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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Map Boarders

    I support the natural barriers
  2. Baker.

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    A good game, released relatively soon, will shut everybody up. So let's just hope for that.
  3. Baker.

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    Somebody pin this somewhere!
  4. Baker.

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    I'm still here. My feedback is honest and genuine. Which parts do you disagree with?
  5. Baker.

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    Yeah its such a shame. What a beautiful game, stunning really. Yet not much has been done that the end user can appreciate (outside of visuals) in a very long time. But hey maybe there is logic in a lot of this. If the development team has been allowed to continue and be funded by bohemia perhaps they have certain engine based metrics by which they measure the teams success. Metrics that take precedent over community concerns. We all have people we report to and I'm sure Eugen is no different.
  6. Baker.

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    First I want to express how much I appreciate all your efforts and encorage you keep fighting the good fight, but..... What a double edged sword these reports are. We wait and twiddle our thumbs for the big news, we lust for the game we thought we were inches away from getting when we first purchased the early access. We "OMG there is going to be so much meat in this next report! I bet they are so close." Yet there is very little here to be practically exicted about. People leaving, mechanics I assumed were well into development just being now worked on again. How depressing. But oh Jesus the crying and screaming that would take place had they not released a status report. So here I am, just kinda bummed to find out we are farther behind than I thought we were. Heartbreak is probably too strong a word, but its on that spectrum. Now I know how it feels to be a fan of the Buffalo Bills.
  7. Baker.

    Game wont launch

    Is your winodws install 32 bit or 64 bit?
  8. Baker.

    Straw Poll about spawn points

    and cherno spawns, and balota spawns, and and and
  9. Baker.

    Let’s talk about the night-time, shall we?

    Lok does the lords work *hugs*
  10. Baker.

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    Lol. Nobody mess with biohaze. He's a pretty big wheel round these parts.
  11. Baker.

    Tarps and Poncho liners

    they would look great ;)
  12. Baker.

    adding strong safes

    The ever wise Rubberman once said "DayZ giveth, and DayZ taketh away" read those words my son...
  13. Baker.

    dayz development

    Dont worry buddy, the second i can add map objects to my own server there will be desolation everywhere.
  14. Baker.

    This map sucks!

    Said no one ever. Honestly, can anyone propose a more organic and fleshed out playable area in any game ever? The Witcher 3 comes close I feel but the amount of work and detail put into this map is astonishing. I spent a lot of time doing map additions to vanilla Chenarus for my mod servers and I cannot fathom the amount of dedication it took to get the map where it is today. Great job people.
  15. Baker.

    Status Report - 16 January 2018

    Have some beans
  16. Baker.

    Weekly Status Report

    Im just hoping for elaboration.
  17. Baker.

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    Lot of passion involved here. People who rage like this obviously care deeply about the game. No one is raging on the railroad tycoon page about shit like this.
  18. Baker.

    Exp Update 0.62.14463

    This is a silly thing to say.
  19. Baker.

    This map sucks!

    A great map and an Ok map, still doesn't take the GOAT. I would say skyrim is also up there.
  20. Baker.

    Alpha BIts - my journey through Alpha

    Liked and subbed. Keep up the good work!
  21. Baker.

    Anti Cheat Idear to fix this bug or minimize this

    I've seen less sneaky ways to spam a youtube channel I suppose.
  22. Baker.

    The Unforgiving World of DayZ (Trailer

    This is excellent, good job!