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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    possible admin abuse

    What did he look up exactly? It gives no positional data. There is no way for him to know its you. And how do you know the guy you were fighting was the admin? No offence dude but this is a lot of silliness.
  2. Baker.

    possible admin abuse

    how does he know who you are in order to kick you? Also inb4 lock
  3. Baker.

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    The game does run rather poorly but it looks great, H1Z1 runs great and looks like it's face was on fire and someone tired to put it out with a shovel
  4. Baker.

    Just like the old days

    I can already hear the incredible fits of eloquent profanity from my chair in Canada!
  5. Baker.

    Building a PC to play DayZ

    To play dayz any intel cpu haswell i5 or better. any nvidia card x60 series or better starting with gtx 660 8gb ram SSD Best experience you can have^^^^^^^ (will still run like shit though)
  6. Baker.

    Hanging people

    You guys should just agree to disagree
  7. Baker.

    Hanging people

    I think its a great idea, i would really enjoy hanging the jesus out of someone, but the creeper is right. Its a molehill waiting to be made into a mountain.
  8. Baker.

    DayZ Graphics became weird after Win 8.1 update

    Sounds like you are using the drivers that come with windows 8.1. Try downloading the latest ones from the amd/nvidia website
  9. Baker.

    Will DayZ Survive?

  10. We have 90% of this, its hard to do the day/night cycle thing since we have members from Australia to usa. But we have persistence off and 4 hour restarts. Check out our post :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/219430-musty-gaming-now-openly-recruiting-clans-members/?hl=%2Bmusty+%2Bgaming
  11. Baker.

    Black screen while game still running

    Dude this bug has been a BIS staple since arma 2, I have never heard a good explanation as to what causes it or any real fixes. Google "arma black screen" to see what i mean
  12. Baker.

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    Desktops yes, but pound for pound they are now competing with msi and asus in the gaming laptop segment
  13. Baker.

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    Actually very very recently Alienware (for their laptops at least) have dropped their prices big time.
  14. Baker.

    Will DayZ Survive?

    h1z1 is not a good game. people may play it, but lots of people play water polo as well.
  15. Baker.

    Will DayZ Survive?

    I see this argument a lot and it's wrong. The game is out there, people paid for it and are playing it. It was released in alpha, but it was released none the less. Its fair to talk about its life cycyle
  16. Baker.

    amd radeon 8875

    I am assuming he means a 8870
  17. Baker.

    amd radeon 8875

    Dayz and BIS games in general need cpu as much as GPU, what are you running for a cpu?
  18. Best place ever, just found and m4
  19. Yes the whole world should just speak English, would be so much easier. :|
  20. Baker.

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    cinematics were good, dat intro doe
  21. The mod all the way. Someday SA will take over....but that day is not today
  22. Baker.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Would love the ability to play with keyboard and mouse, or at the very least a special controller attachment... go Oilers!
  23. I'm sure the devs agree with you on most points. But as with most things its a wip
  24. Baker.

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    It will play but poorly, i suggest turning all options down to minimum and "off" if that's an option except texture detail (normal)
  25. Baker.

    How to improve your FPS?

    I have in many ways a better a computer than you but I too cannot currently achieve the frames you desire. This guide will help though