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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    I can not put wood in to the fireplace

    Its probably bugged
  2. Baker.

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    It will happen, once there are wolves and bears and so on....
  3. Baker.

    worries about xbox one servers

    There was a time when we (the PC players) would say things like this and be instanlty banned.
  4. Baker.

    DAYZ MOD (Vanilla dayz doesnt work)

    Launch Arma 2 to main menu, exit Launch Arma 2 OA to main menu, exit Launch dayz mod from steam. Should work, its important after a fresh install to do it in that order
  5. Baker.

    Hey, um why u do dis?

    In all seriousness, will there be a toggle soon to turn off the shaky cam effect when running? It gives me motion sickness instantly and I can't play. Kinda hoping someone will just point me to the toggle I've missed.
  6. Baker.

    Hey, um why u do dis?

    Drunk AND fat. I forgot to mention I use an ultrawide which probably exaggerates the effect. I tried again yesterday and it wasnt as bad, but its still there. Would just be nice to turn it off. Makes me feel like im on a rollercoaster with my eyes closed. Its no so much headbob as it is like "shakycam". The've improved the FPP controller so much I may start playing that way. The old FPP controller was so bad
  7. Baker.

    Hey, um why u do dis?

    Headbob gives a lot of people motion sickness. Its why most people disable it.I can run in real life and not get motion sickness. May as well get rid of those graphics sliders too. Different resolutions are also unfair. Lock it down at 720p.
  8. Played for about 30 seconds, started to get motion sickness, got shot as a freshie on the coast. See you in another 6 months.
  9. Big shoutout to the team for continuing to work on this mod, its just fantastic. Standalone players should really give it a go. The Dayzero buildings are also fantastic. They seem to have developed them further from when i played it last.
  10. https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/648814842704892367/
  11. Baker.

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Keep up the good work folks.
  12. Baker.


    The dev's come on here and all they read is 100% pure vitriol from us sour players tapping our fingers waiting for the game. I propose we all jump in and say some positive things about the game. Thread rules: 1. Only Compliment the game, devs or the work they are doing. 2. See rule #1
  13. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    I was here before you and ill be here after. I disagree good day sir
  14. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    No man. I call you guys "alpha screamers". Anytime anyone said anything that wasn't bootlicking the devs or the development process or the game you guys would jump in screaming "ALPHAR!!!! ITS ALPHAR!!!!" OR verbatim "Alpha: Feature planning and building the tech which supports those features Beta: Refining those features into polished gameplay.!!!!!!" and 80% of the forums used to be criticism followed by alpha screaming. C+AS=DF Its why i left to be honest. There was some fair debate in the middle but for the most part is was just two different ends of the rage spectrum both equally stupid.
  15. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    Hot damn its been a while since I've seen an alpha screamer post. In the old days these were every second reply to criticism.
  16. Baker.


    The map is astoundingly gorgeous. The scale is just plain unparalleled. I marvel at it every time i play, I'll stop and just stare at shit in amazement.
  17. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    You forget the early access was to get in on the ground floor before all the copycats came out and saturated the market. "Quick cash in , then develop as planned", which mind you is far better than "quick cash in and bail"
  18. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    Buddha Simulator 2018
  19. Baker.

    Would steam issue me a refund?

    This game is 100% worth what you paid for it. I suspect you want a refund for lost hopes and dreams.
  20. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    The same boiling water that softens the carrot also hardens the egg. Work twice as hard, produce the game we have all been waiting for and show us all how wrong we are. Shove it right in our stupid faces.
  21. Baker.

    Status Report - 13 February 2018

    Been playing Miscreated lately. Its given me a bit of appreciation for the different development styles these two teams have. Dayz has added an extreme level of polish on some of the base mechanics and the world. Whereas Miscreated is adding functionality at a rapid pace with the promise of ironing out the bugs later. I cant decide which I like better. But its an interesting thing where DayZ shines Miscreated falls flat and vice versa.
  22. I propose a great way to add variety of objects without much work. Take some of the existing house models and reshade the siding textures. Would make each settlement much more unique. I realize these would need to be their own model but i propose the install size has lots of headroom in it. Such as in addition to
  23. Baker.

    Map Boarders
