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Posts posted by preacherlr

  1. ^^^

    Don't listen to the "turn off hacks," those are just people getting free posts, begging for beans.

    I mean, There is always the possibility of it being hacks, But GH#140 is being reported as RAMdisk, Which basically just creates a virtual HDD to install the game on..

    • Like 1

  2. Please, post a link to this.


    We are all waiting for them to come up.


    Experimental servers are ALL down for a couple of dayz now

    2. @Hicks_206 brian whens the experimentals back up ?


  3. Yea op a sad fact, with all the younglings on siblings' accounts i have noticed lately.  But when private hives and RP servers are up, this will not be an issue..that's for sure....

    How will Private Hives stop shit head? I can understand MAYBE on RP servers with whitelist/report features, But yeah..

  4. Then why can I not actually stab zombies and or freshspawns in the face with it? 

    It makes me sad, it's already complete, but it's being withheld? Like, why? :/

    Not sure, I can't even think of a reason, But there would have to be, Probably something small that would violate the entire game/engine... Or, It could have just been forgotten.

    I hope we see it soon though, And I hope it's not underpowered like 1 handed weapons VS players..


    I haven't come across any fireplaces in game yet, but I was under the impression that they were added...


    Are they in game yet? And how do you make them if they are?


    AFAIK, No.

    If I had to bet on it, I'd say next patch or with hunting.

  6. Used to one shot zombies with almost any axe, now takes 5-10 direct shots to kill. Any other melee weapon takes twice as many strikes to kill. Did something change with the patch?

    They're bugged, It's in the patch log as part of the known issues. It'll be fixed next patch, until then your best bet is to use one handed weapons, they're easier to land headshots with.

  7. Guessing you drowned yourself with broken legs?

    Try waiting until it says " You are dead " Then change your characters default setup.

    If that doesn't work, You're going to have to sit on the You are dead screen until you actually starve to death.

    Best of luck.

  8. I was just on a server for three hours with the wife. We ran from NEAF to NWAF to SWAF. We switched servers after three hours and were met with a 320 seconds timer.



    Fairly sure it's also based on the speed that you change servers. Even if you're on a server for 3 hours, then change servers after only being out of the previous one for like, 40-60 seconds, you get a decent sized timer.

  9. This but was the Berezhino apartments. Made sure I was far from any door with back in the corner too. Offered plenty of room to see even a de-sync'er. But nope, no de-sync'er, two fireaxe hits later, quickly before I could move, I was dead. Then came the obnoxious screaming over VOIP from the hacker, making me glad I wasn't wearing headphones at the time...

    They sound like a great upstanding human being.

    I had a kind-of hack/glitch encounter, not sure what the infinite ammo is classed as.. Was walking into berez from svet, got to the back of the police station, Heard non-stop M4 gunfire for 2 minutes straight. Turned around and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me.
