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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. So, I've had an issue since windows 10 of having washed out appearance in most games, As of today, I've started using RGB Toggler, Which is basically a colour correction program.

    Now, My question is Are these allowed? And if not, will BE block it when I launch DayZ? ( Because it doesn't )
    I know things like SweetFX have allegedly gotten people banned and this is Kind of similar in a way..

    Just curious is all. 

  2. So, when I play DayZ, it's like my gamma is really high and the game looks washed out af.

    But if I take screenshots, They look normal, deep vibrant colours. It happens as soon as I launch, on the main menu, loading screens etc. Only started since windows 10 was installed... 

    Update, playing in windowed mode does not cause this...

  3. Lol nobody has done this old trick since the mod , and with lootsplosions I would say it's not a trick , also what is he going to do , wait on that same server for days just waiting for some random forum member to trot by ? Lol ....


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  4. Generally speaking, I found the larger servers were less likely to have stuff like this happen.

    The smaller ones seemed to be the admin wanting to play " By them self " and get butthurt whenever you raided their stash..

    But as razor said, Bad apples in the bunch.

  5. It's highly unlikely.  The devs are reluctant to add unarmed transport helicopters (though they will) much less an attack heli.  And if they were they would most likely add something along the lines of a Hind or Havoc due to the setting.  In the final game we'll be lucky to find Automatic weapons, much less keep them.

    What do you need an attack heli for in the zombie apoc anyway?  Spending days to scrounge up fuel for an hour's worth of joy.  Where you gonna find replacement Hellfires and 30mm for that thing anyway?  Not many NATO bases in Chenarus.  Now you're just flying around in a gas guzzling bunker with nothing meaningful to do but waste precious resources.  Give me a nice tower or 2nd floor of a barricading building, a .22, a silencer, and a weeks worth of food and water, and I'll be more efficient at killing zombies than you.

    But you can't blow the fuck out of everything with a .22... You can't put tank size holes in house with a can of food...
