8. Baker.

    Can't install dayz- "Red triangle"

    If you need any further assistance please pm me here or @ mustygaming.com I would be happy to help :)
  9. Baker.

    last version vanilla vid please ?

    Its really fun. They have made it hard as shit. If you need some help with what's changed etc. You can contact me. If you need some servers to try it out on you can check out this post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218884-musty-gaming-resurrects-the-public-hive/ Happy gaming.
  10. Baker.

    Hyperthermia and Hypothermia

    I fail to see how you agreeing with my major gripe warrants a "poor baby" lest you are merely attempting to troll the thread. Nor do I bother much with your interpretation of what is fun in a survival game/apocalypse simulation. In my opinion the implementation of the temperature system is not organic. The way it was done in the mod was sufficient with perhaps room for variables on speed of effect.
  11. Baker.

    Hyperthermia and Hypothermia

    I honestly find the temperature system annoying. It is a novel idea but in practice it add's very little and just floods my screen with status message spam. Hopefully upon release we will be able to toggle it in the init.sqf(presuming that file still exists).
  12. Baker.

    last version vanilla vid please ?

    What do you need the vid for? Just curious
  13. Baker.

    Texture Bugs And Mass FPS Drops

    large mechanical hard drive, that has been fragmented?
  14. Baker.

    Crossfire performance issues and suggestions

    xFIRE has never worked in bis games. I had to but three 7970's to figure that out
  15. Great resource for you http://dayzintel.com/
  16. Reads "Kill People" :P
  17. Maybe duck walk down NEAF whilst reciting the life cycle stages of the loggerhead sea turtle over direct?
  18. Baker.

    DayZ uses more CPU or GPU?

    You can most likley play with those on mostly high settings until you get into an area where there are a ton of objects like cities. But so do the rest of us. I have a 4930k 32 gb of ram and a gtx 780 and she is brought to her knees by novo
  19. Baker.

    DayZ uses more CPU or GPU?

    That would be a very capable machine, but to be clear no one is getting great frames atm. Its still WIP EDIT: it will play very well. Well for dayz is not the same as well for other games ATM. Its gonna get better though.
  20. Baker.

    DayZ uses more CPU or GPU?

    Very little of both, it refuses....
  21. Baker.

    Free Video editing software.

    Yeah Vegas is nice, especially if you are already accustomed to acid.