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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Things the SA needs to borrow from the Mod.

    Well said. I disagree, but its defiantly a worthwhile viewpoint. Honestly I would be happy if they just let the arma 2 mod run on the arma 3 engine, the only reason it doesn't is silly licensing issues. pwnoz0r ported it a while ago, then BIS shut him down, its the only reason I own arma 3
  2. Baker.

    Things the SA needs to borrow from the Mod.

    Answer to what? You people throw it at everything. And of course no one wants to hear it, its all you fanboys(different than fan) have to have to say. On Topic. Even though they have developed what used to be the northern forests, perhaps they could expand the physical size of the map to give us that back. There was a period when i lived in that forest.
  3. They are most likley the only ones who can help brother. Edit: Easy on the caps fella.
  4. Baker.

    Things the SA needs to borrow from the Mod.

    Every thread, every single one has one of you guys screaming "ALPHAR!!!! ITS IN ALPHAR!!!" We are all fans, thats why we are here. Doesn't mean we need to feel threatened at the first inkling of criticism.
  5. Baker.

    Things the SA needs to borrow from the Mod.

    Ill shorten this. Things the SA needs to borrow from the Mod. 1. Everything but the map work. *drops mic*
  6. Baker.

    Mac for dayz

    what are the specs on your mac?
  7. Baker.

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    I dont think that words means what you think it means
  8. Baker.

    Can't download the mod for Arma II

    What Gerry Said
  9. Baker.

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Its a cell tower. Looks like straight west of three valleys. If it isnt here then i suspect its way up north in the newer areas.
  10. Baker.

    Status Report - 09 Jun 2015

    What would you suggest I say here that could be taken seriously? Any attempt to convince you would just come off as petty keyboard warrior nonsense. But if you think people wouldn't in crazed hunger driven desperation kill to save themselves and their families, then you just plain wrong.
  11. Baker.

    To the Whiners...

    These posts are as bad as the "FIX THE F#$%ING GAME" posts. No need to rage in either direction just play or don't. Read the forums or don't.
  12. Baker.

    Stable 0.57 Full Showcase

    Great video.
  13. Just so you know running a 32bit system limits you to a grand total of 4gb of allocatable memory. This includes your Vram.
  14. Baker.

    Combat log, server hopping

    1. Terrible idea. 2. I would hope that one day there will be so many you cannot move without running into one anyways :) plus in the mod this is how the zombies spawned all the time so you could track and pinpoint player position based on zombie activity. 3.Terrible idea 4. See 1 and 3.
  15. Baker.

    How can 1PP be improved?

    Hmm not sure, I just tried it and it worked for me.
  16. Baker.

    How can 1PP be improved?

    Interesting read on the subject http://pyroteq.com/field-of-view-first-person-shooters/
  17. I like to see my character. I like to watch his story unfold. I don't like 3pp because its easier to bandit. I like watching him make fires, run, chop trees and craft things. And yes it is quite fun to fly 1st person. Well sweet baby jesus. There are 20 people on there.
  18. It is private. I have no interest in the public hive it ruins the game IMHO
  19. I don't find it all that challenging anymore. But its the most authentic Apocalypse simulation I've ever played. Its a wonderful "lord of the flies" sociological sandbox. The epochs and overpochs are fun too but more in a "lets have a few beers and blow stuff up with a tank" kind of way.
  20. Baker.

    No servers are showing up. Help!

    if you still have trouble after reading BB's post, pm me ill try to help
  21. I love these, even though I would rather articulate my own thoughts instead of just posting a prewritten definition of terms taught in a first year debate class but hey to each their own.
  22. I could post the same "bandwagon" meme over and over instead of saying anything, but you guys thought of it first. Bottom line is. No matter how much your side rattles the cage, 3rd person is more enjoyable to 99% of the player base. And the only reason the existence of 3rd person is an issue for any of you is because you have no one to play with. I personally bought and paid for a 1st person server because I was under the impression (based on all the 3pp rage posts is read) that it was a lack of servers that was the problem not a lack of players. I discovered first hand that while my 3rd person server went to the top 20 in the world, the 1pp server was a ghost town. I can appreciate its frustrating that no one wants to play the game you want to play, I live this is everyday playing vanilla dayz mod. But its not going to change. The OP is just a rehash of 1000 other identical ermagerd wallhacks!!-type posts.
  23. Um no. Vocal minority^^