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Everything posted by Baker.

  1. Baker.

    Keep an eye out

    Who is this imposter!
  2. Baker.

    Terrible Graphics and Game Crashes

    Any chance you are plugged into the onboard video?
  3. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Yeah, I get you're mad. It's black and white to you. But they aren't going to do all that, caps and exclamation points not withstanding, since BIS made the rules they are free to interpret and enforce as they decide. Is it illegal to go 5km over the speed limit? Yes. Will you get a ticket for it? Probably not. My question is (and was), why is it such a foreign concept that BIS decide to not dedicate a larger portion of their resources into shutting down existing revenue streams? I'm not saying its right or correct, or you are wrong, but you are clearly more enraged than they are.
  4. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Who deems what is acceptable? Why should they be threatening to sever a highly profitable business arrangement? Just questions, not judgments. Think of it from a business perspective, these relationships are a huge source of revenue for BI, revenue that continues to fund development of the project. It's not as cut and dry as one kid being butthurt because he was kicked from a clan server.
  5. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    You obviously do not look at anything you haven't personally posted on, since 70% of what i do here is give hardware advice. This statement in and of itself could be viewed as trolling. This is an example of how you view trolling as someone with a dissenting opinion from your own. You view those who disagree as "stupid" or.. ...having no sense of right and wrong. As if Mr. Grapruit Kush is the moral compass by which we all shall navigate. Again you referring to me as a troll holds an extra special irony considering that in the same breath referring to me as a troll you call the community "butt fuckers". Good day to you sir. I hope someday you will be able to accept that sometimes one may look at the same set of circumstances as you and form a different opinion.
  6. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Compelling argument sir. I'm on the fence now if whether or not this all just a big troll post. It certainly is shaping up that way.
  7. Baker.

    What powers do admins have?

    these are going to be the only servers worth playing on anyways
  8. Baker.

    What powers do admins have?

    You can see them hacking before the logs tell you. A real admin shouldn't be playing anyways he should be admining
  9. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    The vast majority of you look for something to whine about. Who cares if that terrible server kicks people, its a good metric to discover where the asshats are.
  10. Baker.

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Who cares, don't play on that shit server. When we are allowed to host our own servers none of this will matter anyways
  11. Baker.

    What powers do admins have?

    Lol^. Go run a popular server and get back to me.
  12. Baker.

    No zombies?

  13. Baker.

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    yes, bec http://ibattle.org/downloads/
  14. Baker.

    What powers do admins have?

    Spectation is the only admin tool one needs. Kill logs, spectation that's it, i wish they added it.
  15. Baker.

    Release singleplayer as soon as possible

    If you worked on the original "rise of the triad" then :beans: and anytime anyone someone disrespects you i will jump in and say "F you muthafers!!!! this dude worked on rise of the triad!!!!"
  16. Baker.

    What powers do admins have?

    This reads like. "someone tell me if the admin can find out about my hacks plox!"
  17. Baker.

    What is wrong with my DayZ?

    turn off aa, try that. i am assuming it only happens when it rains? mess around with shadows as well
  18. Baker.

    What are the chances?

    I had caboose187, that didnt end so well :(
  19. Baker.

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    try it, you dont need the hoster to use bec. setup bec on your own box, im sure it still repsects the admin commands, unless dayz has disabled bec connections all together
  20. Baker.

    Auto-Restart Not Possible?

    Public, private whatever. This is still all just a test. Forcing uptime allows them to test the code man.
  21. Baker.

    First PC build.

    This is what i get when i try to help, sass.
  22. Don't think he can go wrong but just building an all around solid machine. No need to wait
  23. This^ but I'll rephrase. Haswell i5/AMD FX6350 or better, Nvidia 770/Radeon r9 270 or better, at least one ssd, 8-16gb ram, quality power supply. bam!