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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. The pistols are quiet under powered at the moment, I can deal with the medium - Low damage, But the accuracy is what drive me crazy. They are at least a little better than they were in the mod though, The spread is unrealistic as shit... The shotgun also need a little buff, at 25 m or so the spread is atrocious. 

  2. 2. sometimes games have to make sacrifices in terms if realism for the sake of gameplay.

    This is basically how I see it, If all the M4 parts were only for style, now one would bother finding them. If you want to look at it from an " Immersion " Stand point, The magpul stock is more comfortable than a CQB or OCB stock. 


    • Like 1

  3. Learn to read the map (ingame or out of game) and you can estimate the distance correctly to within 0-50 meters.


    My longest shot is 2100 meters on Arma 3 on a stationary target with the 50 cal and AP ammunition because the regular ammunition doesn't go that far for some odd reason no matter how high you aim or set your zeroing to. 

    Maxes out at 1600 or 1800, Can't remember which, Just despawns. I used some API on a house from a weapon/realism pack awhile back, That was good fun.

  4. OP, how did you approximate your distance to target? I haven't spent much time with the long range scope but haven't see any "range finding" devices yet in game.

    Average human male takes a 2.5 foot stride, which is give or take 78cm.

    Also, My longest shot in the mod was 1310m, But was with an AS-50 on a stationary target on a modded to hell and back private hive which had nameplates, aka Inbuilt range finders.

    I did however witness a 1150m shot on a moving target, However I didn't fire the shot.


  5. -snip-

    They look menacing as hell. Anyone comes near me wearing one, I'll be drawing.


    000000.gif combined-arms protective kit (UGC)  


    The kit includes UGC: cape, cloak cover holders cloak (2 pcs.) Pegs (19 pcs.) Tie (4 pcs.), A set of protective stocking (1 pair) with pegs (6 pcs.) And two braids gloves summer BL-1M and winter BZ-1M


    Styling cloak in case it is necessary: ​​to spread a cover on a flat surface of the outer side up, holders cloak pass through the slits in the cover strap; floors and back slozht longitudinal folds so. to cloak the width dimensions do not exceed 30 cm; put the cloak from the bottom, accordion (with a width of 15-20 cm folds) to cover and unscrew the hood cloak, wrap the sides of the cover, roll cloak with a cover and fasten the strap cover.


    PCD is used in positions "stowed" (pictured), "ready" and "battle." In the "stowed" position under the action of the personnel on foot cloak transferred to cover behind. protective gloves and stockings - in a case to your belt. Cloak behind in the "stowed" position over the fixed gear with the provision of mutual assistance. To do this, each of the holders to pass a cloak through frame cover, without fixing them in the holders. In webbing formed by another soldier thread the hands so that the scope of the cover were cast down, skip to disclose braid cover over the left shoulder, and bind it to the left or to the holder cloak shoulder strap equipment. Wear gas mask bag so. the shoulder strap to the bag was placed over the cloak holders













    Combined Arms Protective Kit (PCD) - in conjunction with filtering SIZK designed to protect the skin of personnel from RH, RP, BA, as well as decreasing the incidence of uniforms, equipment, footwear and personal arms. Early equipped UGC increases the level of protection of the skin from SIYAV, ognesmes'yu and open flame, and also diminishes the destructive effects of thermal factors on underneath it accoutrements. UGC is the remedy periodic wear. When infecting OB, BA, RP UGC are specially treated and used repeatedly. raincoat and stockings are the markings on the lower part of the coat from the inside and the top part of the stocking tops on the front side, the first line - code of the enterprise, the room revenue (figures), the brand material; second row - the month and the last two digits of the year of manufacture, growth. Markings on the glove applied to leather: First line - code of the manufacturer; second row - symbol (BL-1M or BZ-1M) and the size of gloves; Third line - the month and the last two digits of the year of manufacture. cloaks Selection spend growth vonnosluzhaschego: first growth - growth for the serviceman to 166 cm, the second - from 166 to 172 cm, the third from 172 to 178 cm, the fourth - from 178 to 184 cm and above. Stocking Selection performed by shoe size: the first increase - for shoes (boots, shoes) to 40-gauge; second growth - for size 42; third growth - for the 43rd size and more. For winter shoes (boots, boots) stockings pick one size larger than the summer.

    There's the instructions in English for anyone who doesn't have a translating browser.

    • Like 3

  6. Well, I should have worded it better I suppose. What I mean is if you aim straight but the bullet goes 5 inches to the left, I'd have reason to believe that it's more of an issue with the internals of the gun it's self, rather than something like the buttstock I'd guess.

    Realistically, Yeah. Harder to get that point across in a video game though.

  7. added video

    Keep trying, See if you can make it to the shore, If you can, It'll fix itself, If not, Try customising your character, That can help.

    And if all that fails, As I said before, Let yourself drown, Then alt tab on the you are dead screen for an hour or so, Then see if the respawn button appears.

  8. Have you tried changing your character in the customization screen, Some people have said that helps, If not, just keep trying to move back towards the shore. And if all else fails, wait on the You are dead screen until your starve to death.

    Good luck.
