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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. Alright. I was under the impression Steam limited access to regions that own games that can't be sold to them. Sorry, nevermind.

    The only one I've seen them do it to, Was L4D2, But that was before we Had R18. They may have then..

    They sold us a " Low Violence Version " Bullets did no cosmetic damage and bodies despawned before they hit the floor. They sold us this at full price. I didn't buy it.. For obvious reasons..

    • Like 1

  2. Doesn't Steam have to deny access? Like, it's still in your library, but as long as you're signed in/online (required for DayZ) you can't launch?

    State of decay caught some flack, for Drugs and gore, But I own it and it functions perfectly(uncensored), even though it can't be sold by retail stores AFAIK. It was banned mostly for drugs, Though, The rating refusal said something along the lines of " Glorifies Drug Use "...

    Even when games get banned a lot of Ma and Pa game shops import EU copies..

    • Like 1

  3. No.


    Would ban from sale in countries like Australia. Australian DayZ players would lose access without refunds.

    Debatable, They're slightly more lenient now that we have an R18 rating, However if the introduce positive effects from drugs, we're screwed.

    Also, It's not illegal to own a banned game, It's just illegal to sell it to us. :p

  4. The new patch on experimental is interesting to say the least, for me the guaranteed messaging has almost entirely eliminated desync/banding and has made it possible for me to switch weapons and vault much more smoothly. My friends however, report no such improvement.


    Edit: Was experimental updated today or something? Posts after mine make it sound really bad.

    .45 released like and hour and a bit ago. Rubberband fest. Luckily, from the looks of it, .44 goes live on stable after maintenance tonight :D

  5.  Malicious Anger? 

    I hate you and everything you stand for. <3 Kidding.

    Seriously though, I think something along these lines has been suggested before.

    I just hope once cooking is released, it's beneficial to actually make a real " Meal " instead of just eating cans.

  6. Well, it's not realistic (in my opinion) to have the recoil just ascend endlessly. When I fire a weapon, the weapon naturally resets (to a degree, it might not be exactly on-target, but it usually isn't far off) after recoiling. The muzzle doesn't just hover angled up, one's muscles and natural position reset the firearm.


    I have no idea if that's how it behaves, but I never thought the way the recoil behaves in DayZ to be overly ridiculous (save for the Mosin, which should kick like a mule).

    The way it is on stable just feels scripted, at least to me. There seems to be a bit of variation in the recoil on Exp, though. It's nice not having the exact same thing every time, It almost feels as if the firearm is moving.

    I mean, I could be wrong, I've never fired a fully automatic weapon, But I have done my fair share of shooting.

    • Like 2

  7. and you got out? I was there too, had a friend of mine kill me! got back my loot though. I'd help ya but I'm at NWAF :(


    best of luck, maybe someone can kill ya. waiting to starve can take forever

    Yeah, Because shouldeirng a primary weapon extends your characters colision box, I was basically able to " Row " myself out. Just kept looking left and right, crouching and going prone.
