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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. My ideas for fixes?


    1. Make all games limited-time-only: Games only last for 90 minutes to 24 hours. This allows for a lot of individual exploration and customization while allowing newer players to join sessions that haven't been running for long enough for the current players to have looted all the buildings.


    2. Host official servers. This is a very expensive option that will definitely get more expensive as time goes on. Will need to be supported by microtransactions.


    3. Official servers that are limited-time-only, allowing for private servers to be "unlimited" in scope, while providing new players a means of gearing up before either A. Joining the unlimited-time private servers, or B. Having their earnings funneled into items for private "limited-time" servers' aesthetic items.


    4. Official servers (period). This would make it much more accessible to those who are not already a part of established gaming communities (or those who do not wish to be a part of them, for whatever reason)

    1. Respawning loot is coming.

    2. There are official servers? Or at least there was.. Not sure if they're around still.

    3. What? You want official and private hives linked?

    4. Check 2.


  2. So, After going experimental, I had a nosey poke around in the PBO's as I always have.. Found the AKM and P1, To be expected, However I found an AS-50 Thermal file.. Please. God. No..

    I also found the MP5K.. Most probably the mentioned SMG from Tumblr.

    From Tumblr
    " The first SMG in DayZ game will soon be ready and I hope you all will like it "


  3. I'd thought about this, However I couldn't think of a way to make them effective, The only solution I could think of would be a decent direct hit would cause the victim to lose consciousness. Otherwise they'd be kind of useless.

  4. fmj is explosive ammo or was it armour piercing 


    The ammunition that we're using at the moment is most probably FMJ considering it's military, And well, The .45 ammo is called .45_FMJ when you split it. 

    Dat explosive ammo in a 1911.

  5. Look, either way, whether this was released to cash in on Xmas sales or due to high demand, both situations mean that early release was a good idea.

    1. More money for funding development

    2. People who wanted it to be released can play it (people who dont can wait)

    Seriously, this is stating the obvious. So really I dont think that people should complain, otherwise, as said, wait till final release like you would have had to.

    It sucks I can only give you one tin of beans.. Other wise I'd give you every god damn bean in the world.

    Logic was here.

    • Like 3

  6. Beautiful, I'll never forget a night on Namalsk where Hetstaine and I picked up a guy in our Ural told him to arm himself because we were going to war.  Moments later we found another bloak running up the road pick him up and our newly added comrade starts screaming at him in the back of the Ural were going to war! grab a f**king rifle from the truck!  We got in a blow out firefight at the hospital and they died like men. One of the best times I have ever had.

    The picture on the dirt hill was taken 20 seconds before all out war, We had a few guys coming up the coast fully geared, We lost deputy moggy to Starvation, We forgot to teach him how to eat.. R.I.P MOGGY!

  7. If you were approached by a group of 3 - 4 people, They say " If you take this gun, you're a deputy " and offer a gun, on the condition that you followed them, What would you do?

    We did this to see how many people we could get running as one large group, We had around 12 when the desync kicked in and got pretty crazy, And then we sat down to play a game of duck duck goose, and got sniped by at least 3 different shooters.. Shouldn't have went to solnichy. :(

    • Like 4

  8. Yeah this happened to me few times as well.

    One or two dudes even finished logging off, because at first I did not realise, this is exactly how logging off looks like (I thought you just sit and thats it).


    From now on, if folks do that, I will shoot them as well.

    There's also the tell tale looking around, The AI stares at any nearby players, and if there are multiple, it derps out and flicks between all of you.

  9. What the hell is even the problem when people make a few grammar or spelling mistakes, honestly...Sure that post of his was utter bullcrap but I don't get people bitching on others because of their English grammar or spelling. We aren't in school here, nobody needs to correct anyone on their English language...First of all not everyone is native English speaker, secondly, not everyone has the same mental or intellectual abilities wether as to he or she can write each sentence perfectly (e.g. dyslexia). And third, everyone makes a bloody mistake now and then now don't we?

    Oh, and it makes you look like a dweep :P


    Yeah, But when someone walks into a room, and takes a swing at you, You have to swing back. ;)


    • Like 3

  10. let me guess, you shot him in the face because your 12 ?


    Maybe they shot him because he logged out in their face. That's not nice. People have shot me for much less, like existing...

    More or less what Eleventh said. If he'd stayed and finished the conversation, He would have walked away just fine, However, He attempted to bitch out, without realising the consequences to his actions.

    Also, As Eleventh pointed out, It looks a whole lot better when you use proper grammar and spelling when insulting someone. Otherwise you just look, well.. 12.


    • Like 1

  11. 2i0cc5u.jpg
    So, The story goes, Me and a few mates were derping around Berezino, Not doing anything specific. And some guy runs up to us, we say hello and offer him some food, He says no thanks, and asks what we are doing, We tell him we're looting. He says okay cool, And logs off.. Well, Tries to. He sat down, And started doing the log out dance, prone, sitting, prone, sitting. So, I shot him in the face. Upon looting him, I realised he mustn't have played since they implemented the log out timer.

    The sudden realisation I'm talking about is the 12 gauge slugs he had.. I got excited and tried to load them into my mates Izh 12, No luck. Tried my Sawn off, No dice.

    Either way, I thought I'd show the spoils of war. The holder of a No longer spawning item.

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