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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. I see we're back at this argument, Again.. 

    My name is Preacher, And I kill people. I have a problem. I kill them, Take their shoes, and leave them in a pile in the street. When someone walks up to view my piece of art, I shoot them. Take their shoes, and add them to the art work.

    I also cut off their hands and eat them. My stomach has the rumblies, that only human hands can satisfy.

    In all honesty though, Most the people who play DayZ played the mod, or watched videos before playing. Meaning they go into a the game with an impression; " People are going to kill me " I don't know how many times I've heard the " If you're not on a VoIP program, Don't trust them " .. Some of my fondest memories of DayZ are with people I've never met before. Let's use this as an example; I met a guy named Bill in elektro supermarket. I could have off'd him, He'd never had known, Instead we spoke for about 5 minutes, and I learned he was new, Being an upstanding chump, I took him to stary. Not long after, I got eaten. As I died I told him to take all my stuff, I'm not coming back, it was nice to meet him, and good luck in his adventures.

    Sounds honky dory, Right? Wrong. 4 months later, I was playing on a server.. It happened to be named " Bills' Server ".. I didn't put 2 and 2 together because well, statistic probability dictated that It wasn't him. However, after around an hour, I see a message pop in side chat. " Preacher, Is that you? " After 20 minutes or so of chatting, It turned out to be him after all.. Long story short, His friends didn't like me, Started a fight, We won, His friend who was a badmin on his server banned us all ( All being the group I played with at the time )

    What I'm getting at is, It doesn't really matter how shit plays out. One day friends, Next day at war. <3


  2. Honestly.. The what, 5% that would use this as intended.. Vs the 95% who would kick the people who just brained their buddy or them..

    Around 25% of the people I've killed in DayZ have either called me a hacker, or rushed back calling me a hacker.. Chance are some of them have been badmins trying to grab my pulse/get me to type to kick me.

    It's a great theory, however, When who can and can't have a server is unregulated, it makes it a terrible idea, that'd literally destroy the game.

    Also, Most servers with 20+ players, generally has a glitcher/hacker/duper group in all the hotspots..

  3. Segregate people then.

    Pretty sure we've tried this before.. 

    See people, This is why we have to take history classes at school. 

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    • Like 5

  4. I've missed you G000gle.. Please don't leave us again, Fabio looked for you, For so very long, He's no longer mad about the ghillie suit.

    Edit. How do none of you know this man? He is a god. He uses the binoculars to watch the people, like a fbi.

    • Like 3

  5. Ask yourself this. If it was the apocalypse and ammunition is VERY limited, would you fire from the hip, or aim down sight?

    Dependant on the situation.... 

    If I was being held up, and knew I couldn't shoulder my rifle, you can bet your ass I'm going to hipfire. Even if I don't hit anything, still makes them scatter..

    • Like 1

  6. I don't think they can save this gun. 




    160 MOA

    15 round mags


    To be fair, It's kinda designed to be the big bad sidearm.. Indoors, and within 50m, It seems like it'll be dominant.. I'll be giving it a decent run over my FNX, just because firerate.. And I have more kills with my FNX than most other guns combined, Because, Indoors.. >.<
