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Everything posted by dafix

  1. Sorry, but your system is just too weak.
  2. I saw a dude with an automatic mosin teleporting around Berenzino.
  3. dafix

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    You know, they should give you the rights to release updates for the mod, because you are the only one who still cares and Rocket doesn't care anyway, he is busy with SA. With this pace 1.8.1 will come out 2016 with 10 players still playing the mod.
  4. dafix

    Can only play at one server

    Yes, you should have Epoch checked. I have had this happen before. Only dayz you should have enabled in that list should be Epoch. Now can you enable it and disable the other(s)? Sometimes it does not let you, for some reason. If it doesnt work, here is a small tutorial: http://i.imgur.com/KsFCyCF.png Hope you are able to understand that. There are actually pleanty on armaholic forums to how this works.
  5. dafix

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Sweeet. Apparently clients are not receiving updates from server. The same problem is that you are unenable to interact with doors and loot.
  6. dafix

    DayZ Commander and 6updater won't work :(

    I got nothing, so I am just gonna give a little *bump*
  7. dafix

    DayZ Commander and 6updater won't work :(

    Do you have .NET Framework 4.0 installed? If not, install it, otherwise reinstall it. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851 Also I think this: http://www.dayzcommander.com/Faq might help you.
  8. Well you can change the FOV slider to zoom in(guessing you don't play with default settings).
  9. dafix

    The CZ 550

    M14, definetly that one. Add the long range scope for it, and voila, DMR :) They should probably nerf it though. Also the M1911 handgun and the AK-s. I think they should also add Thompson Submachine gun and STG 44 not from the mod but it feels like they belong there.
  10. dafix

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Remember drama with shosho on Rust? Frankie is a part of that group.
  11. dafix

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Oh, most definetly, saying that there are a lot of hero's on DayZ is nonsense, as it is 80% KoS out there. Anyway, I hate frankie. @OP: You probably haven't encountered frankie "off camera".
  12. dafix

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    +100 times this^^
  13. Yes, relog timer is excellent in case of server hopping/switching, but when your game crashes and you join back into the same server, there is no need for that. Only thing what it does, is making people more frustrated.
  14. Oh man... I really hoped this would be real, then it would atleast be a little bit like a survival game.
  15. I'll belive it when I see it ingame.
  16. So, umn... is the update gonna happen or not? Nvm, saw the dev post. Do you mean Bor?
  17. After the latest maintenance my game has started to crash constantly and when it does, I cannot go back into the same server, otherwise it crashes again almost instantly. And it is not only me, my buddies, who I play with, have the same problem. We start crashing randomly and usually end up switching servers. I know this is pre-alpha(or pre-pre-pre-aplha, whatever you wanna call it), but this is too strange even for that. Well I was wondering if the latest maintenance had anything to do with it, or is it just the servers?(We all have different computer setups, so you can't blame it on that) Also I hope this is in the right section.
  18. Oh I forgot to add this aswell. All those crashes have happened around or in Elektro. Most of them near the west Firestation.
  19. Well, tehnically as the title says. I was wondering if switching from 3rd pov regular server to a hardcore(1st pov) one deletes my current character? I know they are on different hives and I found couple of comments people mentioning something about this, but nothing certain about this build. If there is a sticky about this, could someone link it to me?
  20. dafix

    Character wipes still happening?

    Yea the wipes are still happening. Had the same problem last night, as my game crashed and after logging back into server my character was deleted. And no, I was not killed and there were no zombies around me(I know because I had my mates around me).
  21. dafix

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    They'll never come back in. There is a reason why they were removed from DayZ. Some other DayZ mods still have 50cals in, for example Overwatch.
  22. dafix

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Played it some more, it is just horrible. Every single zombie can hit you to the ground, and if you get up, you get knocked down again, which makes it really hard to search for stuff(inb4 this is a survival game and it is ment to be hard). Someone mentioned they reverted zombie hearing back to which accordingly to a lot of people was broken as zombie can see/hear you 100m crouch walking. Infection rate is a bit too high, first hit by a zombie after spawning in got me infected. It is ridiculous. What if you could balance zombies out with loot? Earlier today I had struggle even finding a hatchet, well, I never found one. I searched the entire Solnichy factory area and barns behind it. Most of the loot spots were empty. Only things you can find are tin cans, which seems to have a spawnrate of 60%. (Note: This is my rant and opinion about 1.7.7, changelog seemed to be promising, but...^)
  23. dafix

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I think these are called infected camps.
  24. dafix

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Have you incresed the range of which zombies spawn in? Afaik it used to be 200, but yesterday when playing random zombies spawned 300m away. What do you mean under these tricks?